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Full text of "Two Coventry Corpus Christi plays: 1. The shearmen and taylor's pageant, re-edited fron the edition of Thomas Sharp, 1825; and 2. The weaver's pageant, re-edited from the manuscript of Robert Croo, 1534; with a plan of Coventry, and appendixes containing the chief records of the Coventry plays"

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««tni Sferiei. lxxxvii. 



The appearance of this volume has been delayed first by the 
addition of appendixes not at first contemplated, but on second 
thought considered advisable owing to the peculiar value which has 
been given Sharp's Dissertation by the destruction of most of his 
sources in the burning of the Free Reference Library at Birmingham 
in 1879; then* again by finding, when the work was almost com- 
pleted, the manuscript of the Weavers' pageant in the possession of 
its owners the Clothiers and Broad Weavers' Company of Coventry. 
In issuing this book I wish to thank Prof. John Matthews Manly, 
to whom I have dedicated the volume without meaning to involve 
him in any share of its faults, for invaluable instruction when I 
was beginning the study of these plays, and for his kind permission 
to print from his text of the Shearmen and Taylors' pageant. 
I have also to thank Prof. T. W, Hunt and others of my teachers 
and colleagues at Princeton for kindnesses more or less closely 
connected with this work. Acknowledgments are due in particular 
to Miss M. Dormer Harris, who has been good enough to help 
me with the Coventry manuscripts; Mr. Beard, formerly Town 
Clerk of Coventry; Mr. Seymour, secretary of the Clothiers and 
Broad Weavers' Company, and Mr. Brown, at the Free Public 
Library, have been extremely kind, as has been of course, beautifully 
and inevitably, Dr. FumivalL 



Introduction ... 

Thb Shearmen and Taylors' Pageant 

The Weavers* Pageant ^ 

Appendix I. Extracts from Coventry Leet Book 

Appendix II. Eecords of the Pageants from Sharp's 


Appendix III. Pageants on Special Occasions ... 

Appendix IV. Fragments of another Version of the 
Weavers* Pageant 

vjtLOSSARY ... ... ... ... ... ... 

Index of Names and Matters 










Thomab Sharp's firat jiublication of nisitter relating to the 
Coventry pageants was in 1817. The thin volume of 28 + 
14 pages, lai^a octavo, of which only 12 copies were issued, haa 
the following title-page : T!ie Pageant of the Sheremen and I'aylora, 
in Coventry, as performed by them on the fedival of Corpus Chi'i»H; 
.together with other pageants, exhibited on oceasion of several royal 
visits to that city; and two specimens of ancient loeal poetry. 
Coventry — printed by W. Reader, 1817. The text of the pageant 
differs but little from that of the better known edition of 1835, 
■which was evidently printed from the same transcript. All variations 
except iu the spelling of insignificant words have been noted in tlie 
text of the pageant in the present volume. The remainder of Sharp's 
book is taken from the Leel Book^ and is contained in Appendix III., 
except the two pieces of doggerel which relate to Laurence Saunders, 

In 1826 Sharp published his well-known Dissertation on the 
Pageants or Dramatic Mysleries, Anciently performed at Coventry, 
by the Trading Companies of that City. His book shoAa that he had 
before him at that time, besides the Leet Book and the manuscript of 
the Shearmen and Taylors' pageant, the accounts of the cappers, 
dyers, sraiths, and of Trinity and Corpus Christi Guilds, and other 
leas important manuscripts. Sharp's method was the selection of 
interesting illustrative details and his object a general presentation 
of the subject of pageants and " dramatic mysteries." He drew 
for comparison upon almost everything available which concerned 
English or continental religious drama, though his chief attention 
was to "the vehicle, characters, and dresses of the Actors." 
Ho published here a second edition of tlie Shearmen and Taylors' 
pageant, and added also sections relating to Hox Tuesday Play, the 
3 exhibited on the occasion of royal visits to Coventry, the 
' Coventry Corp. MS. A 3. 


processions on Corpus Christi day and Midsummer's and St. Peter's 
eves, and on minstrels and waits. The matters which relate to the 
Corpus Christi play are made up for the most part of citations from 
the account books to which Sharp had access. They have been 
reprinted in Appendix II. of this volume. Sharp's arrangement 
has been followed and his own words quoted freely wherever he 
seems to possess information not directly derivable from entries 

In 1836 Sharp edited for the Abbotsford Club The Presentation 
in the Temple^ a Pageant^ as origindUy represented by the Corporation 
of Weavers in Coventry, The manuscript of this Weavers' pageant 
had, he tells us, been unexpectedly discovered in 1832. To it he 
prefixed a prefatory notice based upon entries in an apparently 
newly-discovered book of accounts of the Weavers' Company. He 
follows the same plan as in the Dissertation, and he had gained 
further information about the location and ownership of pageant- 
houses which he also includes in the preface. His comments here 
are also of little value, but all actual information has been included 
in Appendix IF. 

The Coventry manuscripts which Sharp used for the Dissertation 
passed into the Staunton Collection at Longbridge House. There 
Halliwell-Phillips in his Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare made 
a few additional excerpts from them, which I have also copied into 
Appendix II. Later the manuscripts came into the Free Eeference 
Library at Birmingham, where in 1879 they were destroyed by fire. 
The last Library catalogue issued before the fire, 1875-7, shows a full 
list of Manuscfripts relating to Coventry ; this includes, besides those 
mentioned above, a good many valuable documents, transcripts, and 
collections, but not the Weavers' pageant or account-book. It seems 
to have been taken for granted by students of English miracle plays 
that the manuscript of the Weavers' pageant was in this collection ; 
but Halliwell-Phillips nowhere shows that he knew even of the 
existence of a Weavers' pageant and makes no mention of the weavers* 
account-book. William Reader's manuscript history of the Guilds 
of Coventry, now at the Free Public Library in that city, and other 
documents there, enabled me to find out that the Weavers' Company 
still exists under the name of the Clothiers and Broad Weavers* 
Company. The Manuscript was accordingly found in possession of 
Mr. A. Seymour, the secretary of this company. ^ It is a codex on 
^ The MS. is to be placed among the Corporation MSS. in St. Mary's Hall. 


parchment in octavo, consisting of 17 folios, one missing, written by 
Kobert Croo in 1534. It is in fair condition, with ancient binding, 
boards and leather; the names of the speakers, stage-directions 
(which in this play are of great interest), ornamental connecting 
lines between verses, are in red ink. Along with this Manuscript 
were two loose leaves in what seems to be a sixteenth-century hand, 
contemporary with Croo's writing, on paper, torn, illegible in places, 
but certainly fragments of a purer and presumably an earlier version 
than Croo*s. The account-book used by Sharp (though there was 
one there from 1636 to 1735, and others later, and a book of rules 
from 31 H. VI.) was not to be discovered. The fire at Birmingham 
has made Sharp's books more valuable than they could ever have 
been had the manuscripts remained ; it has therefore seemed worth 
while, owing to the extent and importance of the information 
contained in them, to collect in the appendixes of this volume all 
matter relating to the Coventry Corpus Christi play. 

Besides Sharp's two editions of the Shearmen and Taylors' 
pageant, there is one in William Marriott's Collection of English 
Miracle-Plays or Mysteries (Basel, 1838); this is an exact reprint 
of Sharp's text. The pageant is also included in the first volume 
of Prof. John Matthews Manly's Specimens of the Pre-Shakspearian 
Drama (Boston, 1897), where a great deal has been done to rectify 
the text and metre. Prof. Manly's edition has been the basis of 
the text in this volume, though it has been carefully compared with 
the editions of Thomas Sharp. The Weavers' pageant has been 
published only once since the Abbotsford Club edition ; that is, in 
Anglia, Bd. XIII. N.F., pp. 209-50, under the editorship of Prof. 
F. Holthauseu.^ Prof. Holthausen's edition attempts to rectify the 
text and metre of the pageant without the aid of the manuscript, 
at the time of publication not re-discovered. 


The number of Coventry crafts which supported pageants was 
smaller than at most places, and combination of crafts and union of 
pageants seem to have characterized the movement. The following 
act of the Coventry leet was passed in 1446 to determine the order 
in which the trading companies should ride in the procession on the 
morning of Corpus Christi day ; and it shows the whole number of 
companies taken into account to have been 17 : " Pur le ridyng on 

^ See also Beiblatt zur Anglian Bd. XIY., p. 65 ff, 


Corpus xpi day and for watche on midsomer even : The furst craft, 
fysshers and cokes ; baxters and milners ; bochers ; whittawers and 
glovers ; pynners, tylers, and wrights ; skynners ; barkers ; corvysers ; 
smythes; wevers; wirdrawers; cardemakers, sadelers, peyntburs, 
and masons ; gnrdelers ; tay lours, walkers, and shennan ; deysters ; 
drapers; mercers.'' — Leet Book, f. 122. This was doubtless for the 
most part an order of precedence already long followed ; it is repeated 
in 1447 in this form : Et quod le ruydyng infesto Corporis Ghristi 
fiat prout ex antiquo tempore conserverint. The fullers were made a 
separate craft in 1447,^ and there were doubtless other changes ; but 
the number was never very large.* An order of leet passed in 1449 
enumerating the companies {Leet Book, 143 a. ff.) shows a slightly 
different list : mercers, drapers, dyers, girdlers, tailors and shearmen, 
walkers, wiredrawers, corvisers, smiths, fishmongers, whittawers, 
butchers, sadlers, cardmakers, masons, skinners, pinners and tilers, 
bakers, barbers, wrights, barkers, cooks. Of course a company 
usually included several minor crafts whose occupation was more or 
less closely connected. The full list of the smiths' fellowship was 
smiths, goldsmiths, pewterers, cutlers, and wiredrawers. Something 
of the size and nature of the Jd!ercers' Company can be told from 
the following memorandum at the end of their book of accounts 
beginning in 1578, quoted by Keader* with the date 1566 : "For as 
much as heretofore every one of the company sold generally com- 
m6dities belonging to the mystery of mercers, linen-drapers, haber- 
dashers, grocers, and salters, the charge of which was such that few 
or none could furnish the trade ; in consequence whereof the company 
is of late greatly decayed. It is enacted that the company shall be 
divided into five parts, viz. : — Mercers, 1. ; linen-drapers, 2. ; haber- 
dashers, and all kinds of small silk wares, 3. ; grocers and salters, 
4. ; all kinds of hats and caps and trimming thereunto, 5." 

The cardmakers, sadlers, and ironmongers, and painters (after 
1436), and masons (after 1443) were one company; so also whit- 
tawers, glovers, fellmongers, and parchment makers. 

Of the companies enumerated above, only ten can be shown to 

^ May 3, 1447. It is also enacted that the walkers of this citie shall hens- 
furthe be a felishipp of themselfs, and have Hbertie to electe and choose maisters 
of their company for the good order of the same and mayntenyng of true 
clothyng. — Leet Booky f. 400. 

2 W. G. Fretton, Mem. of Fullers* Ouildy Transactions Birm. and Midi. 
Inst. 1877, gives it as twenty-three. 

* History of the Guilds, one of the valuable and little known MSS. by Wm. 
Reader at the Free Public Library, Coventry. 


have supported p^eanta ; tlie others were contributory to companies 
HO charged, or in a few cases were able to evade the duty altogether, 
or for long periods at a time. In the list quoted above from the 
Leet Book, t. 122, the fialiers and cocks here contributory to tlie 
smiths' pageant; the baxaters and milnere, to the smiths'; 

butchers, to the wliittawers' ; 
& pageant; so did the 
contributed to the 
, pageant, to which the i 
p^eant, as did the i 


^H IB] 

wliittawera and glovers supported 
tylers and wrights ; the skinners 
the barkers supported a 
:a contributed ; the smiths had a 
the wiredrawers contributed to the 
smiths ; the cardmakers, sadlers, painters, and masons had a pageant; 
as did the girdlers; and the tailors, walkers and shearmeu; the 
diapers ; and the mercora. The dyers seem always to have evaded 
the duty of supporting a pageant in spite of several acta of leet ^ 
designed to make all crafts contribute equally. Only ten pageants 
are mentioned in the Leet Book or any other record, and these ten 
are mentioned repeatedly.^ Another piece of evidence to ahow that 
the pogeante were ten in numher ia found in the fact that, upon the 
reception of Queen Margaret in 1456,^ ten pageants are mentioned. 
JSow in the Leet Book, ' pageant ' means the vehicle oa which the 
plays were acted; and ten vehicles were used. Nine were needed 
for the Nine Worthies, and one was left over, and stood within the 
gate at the east end of Bablake Church. 

It seems then certain that there wore ten Coventry pageants. 
There were also ten original wards in the city ; ' namely, Gosford 
Street, Jordan Well, Much Park Street, Eayley Lane, Earl Street, 
Broad Gate, Smithford Strbet, Spon Street, Cross Cheaping, and 
hop Street, A good many stations wliere the play's were acted 
mentioned in the records, and these stations seem all to be in 
different wards; so it seems probable that the ten pageants were 
■wont to be acted at ten stations, one station in each of the ten 
■wards. Gosford Street was the first ward in point of precedence. 

The act printfld on pagos 7S and 78 meotions the dyara, skinneis, fiah' 
mongers, csppera, corviseis, unil batchers na not bearing their due share of the 
ehsrgee of maintainiDg the pageiiuts. 

' Most of the pageant' houses, too, can be located. Reader places the whtt- 
tawera' pageaut-hotiao in Hill Street, and the mercers' nud drapers' in Gosford 
Street. The weavers had a pageant- house :d Mill Lane, la did the shearmen 
and taylors (see p. 108) aad tbe csppers (p. DB). ' 

' See Appendix III. 
Thie WB3 sametimea iDcreaaed to eleven (once twelve) wards in town 
Tepresentatioii caused by the splitting up of one ward or another into two. 


and it is known to have been the first station of the smiths' pageant.^ 
Jordan Well ward probably had its station at Jordan Well; for 
upon the visit of Henry VIII.* a pageant was set at Jordan Well 
with nine orders of angels. Much Park Street ward seems to have 
had a station at Kew Gate ; Much Park Street end is also mentioned, 
but New Gate stood at one end of Much Park Street.* If there 
was a station in Bayley Lane ward, it was probably somewhere near 
St. MichneFs Church. Earl Street ward had a station at Little Park 
Street end, on Earl Street, as there are two mentions of the house 
of Kichard Woods, a grocer who lived in Earl Street. Queen 
Margaret lodged there and saw the plays, and the smiths' accounts 
show an expenditure for ale " at Richard Woodes dur." * Broad 
Gate ward probably had a station at Grey Friars' Church ; Henry 
VII. saw the pageants there in 1492.^ The most probable place for 
a station in Smithford Street ward is the conduit which at the 
reception of Queen Margaret was well arrayed and showed four 
speeches of four cardinal virtues.^ Spon Street ward had its station 
probably at Bablake Gate (St. John's Church). Cross Cheaping 
ward had its station certainly at the cross in Cross Cheaping. And 
Bishop's Street ward (called also Well Street ward) may have had 
a station near the ancient hospital of St. John the Evangelist. 

The pageants were few in number as compared to other known 
cycles, and each pageant seems to have had a whole group of 
subjects. The two which have been preserved and are published 
here show this, as do the accounts of the smiths' and cappers' 
companies published in Appendix II. This grouping of subjects 
probably characterized the whole cycle. In the following table I 
have attempted in a general way to restore the cycle. In making 
up the list of probable subjects I have been guided on grounds of 
general relationship by the York (Beverley) and Towneley Cycles 
and the Hereford list of pageants in the Corpus Christi procession ; '^ 
rather than by Chester or Ludus Coventriae, For reasons which 
will appear later only New Testament subjects are considered : 

^ See pp. 84-5. ^ See MS. Annals below. ^ See pp. 84-5. 

* At the visit of Queen Elizabeth (see MS. Annals below) the smiths' 
pageant stood at Little Park Street end ; see also pp. 74 and 84-5. 
« Qy, 1493. « See p. 111. 

' Rist MSS, Comm, 13th Rep. pt. iv., p. 288. 





Contributory and 


Visit to Elizabeth. 

Joseph's Trouble. 

Journey to Bethlehem and 

Shearmen and Taylors 



(and walkers until 



Kings of Cologne. 

Flight into Egypt. 

Slaughter of Innocents. 



Skinners, walkers. 



Baptism of Christ. 



Raising of Lazarus. 

Entry into Jerusalem. 

Conspiracy of the Jews. 

Bargain with Judas. 

Last Supper. 


Agony in the Garden. 

Betrayal and Capture. 


Before High Priest. 


Before Pilate. 

Pilate's Wife. 

Before Herod. 

Smiths. . 

Cooks and fishers, bakers, 

Second trial before Pilate. 

millers, chandlers, and 

Repentance of Judas. ^ 


Way to Calvary. 

Parting of Garments. 


Mortificatio Christi (?). 

Pinners and Ncedlers. 

Tylers, wrights, cowpers. 


carpenters ; bowyers 

Descent into Hell. 

and fletchers. 

Setting the Watch. 


Amazement of Soldiers, etc. 

Cappers (cardmakers*^ 

' Painters and masons ; 

Peter and John before 

un-til 1631). 

walkers, skinners. 

Tomb (?). 


joiners, cardmakers. 

Appearance to Mary Mag- 

Appearance to Travellers.^ 

Appearance to Disciples. 

Doubting Thomas. 




Death and Assumption of 


Mercers. ^ 


Appearance of Mary to 


Di-apei*s. ^ 

^ See page 90, 

See page 94. 


The subjects of the smiths', cappers', and drapers* pageants can 
be told from the records preserved in Sharp ; the pinners' from a 
document quoted by him, the rules and orders of the company, 
which speak of their pageant called the " Taking down of God from 
the Cross." ^ One of the reasons for assigning the Assumption group 
of subjects to the mercers is, besides the importance of the subject ^ 
and the priority of that craft, the fact that when the Princess Mary 
came to Coventry in 1525 she saw "the mercers' pageant play being 
finely drest in the Cross Cheeping." * This, although a mere agree- 
ment of names,* carries some weight when we compare it with 
the special exhibitions provided for the entertainment of Margaret, 
Edward, and Arthur. Besides this, and more important, is the fact 
that the mercers' seems to have been a fraternity in honour of the 
Assumption. Their arms, the same as those of the Mercers' Company 
in London, which may still be seen painted on a wall in the mercers' 
room in St. Mary's Hall, Coventry, are — ^gules, a demy Virgin Mary 
with her hair disheveled crowned, rising out and within an orb of 
clouds, all proper ; motto, Honai* Deo, St. Mary's Guild, or the 
Merchants' Guild, founded in 1340, had annual meetings in St. 
Mary's Hall, at the feast of the Assumption. St. Mary's, St. John 
Baptist's, St. Katharine's, and Trinity Guild were formally united 
in 1392; and they seem, with the Guild of Corpus Christi, always 
closely associated and finally united with the amalgamated guild iu 
1634, to have been from the beginning in control of the mercers 
and drapers.* After the union of guilds there appear in 1539 in 
the Corpus Christi accounts^ entries of expenses on Corpus Christi 
day and evening which indicate a pageant of the Assumption in the 
Corpus Christi procession. The entries are : first, among several 
entries for food,^ew?/ bred for tJie apostells vj. d., heifffor the appostles 
viij, d, ; then, to the Maine for Mr gloves and icages ij. 8,yfor beryng 
the ci'osse and candelsticks the even and the day viij, d., to the Mr, to 
offer xij, d,, the Marie to offer j, d,, Katharine and Margaret iiij, d,, 
viij, virgyns viij. d., to GaMell for hei*yng the lilly iiij. d,, to James 

1 See Appendix II., p. 103. 

^ There is every eviaence of a devoted worship of the Virgin at Coventry ; 
St. Mary's Hall and the Cathedral were both named in her honour. 

^ If this was, as seems probable, a presentation of the regular mercers' play, it 
is also possible that in the four pageants set forth in honour of Queen Elizabeth 
the regular plays of the crafts were enacted, since nothing is said in the Annals 
to indicate that these pageants had anything else set upon them ; see MS, 
Annals below. 

* M. D. Harris, Life in an Old English Tmcn (Lond. 1898), Chs. 7 and 13. 

^ Quoted by Sharp, p. 162 ; Coventry Corp. MS., A. 6. 


and Thomcis of Inde viij. c?., to x, other apostells xx. d. (1541, xij, 
torches of wax for tJie apostles). With these entries are also to be 
connected the following items from an inventory of jewels 1493 in 
the same MS. (f. 53) : a girdull of blue silk haifiest with silver and 
gilt toeyng cord and all iiij, unc, et dim., a girdull of rede silk hamest 
with silver and gilt weying cord and all vi, unc. Hi, qrt. These last 
entries and several others about payments and properties for the 
Mary on Corpus Christi day prior to 1534 seem to indicate that the 
presentation of the Assumption in the Corpus Christi procession had 
been controlled by the Corpus Christi guild even before the union of 
the guilds ; but the connection with the mercers' company would not 
in any way be affected. 

Two other facts are also to be brought into this connection : 
The Smiths provided that Herod, the chief character in their 
pageant, should ride in the Corpus Christi procession, a circum- 
stance which may indicate that other companies did a similar thing. 
Then it is to be remembered that the Shearmen and Taylors', as the 
guild of the Nativity, presented an appropriate subject. More will 
be said about their relation to the fullers later ; at present it may be 
noted that their seal, impressions of which are still in existence, was 
(according to Fretton) round, about an inch and a half in diameter, 
of brass, representing the Virgin Mary seated and crowned with the 
infant Christ in her lap, receiving gifts of the three Kings of Cologne. 
These two circumstances might offer clues for the determination of 
the names of other pageants, if more were known about the Corpus 
Christi procession, and more of the patron saints of the different 
companies could be determined. 

At any rate, we see that, out of ten pageants, the subjects of six 
can be told with certainty, and of another, the mercers', with some 
probability. This leaves three companies, tanners, whittawers and 
giidlers, the subjects of whose pageants are unknown. An examina- 
tion of the table will show, however, three important groups of 
subjects unprovided for. First, there is John the Baptist. The 
popularity of this saint in Coventry was such that it may be taken 
as certain that there was a play upon this subject in the Coventry 
cycle. What other subjects may have been grouped with it is still 
more a matter of guess ; but the four, or some of them, which succeed 
it in the list are the more probable. It is perhaps too slight a thread 
to connect the tanners with the subject, because their pageant stood 
before the Church of St. John the Baptist, and perhaps performed 


the craft play there, when Queen Elizabeth visited the city. 
Secondly, the Last Supper is a most probable subject, inasmuch 
as no known cycle of plays is without it. It could hardly have been 
a paiii of the already over-crowded smiths' pageant, and it would 
certainly have been a part of any Corj^us Christi cycle. Then, 
finally, there is a group of subjects centering in the Ascension, which 
is also of universal occurrence and would hardly have failed to appear 
at Coventry. 

It will be noticed that this leaves no room for any Old Testament 
plays at Coventry, a chamcteristic which would be exceptional. Of 
course one of the unknown pageants may have been upon such a 
subject ; but one hardly sees in the circumstances how it could have 
been. The following explanation may solve the difficulty. The 
Coventry plays in existence, except the Doctors' play, evidently grew 
up bit by bit with little influence from the outside. The Shearmen 
and Taylors' pageant and the first part of the Weavers' pageant, the 
Purification, are mosaics of different metres and hands, and show 
evidence of having undergone a course of amplification extending 
through a long period of time. It is still possible, as we shall see 
later, to discover in each of the three stories the traces of an earlier 
form, a complete outline, with all essential features, of a very early 
play. The peculiarity which may account for the absence of Old 
Testament plays is that the prophet plays and prologues in the two 
pageants preserved, which are probably the first two in the cycle, 
contain the outline of a Processus Prophetwi^m, Isaiah is the 
prologue to the Shearmen and Taylors' pageant, and two other 
prophets enter at line 332 between the parts of the play.^ There 
is no way of identifying these prophets, but the allusions in their 
speeches correspond in a rough way to the parts usually given to 
Moses, and there is a reference to David (1. 396) and to Habakkuk 
(11. 460-2).2 The Weavers' pageant is also introduced by a prophet 
play, and here we have to do with Balaam, Jeremiah, and Malachi 
(11. 23, 58, 68). Finally, Simeon refers to the Sibyl (L 197) and to 
Daniel (11. 204, 244). In other words, those familiar Latin quotations, 
ultimately derived from the Augustinian sermon ^ which is the basis 
of the Processus Prophetaimniy appear or are alluded to in the two 
plays preserved. Besides that other lost plays appear from the 

^ See below. 

^ Note also the reference to Adam, line 20 ff. 

' Sepet, Les prophetes du Christy Paris, 1878. 


records to have had prologues and prophets.^ It looks very much 
as if the Processus Prophetarum had never been developed at 
Coventry, so that the prophets did not make their formal speeches 
by name as at other places. At York, it became the basis for many 
other plays (I-XI), and had enough left over for a prologue to the 
Nativity (XII). In the Towneley cycle, there are several Old 
Testament plays, some of which may be native to Wakefield and 
derived from the prophet-play — the remainder, probably incomplete 
as preserved,^ was an independent play. The fifth Chester play 
shows the Processus Prophetarum in a transition stage, with the 
Balaam and Balak play formed in the midst of it.^ The prophecies 
of Octavian and the Sibyl occur in the midst of the Nativity play 
(VI), a thing which still further bears out the theory of the origin ; 
since Zachariah and Elizabeth, the proper node for the growth of 
the Annunciation and the Visit of Mary to Elizabeth, occur in the 
regular scheme of the prophet-play before the Sibyl and Caesar 
Augustus. There is nothing, then, inconsistent in believing, since 
at other places there are such wide differences, that at Coventry the 
Old Testament plays never developed at all. 


Dugdale is the earliest authority for the belief that the Coventry 
Corpus Christi play told the story of both Old and New Testaments. 
In order to understand his error it is necessary to consider first a 
reference to the plays in several more or less trustworthy lists of 
Coventry mayors with annals, some of them still in manuscript. 
The annals have some bearing on the plays in general, so it is well to 
transcribe all of the references which they contain to the Corpus 
Christi play. 

There are at least four of these books of annals still to be found 
in manuscript. Two, A. 26 and A. 43, are among the Corporation 
Manuscripts at Coventry. Neither is of very great age, and both 
contain pretty much the same matter. A. 26 has more references to 
pageants, and it, with Harl. 6388, have been used as a basis for the 

^ Adam and Eve and probably other Old Testament characters were in the 
cappers* pageant and would appear always in the Descent into Hell ; what use 
was made of the three patriarchs in Doomsday is more puzzling. See Appendix II. , 
where the three patriarchs, Jacob's twelve sons ana the Children of Isiael are 
seen to have been represented at the reception of Prince Edward. 

^ Towneley Plays, p. 64. 

' See J. M. Manly, Specimens Pre-Shak, Dramttf vol. i., introduction, p. 
xxvii ff. 


following collation. There are two also at the British Museum, 
Harl. 6388, and an octavo manuscript, presented by Mr. Joseph 
Gibbs, 11346 Pint. CXLII. A., which is of no great value as regards 
the pageants. HarL 6388 was written by Humfrey Wanley, and 
bears the date Dec. 17th, 1690. He says: "This book was taken 
out of manuscripts, the one written by Mr. Cristofer Owen Mayor 
of this citty which contains the charter of Walter de Coventre con- 
cerning the commons etc, to Godfrey Leg Mayor 1637, the other 
beginning at the 36 mayor of this citty and continued by several 
hands and lately by Edmund Palmer late of this citty. Counsellor, 

till Mr. Yardly late Mayor-|' , /.q/^' and another written by Mr. Bed- 
ford and collected out of divers others and continued to Mr. 
Septimius Bott. And two other collected by Tho. Potter and con- 
tinued to Mr. Robert Blake, and another written by Mr. Francis 
Barnett, to the first year of Mr. Jelliffs Majoralty, and another written 
by Mr. Abraham Astley, and continued to Mr. Sept. Bott, and another 
written by Mr. Abraham Boune to Humfrey Wright wick, 1607." 
Wanley dates his list one year too late. In Dugdale's Warwickshire 
(1656) there is also a list of Mayors of Coventry; in the second 
edition, revised by William Thomas (1730), pp. 147-54, it appears with 
the following heading, the parts in square brackets being by Thomas : 
**I will here subjoin a catalogue (Ex Catal. Majorum penes praefat. 
Joh, Hales) of the Mayors thereof [which I have carefully com- 
pared with another Manuscript Catalogue of them which is wrought 
in a brown leather cover, penes, and with that lately published by 
Mr. Heame at the End of his Edition of Fordun's Scotichronicon 
which was printed from a Manuscript communicated to him by Mr. 
Tho, Jesson, A. M. et Aed. Christi apud Oxon. Cap]." Sharp quotes 
MS, Annals and Codex Hales, and there was at least one copy of 
annals in the Birmingham Free Reference Library at the time of the 
fire, so that Sharp may represent an original. In Poole's Coventry 
(London, 1870) there is a list of mayors without annals. Many of 
the annals are contradictory in date ; in the following list the dates 
are from Dugdale, who seems to be fairly correct : — 

S. p. 8 : MS, Ann,, Anno 1416 4. Hen. V. The Pageants and Hox 
tuesday invented, wherein the King and Nobles took great delight. 

Harl. 6388 : Sir Robert Onley, merchant, Mayor, 1485[4]. At 
Whitsontide King Richard the 3d came to Kenilworth and at 
Corpus Christi came to Coventre to see the plaies. 


Gov. Corp. MS., A. 26 : Thos. Bailey, Mayor, 1486. The King 
[Henry VII.] came to Coventry to see our plays, and lodged at Rob. 
Onely*s house in Sniithford Street before the conduit.^ 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : John Wigston, Mayor, 1490. This year 
was the play of St. Katharine in the Little Park. 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : Thomas Churchman, bucklemaker. Mayor, 
1492.2 This year the King and Queen came to Kenil worth; from 
thence they came to Coventry to see our plays at Corpus Christitide 
and gave them great commendation.^ Harl. 6388 : The King and 
Queen came to see the playes at the greyfriers and much commended 
them. Dugdale : In his Mayoralty K. H. 7. came to see the plays 
acted by the Grey Friers, and much commended them.* 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : John Dadsbury, Mayor, 1504. In his year 
was the play of St Christian^ played in the Little Park. 

Harl. 6388: Richard Smith, merchant. Mayor, 1508[7]. He 
made the bakers pay to the smiths 13s. 4d. towards prest and 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : John Strong, mercer, Mayor, 1510[l]. In this 
year King Henry [VIII. ] and the Queen came to Coventry. . . . 
Then were 3 pageants set forth, one at Jordan Well with 9 orders 
of Angells, another at Broad gate with divers beautifull damsells, 
another at the Cross Cheeping with a goodly stage play.^ 

S. p. 11 : MS, Ann., 1519. New Plays at Corpus xpityde 
which were greatly commended. S. p. 11 : id. Codex Hales, 1519- 
20. In that year was new playes at Corpus Christityd which playes 
were greatly commended.^ 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : Henry Wall, weaver, Mayor, 1526.^ The 
Princess Mary came to Coventry and was presented with an 100 
marks and a kercher, and see the mercers pageant play being finely 
drest in the Cross Cheeping and lay at the Priory.® 

S. p. 11 : MS, Annals, 1561. This year was Hox tuesday put 

Corp. MS., A. 26 : Edmund Brownell, Mayor, 1567. The Queen 
came to this city. The tanners pageant stood at St. Johns Church, 

1 In Harl. 6388 and A. 43. ^ Qy^ 1493. 

» So A. 43. * So 11364 Plut. CXLII. A. 

^ S. St. Crytyan. Both evidently mistakes for St. Katharine. 

® All sources have this entrv. 

7 S. says that he found nothing in the accounts to corroborate this. The 
entries probably refer to the same year. * Dugdale, 1525. 

» 11364, Plut. CXLII. A. agrees with this. Harl. 6388 has, the Mercers 
(viajors) Pageant teas gallantly trimmed, etc. S. agrees with Harl. 6388. 


the Drapers pageant at the cross, the smiths pageant at Little Park 
Street end, and the Weavers pageant at Much Park Street.^ 

Harl. 6388: Henry Kerwin, mercer, Mayor, 1568[7]. The 
Pageants and Hox Tewsday played. 

S. p. 12 : MS, Annals, 1575. This year the Pageants or Hox 
tuesday that had been laid down 8 years were played again. 

Harl. 6388 : Thomas Saunders, butcher. Mayor, 1580[79]. The 
pageants laid down.^ 

The item for the year 1492 gave rise to the impression in Sharp's 
mind, and in Dugdale's too in all probability, that there were plays 
in Coventry acted by the grey friars. The idea of plays acted by a 
religious brotherhood at so late a time, if ever, would probably have 
to be given up upon other grounds ; but in this case it is easy to see 
that we have to do with a misunderstanding. ** By the grey-friers" 
need not mean agency ; but may mean " at the Grey-friars* Church," 
the grey-friers being the common way of indicating the church. At 
any rate Wanley says, in Harl. 6388, " to see the playes at the grey- 
friers," which, seeing the list of manuscripts from which he compiled, 
is more apt to be an ancient reading than the other which Sharp speaks 
of as a ** solitary mention in one MS. (not older than the beginning 
of Cha. I.'s reign)." Dugdale probably had this entry to start him 
wrong, and the manuscript of Litdus Coventriae to confirm the error, 
the information gathered from ** old people '' being too vague to bo 
definite as to who the actors were. Dugdale, writing of the Gray 
Friers of Coventry, says : ^ " Before the suppression of the Monas- 
teries, this City was very famous for the Pageants that were played 
therein, upon Corpus Christi day; which occasioning very great 
confluence of people thither from far and near, was of no small 
benefit thereto ; which Pageants being acted with mighty state and 
reverence by the Friers of this House, had Theaters for the severall 
Scenes, very large and high, placed upon wheels, and drawn to all 
the eminent parts of the City, for the better advantage of Spectators : 
And contained the story of the [Old and] ^ Xew Testament, composed 
into old English Kithme, as appeareth by an antient MS, (In Bibl. 

* So A. 43 ; quoted also in S. and in Fordun's Scotichronicon. S. mentions 
a charge in the books of the Smiths' Company for painting and gilding many 
pageant vehicles on the occasion of the Queen's visit. 

2 So 11364 Plut. CXLII. A. aS'. has, again laid down. 

* Antiq, of Warwickshire y by Sir William Dugdale, 2nd Ed. rev. etc. by 
William Thomas, D.D. London : 1730, vol. L p. 183. 

* Not bracketed in first edition (1656). The passages do not differ otherwise 
in 1st and 2nd eds. 


Cotton, sub effigio Vesp. D. 9 (8).) intituled Ludus Corpaina ChiHstiy 
or Ludus Coventriae, 

" I have been told by some old people, who in their younger 
years were eye witnesses of these Pageants so acted, that the yearly 
confluence of people to see that show was extraordinary great, and 
yielded no small advantage to this City." 

There would certainly have been a station where the pageants 
were acted at the Grey Friars Church, and there King Henry VII. 
and his Queen saw the pageants, just as Queen Margaret had seen 
them at a station in Earl Street. Reference has already been made 
to the performance of ** the Mercers pageant play '* in honour of 
Princess Mary, and the only other important entry is the one about 
the reception of Queen Elizabetli in 1567. It seems possible that 
the pageants put forth then had their own plays, or something 
connected with them, since no mention is made of any special 


The Shearmen and Taylors' pageant is made up of two very well 
developed plays. The subject of the first is the Annunciation, the 
Nativity, and the Shepherds; it ends with line 331. Then comes 
a dialogue between three Prophets which belorigs rather to the 
succeeding play than to the one before, if one may judge by the very 
similar dialogue prefixed to the Weavers' pageant ; since there the 
dialogue rehearses the events of the Visit of the Kings which imme- 
diately precedes it in the cycle just as this reviews the Shepherds' 
play which it follows here. The second play, which begins at 
line 475, treats of the Visit of the Kings, the Flight into Egypt, 
and the Slaughter of the Innocents. The second is longer and more 
elaborately developed than the first, a tiling no doubt resulting from 
the evident popularity of its subject at Coventry. Two crafts have 
apparently been united and their pageants acted one after another. 
Thei*e is no direct evidence for such a union in any of the records ; 
but at the very first there may be a trace of it. The Shearmen and 
Taylors' Guild, the Guild of the Nativity, called also St. George's 
Guild, was established by licence in the reign of Kichard II. In 
1392 there is a mention of the "tailour pageant howse", and before 
the formation of the Shearmen and Taylors' Guild, the tailors and 
the shearmen, whose occupation was not at that time separate from 


that of the fullers, may each have had a pageant of their own. 
More than this, there is reason to connect the shearmen (and fullers), 
but not the tailors, in particular with the visit of the Kings ; for 
when fulling had become a separate occupation from cloth-shearing, 
and the fullers had formed a company of their own, the fullers were 
granted in 1439 the privilege of using a common seal with the shear- 
men.^ This seal before referred to may perhaps be taken to be the 
original property of the shearmen.^ It represented the Virgin Mary 
seated and crowned with the infant Christ in her lap, receiving gifts 
from the Magi. The inscription in capital letters round the margin, 
according to Fretton,^ is, dgillv! cd'e scissor^ fullonii* fra^nita^ gilde 
natCutaf cTni de Coventre. 

The Shearmen and Taylors' pageant was probably very old at 
Coventry, and in its earlier stages was of course very much shorter 
and simpler than it is now. Its variety of metres and its mixed 
character generally are due to many additions and revisions, made 
during the two hundred years or more preceding the final " correction" 
by Robert Croo in 1534. It is possible to see in it a very much 
earlier stage in the development of pageants than at first sight it 
would seem to represent. The substance of the pageant (most of 
what is essential to the story and, presumably, oldest) is contained in 
the octosyllabic quatrains scattered throughout the play; these 
quatrains, it will also be noticed, contain a great many archaic words. 
Some of the quatrains are doubtless late, and some of the parts of the 
original story are now told in other metres, but in general this is not 
the case. The Presentation in the Temple (Weavers' Pageant 
(WCo), 11. 1-721), which is also probably an original Coventry play, 
shows also the bare outline of a story in quatrains, a fact which bears 
further testimony to the existence of an early cycle, or part of a 
cycle, in this form. 

The Nativity (Shearmen and Taylors' Pageant (STCo), 11. 2- 
331) has the following passages in quatrains: 11. 47-54, 55-8(1), 
68-99, 168-203, 278-81, 293-6, 303-6, 321-4. 

^ W. G. Fretton, Memorials of Fullers* Guild, Coventry^ Birm. and MidL 
Inst. Transactions, 1877. 

^ The arms of the Shearmen and Taylors* Company, which would be appro- 
priate, though they may or may not be the original tailors' arms, are, as given 
by Reader : Argent tent royal, between two parUament robes gules, lined ermine, 
on a chief azure a lion of England. Crest a holy lamb in glory proper holding a 
flag. Supporters, two camels or. Motto : Concordia parvae res cresmiit, 

2 Loc, cit, p. 44. 

* Scissor seems to have meant shearman, cp. Du Cange, Olos, Med, et It^, 
Lai, sub scissor. 


The Three Kings of Cologne (STCo, 11. 475-900) : 521-4, 529- 
32, 540-7, 548-51 (1), 558-73, 582-9, 632-43, 652-5, 670-3, 
680-4, 699-7()4 (1), 705-24, 733-44, 793-800, 802-13, 818-21 (1), 
826-46, 884-91. 

The Presentation in the Temple (WCo, 11. 177-721) : 314-7 (?), 
367-70,1 383-6, 387-90 (?), 459-462, 479-82, 506-21,2 546-9, 
557-64, 5gl-84, 593-602 (?), 611-4, 615-8 (?), 621-40, 641-4 (1\ 
657-60, 661-4, 670-3 (]), 695-7, 705-8, 709-12 (?). 

The next most significant metre in these plays, though not 
necessarily older than the seven-line strophe of the longer speeches 
spoken of later, is a more or less successful attempt to conform to 
the riming scheme of the familiar eight-line stanza much used in the 
Chester Whitsun Plays.^ It rimes aaahaaah, or aaahcccby and has 
four accents to the line, except the fourth and eighth, which have 
three. Throughout the plays the passages written in Chester metre 
offer in general clear readings, and although this metrical scheme is 
used to corrupt every other variety of metre used, the passages written 
in it seem to be frequently uninterrupted. Moreover it is interesting 
to note that many of the most humorous parts of the plays, including 
most of the Shepherds' play, some of the Visit of the Kings, and 
nearly all of the dove episode in the Presentation in the Temple, 
besides a majority of the excrescences of story, the incidents and 
inessential speeches, are either in pure or approximate metre. 
The natural inference is that one of the most thorough redactions 
these plays have ever had, and it must be added the only one of any 
spirit or excellence, was characterized by the use of the eight-line 
stanza, or an approximation to it in the use of the linking rimes. 
The passages which are written in this metre, or which show the 
influence of it, are : 

The Nativity: 11. 17-36, 100-55, 160-7, 204-77, 297-302 (1), 
325-^31 (i). 

The Three Kings of Cologne: 11. 574-81, 603-9, 611-21 (1), 
622-31, 656-704, 725-32, 750-92, 818-25 {?), 847-69, 892- 
900 {?). 

The Presentation in the Temple: 11. 314-34, 342-66,371-82, 
397-478, 481-505, 522-45, 565-80, 585-610,2 641-56, 661-94, 
' The third metrical form is a seven-line stanza riming ababhcc.^ 

^ Borrowed from STCo, 47-50. '-^ Manifestly new. 

3 Schipper, Eng.Mct, I., § 154. ■* Schipper, loc. cit., § 171. 


This is of two sorts. The first, rime royal, has five beats to the line, 
and is used for the opening speeches of Isaiah (STCo, 11. 1-14), 
Herod {id., 11. 486-520), Simeon (WCo, 11. 177-204^ 205-18 (?)) 
and Anna (id», 11. 219-32).^ The other seven-line stanza has the 
same riming scheme, but has usually only four beats to the line. 
In both, the rime of the final couplet is continued in the first and 
third lines of the succeeding strophe ; three riming lines are thus 
thrown together, a circumstance which has no doubt rendered the 
metre liable to misunderstanding and corruption. The second variety 
of seven-line stanza has been very extensively used iu the Presenta- 
tion in the Temple and in the Doctors' Play which succeeds it, and 
rather scantily in STCo. It seems to have been corrupted in places 
by the Chester metre, which may indicate that it is older in the cycle 
than the passages in the Chester form.^ It is noticeable that the 
Chester metre seems to make its appearance in the fragments of 
another probably earlier version of WCo.^ The parts of the plays 
remaining in the seven-line stanza of four beats, though traces of it 
no doubt appear at other places, are : 

The Nativity : 11. 307-20. 

The Three Kings of Cologne : 11. 533-9, 870-83. 

The Presentation in the Temple: 11. 233-60, 272-313, 335-41, 


It is impossible to make out anything like a consistent scheme in 
the metre of the Prophet play in ST^o (11. 332-474). Prof. 
Manly has broken up the long lines in Sharp, doubtless copied from 
Croo, since Sharp follows Croo very closely in transcribing WCo, 
into the short doggerel lines in which it was probably composed^ 
The octosyllabic seven-line stanza was the original form of tKe 
Prophet play in WCo (11. 1-176) ; but it is doubtful if some of the 
speeches of the second prophet (11. 15-18, 46-9 (]), 75-8, 106-9), 
who is at first a sort of interlocutor, were ever in the regular strophe. 
The corruption which appears at 11. 46-50 is perhaps an attempt to 
conform to Ae^Chester strophe?^ This metre makes its unmistakable 
"appearance in 11. 110-76; the passage is evidently newer matter, 
telling as it does about the wonderful star upon the hill of Wawse,* 

^ The fragments show more of it ; see below. 

^ See below. ^ See Appendix IV., 11. 46-53. 

* See The Three Kings of Cologne, E.E.T.S., Orig. Ser. No. 85, pp. 6 ff, 213 if. 


and rehearsing the events of the Visit of the Kings which it followed 
in the cycle. This passage, besides being a parallel to the Prophet 
play in STCo, which tells the events of its preceding Shepherds* 
play, is also very irregular in metre and falls into the same doggerel 
which characterizes the Prophet play in STCo.^ This part and that 
play I should take to be from the same hand. 

The Doctors* play (WCo, 11. 722-1192) also shows a mixture 
of metres. The first three stanzas (11. 722-45) are double quatrains 
perhaps composed in imitation of the first eight lines of the York 
twelve-line strophe in which the body of the play was comj^osed, if 
not originally a part of the parent play. Then comes one suspici- 
ously modern sounding seven-line strophe (11. 747-53), followed by 
a characteristic comic passage in Chester metre extending to line 815, 
where the parallel with the other Doctors' plays begins.^ From 
this point the play is in octosyllabic alternately riming stanzas of 
four to eight lineSjj based upoh the northern twelve-line strophe, 
the hexasyllabic cauda^ having been lengthened throughout to 
four feet, except line 964. ' The discourse of the doctors (11. 857- 
84) is in the seven-line strophe and is similar in kind to the 
Prophet play and other passages earlier in the plays." There are 
some metrical irregularities in the recital of the commandments, but 
its basis seems to be the northern strophe as is the case with the 
body of the play."> This is interesting because the other versions of 
the Doctors^ play show still greater irregularity at this point. The 
expanded leave-taking scene (11. 1089-1145) is in Chester metre, ^ 
which also appears in the final dialogue of the doctors (11. 1146-92) 
probably originally composed in the seven-line form. ' The importation 
of the Doctors* play cannot have been a very recent thing since both 
metres, the Chester metre and the seven-line strophe, appear in it. 3 

The fact that the Chester metre seems always to be the dis- 
rupting, interpolating element has led me to think that the passages 
written in it are probably more recent than those written in the 
seven-line strophe, a conclusion somewhat strengthened by the fact 
that the parts in the latter variety are more dignified, conventional 
and pedantic, and therefore probably older. Both metres were, 
however, in common use in the fifteenth century, and the statement 
that the seven-line stanza is the older would probably be true only of 
the bulk of the matter in each form.^ 

1 See 11. 128-46. 2 g^e t^iow. 

' Note the use of the seven-line stanza and the conventional style in the 
Pageants on Special Occasions published in Appendix III. 



The Disputation in the Temple (WCo), which begins with line 
722, is particularly interesting because the same play occurs with 
variations in the York Corpus Christi Cycle ^ XX (Y), in the 
Towneley Plays 2 XYIII (T), and in the Chester Whitsun Cycle » 
XI (Ch). 

This agreement is mentioned by ten Brink,* and is the subject of 
a letter by Dr. Chas. Davidson to Modem Language Nofea,^ and of 
a chapter in his Stvdies in the English Mystery Plays.^ 

Dr. A. R. Hohlfeld,7 Dr. Charles Davidson,® and A. W. Pollard, 
Esq.,^ agree with ten Brink that the original doctors' play was of 
Northumberland origin, and probably grew up at York. It is evident 
for many reasons, corruptions, dialect, e/c, that neither Ch nor WCo 
could have been the original for Y and T. Moreover, Y in its 
present form cannot have been copied ; for in many cases T and one 
of the other plays preserve better readings than those of Y. On 
the other hand, Y is often nearer the original than T is ; hence an 
earlier play than either Y or T, as they now exist, must have been 
copied by Ch and WCo. Dr. Hohlfeld ^^ found the facts derived 
from a comparison of Y, T and Ch insufficient to indicate definitely 
the source of Ch ; but he saw, other agreements between the cycles 
taken into consideration, probability of closer kinship between Ch 
and T than between Ch and Y. Davidson,ii whose study was 
of all four of the texts, was of the opinion that Ch was borrowed 
from the Coventry cycle. The questions, then, which a further 
study may help to solve are : Is WCo more closely related to Y 
or to T] and are, as Dr. Davidson stated, Ch and WCo inter- 
dependent 1 

The Disputation in the Temple in WCo is much longer and 
more detailed in story than is any other version of the play. It 
begins (1. 722) with the preparation by Joseph and ]Mary for the 
trip to Jerusalem and not with Mary's discovery that Jesus is 

' York Mystery Plays, ed. Lucy Toulmin Smith, Oxford, 1885. 
2 The Tovmeley Plays, pub. E.E.T.S., Loud. 1897. 

' The Chester Plays, Pt. I., pub. E.E.T.S., Lond. 1892; Chester Mysteries^ 
ed. Thos. Wright for Shak. Soc, 1843-7. 
* Hist. Eng. Lit. Eng. Ed. vol. ii. p. 281. 
s Vol. vli. p. 92-3. See also id. (A. R. Hohlfeld), pp. 154-5. 
6 Doct. Diss. Yale, 1892. 

■^ Die altenglischen Kollektiv-misterien, etc., Anglia, vol. xi. pp. 219-310. 
8 Loc. cit. p. 281, ^ Tovmeley Plays, Introduction, pp. xv.-xxi. 

^^ Kollektiv-mist. loc. cit. pp. 260-7. ^^ Loc. cit. p. 167. 


missing, as do Y and Ch.^ After the preparation for the trip to 
Jerusalem and the journey itself (722-814) have been represented 
in the play, the parallel with Y and Ch begins with a speech of 
Joseph (1. 815) ; the agreement, however, is almost never word for 
word. In the following list of correspondences the comment refers 
in each case to the agreement last cited : 

WCo 817-18, Y 3-4, Ch 219-20. 

Y reads, Of solempne stghtis that ice haue sene / In that cite wei'e 
ice come froo ; WCo in substantial agreement has. With these solam 
syghtys thatt we haue seyne / In yondur tempull that we cam froo ; 
Ch perhaps introduces the first of its references to experiences and 
dangers of travel in the words, of f early sightes that tee have sene, / 
sith tee came the Cttie froe, 

WCo 819, Y 5, Ch 221. 
„ 820, „ 6. 
,, o21— 2, „ 7—8. 
„ 823, „ 9, Ch 223, 228. 

Ch 221-8, which corresponds to Y 5-12 and WCo 819-26, is very 
much confused as to order, etc. On this and similar instances, see 
Hohlfeld, Kollektiv-mist loc. cit. pp. 264-5. Y 9, Hamicard I rede we 
hye becomes in WCo 823, Then homwarde. Mare,, lett vs goo. Goo is 
substituted for the northern word hye^ which the rime cumpany (1. 825) 
shows was original. Ch repeats this line, on which see Hohlfeld as 
above, where the repetition is accounted for by oral borrowing. 

WCo 824-8, Y 10-4, Ch 225-7. 

Ch here shows a decided divergence in story. WCo has 
expanded the idea in Y that company upon the journey is 
desirable, but Ch has gone far in the other direction. Instead of 
having Joseph urge Mary to make haste in order that the way 
may be shortened with good company, as he does in Y and 
WCo, Ch has (11. 225-8), [Maria.] In all t/ie might euer we 
may / for dread of wicJced company / lest anie us mete upon the 
way, I Homeicard therefore, I red ice hye. 

WCo 830-6, 

Y 20-6. 

„ 837, 

„ 37. 

„ 840-2, 

„ 30-2. 

„ 844-8, 

„ 40-4. 

„ 852, 

„ 39. 

„ 857-84, 

„ 49-72, 

T 1-48. 

^ On the defect in T, see Holhfeld, Kollektiv-mist, loc. cit. p. 258, and 
subsequent references in that article. 


It is liere simply to be observed that the discourse of the doctors 
occupies similar places in WCo, Y, and T, and that in Ch a colloquy 
of the doctors is implied ; for P?*tmus Doctor says before Jesus has 
spoken, Heare our reason Hgld on a row^ / you darkes that be of 
great coning ; / ine thinke this cliilde leai*ne our law^ j he tdketh great 
tent to our talking. In these passages the other texts show slight 
agreements with Y : Ch with confusion in speeches preserves practi- 
cally one whole line and parts of others (Y 50, Ch 222 ; Y 49, 65-6, 
Ch 233-4, 236) ; WCo bears resemblance to Y all through this 
passage, but is in a different metre (WCo 857-8, Y 48, 63 ; WCo 
870, Y 53 ; WCo 875-6, Y 63-5 ; WCo 878, Y 69 ; WCo 882, Y 
59-60) ; even in the part of the colloquy preserved in T there is at 
least one slight agreement (Y 61-2, T 9-10). 

WCo 885-94, 

Y 73-82, 

T 49-57. 

WCo 890, and 

Y 78, warne; 

T 54, tell. 

(WCo 899, 



Ch 243.) 

WCo 900-1, 

Y 87-8, 

T 61-2, 

Ch 233-40. 

WCo 902-5, 

Y 89-92, 

T 63-66, 

Ch 241-4. 

Y 90, He wenes he kens more than ice knaices ; T 64, he wenys he 
kens more than he knaicys ; Ch 242, lie wenes he kennes more than he 
knoice^ ; WCo 903, All secrettis surely he thynkith he knois. T, Ch 
and WCo here represent evidently the same reading, one which 
makes sense too ; but in Y the sense seems somewhat more original 
and knawes is perhaps a northern plural.^ WCo 905 dere, Y 92 
yltt, T 66 yit, Ch 244 deane. aargy dere (Y 54, WCo 870) is 
indicated by alliteration. 

WCo 911-7, Y 94-100, T 67-72. 

„ 918-21, Y 101-4, ,,73-6, Ch 253-6. 

„ 922-34 „ 105-16, „ 77-88. 

WCo 932 and T after 86 have the Latin quotation, JiJx ore 
infandum, etc.; it does not occur in Y. In WCo 922-34 the 
paraphrase is exceedingly free. 

WCo 937-56, Y 117-36, T 89-108.^ 

WCo 957-64, Y 137-44, T 109-16, Ch 273-6. 

In Ch it is Jesus who asks for the first commandment ; in Y 
and T, the third doctor; in WCo, the first doctor. Ch 140, which 
is a part of the first doctor's answer, agrees with Y 140, T 112, 
WCo 960, where it is the second line of the question. 

^ See, however, York Mist, Plays, p. Ixxii. ^ gg© also Ch 268, 271-2. 


WCo 965-68, 

Y 145-8, 

T 117-20, 

Ch 277-80. 

„ 969-70, 

„ 155-6, 

„ 127-8. 

„ 971-2, 

„ 151-2, 

„ 123-4. 

„ 973-4, 

„ 159-60, 

„ 132-3. 

„ 975-6, 

„ 169-70, 

„ 141-2. 

„ 977-84, 

„ 143-52. 

Before cousidering this important correspondence of WCo and 
T, the following minor agreements might be pointed out: Y 171-2, 
T 143-4; WCo 985-6, Y 175-6; WCo 989-90, Y 181-2. The 
corresponding passages are : WCo 977-84. The thryd heddith the, 
in any wex/y / ThaU of thy lahur thow schuldyst restCy / And truly 
kepe thy Sabett day, / Thyself e, thi servande and thy best, / The 
forthe bydithe the do thy best / Thy fathur and mothur for to 
honoiore ; j And when ther goodis are decrest, / With all thy myght 
tJwio shvZdist them succure, T 143-52, The thyrd bydys, ^^ where 
80 ye go, / That he shall halow the holy day ; jj ffrom bodely warh 
ye take youre rest ; / youre household, look the same thay do, / Both 
wyfe, chyld, seruande, and beest," // The fourt is then in weyll and 
wo II " Thi fader, thi moder, tlwu shall honowre, H not only toith 
thi reuerenee, 1 1 Bot in thare nede thou thaym socoure, / And kepe ay 
good obedyenceJ* The writer or reviser of WCo was perhaps trying 
to make an eight-line strophe which would have prevented a closer 
agreement than exists, or, as is more likely, the difference has been 
increased by the rewriting of T. In any case, the diversity among 
the plays in their recitals of the commandments, and the metrical 
regularity and almost entire independence of Y being taken into 
consideration, the conclusion is almost unavoidable that WCo and 
T preserve here parts of the same original. 

WCo 1001-10, Y 193-202, T 181-90, Ch 257-66. 

The placing of these speeches in Ch before the recital of the 
commandments was certainly accidental, the result of unskilful 

WCo 1011-26, Y 203-18, T 191-206. 

WCo 1022 and T 202, amend; Y 214 mende. 

WCo 1027-40, Y 219-32, T 207-20, Ch 305-16. 

The order in which lines of Y and T are reproduced in Ch is : 
223,224, 221 and 219, 222; 225 and 226; 231, 230, 229, 232. 
Ch omits the idea of hurrying home on account of the lateness of the 
hour (Y 227-8) and puts in (Ch 311-2), thait sitteth with yonder 
Doctors gay ; / for we haue had of hym great care, WCo follows 

C. C. PLAYS. c 


Y and T closely in sense and order of lines except in U. 1037-40, 
where the arrangement is that of Ch. This is the most important of 
the resemblances between Ch and WCo ; it can be easily seen how 
it came about The passages are: Ch 313-6, Mary, tcife^ thou 
wottes right well / thcU I must all my travayle teene, / With men of 
might I can not mell, / that sittes so gay in furres fyne. WGo 
1037-40, Ey ! Mare, ttyff, ye kno ryght tcell^ / Asse I haue tolde you 
many a tyme, / With men of myght durst I neyuer mell. / Loo f 
dame, hoto the sytt in there furis fyn ! Y 229-32, With men of 
myght can I not mell, / Than all my traycale mon I tyne^ j I can 
noght with them, this wate thou wele, / They are so gay in furres 
fyne. T follows Y. Ch differs from Y and T in its displacement of 
genuine lines; but TVCo differs from them only because of the 
exigencies of paraphrasing the archaic words in Y 230 (Ch 314). 

WCo 1041-64, Y 233-56, T 221-44, (Ch 317-20). 

WCo 1043 have reygardid you, Y 235 icUl take rewarde to youy 
T 223 will take hede to you. WCo 1044 this wott I well, Y 236 
this tmte ye wele, T 224 this wote I weyU, Clary's speech to Jesus 
Ch 317-20, follows Y and T in the use of the word deare and in the 
idea of the search for Jesus, but differs from them in having no 
reference to the distress of Joseph and Mary ; it expresses their joy 
at having found him. WCo, on the contrary, uses the word swete, 
omits all reference to the search and dwells upon the grief which 
Joseph and Mary have felt during the three days of Jesus's absence. 

WCo 1065-72, Y 257-64, T 245-52, Ch 221-8. 

Y 257 (T 245, WCo 1065) Wherto shulde ye sake m£ soo? does 
not appear in Ch, where the stanza begins with (321), Mother, full 
oft I tould you till (Y 258), and ends with (324), that must I needes 
doe, or I goe, which is a special line composed to go with the three 
which had been borrowed. Ch 328, and found to do that they com- 
maund, diverges slightly from Y 264 (T 252), To ffonde what is 
folowand; WCo 1072, Ya were glade I haue the fonde, uses instead 
of the northern word found, attempt, the past participle of find, 
discover, which may have been suggested by the former word. 

In connection with this passage arises also the question of the 
supposed interchange of speeches between Joseph and !Mary. Dr. 
Chas. Davidson! says (referring to WCo 1057-64, Y 249-56, T 
237-44, Ch 317-28): "Mary addresses Jesus.— Agreement of Y 

^ Loe, eit, p. 177. See also Review by Ungemach, Anglia Beiblatty iv., 
pp. 258-9. 


and W (T). Immaterial changes in W of Co, speech reduced to 
four verses of free paraphrase in Ch . . . Jesus replies. — Agreement 
among W of Co, Ch, and Y. W (T) adds verses after the manner 
of W (T) in the * Harrowing of HelL' Joseph addresses Jesus in Y 
and W (T), hut Mary addresses Jesus in W of Co and Ch. This is 
a significant difference." Further on, "Ch , , , because of agree- 
ment with W of Co in Mary's speech, when Joseph speaks in the 
other plays, is without much doubt a borrowing from Coventry before 
the days of Eobert Croo, i. e, before 15 — ." This conclusion rests 
upon a mistake, as will be seen by an examination of the texts. 
T 249-52 is the only case where there is any material diflference in 
the plays as to speakers. In Y 261-4, Mary, and not Joseph as 
asserted by Dr. Davidson, addresses Jesus. Moreover, Mary's speech 
occurs in T in an exactly similar place to the one it has in the other 
plays. The mistake was due to the fact that Mary's speech is given 
in T to Jesus, who speaks immediately before her.^ The Towneley 
editor points out that the speech must have belonged to Mary by 
referring to Luke ii (misprinted iii.), 51. These verses are not 
extraneous as Dr. Davidson implies, but hold their proper place as 
the conclusion of a twelve-line stanza. In WCo Joseph makes his 
own speech, but not until 11. 1122-4. 

Ch ends at this point ^ and WCo expands into an extensive 
leave-taking scene ; some correspondences can be discovered : 

WCo 1073-4, Y 273-4, T 261-2. 

„ 1081-2, „ 269-70, „ 257-8. 

„ 1085-88, „ 271-2, 279-80; „ 259-60, 267-8. 

„ 1113-4, „ 275-6, „ 263-4. 

„ 1222-4^ „ 267-8, „ 255-6. 

There is no parallel in any play for the dialogue of the doctors 
with which WCo comes to an end. 

Except for T 1-48 and Y 1-73, and T 145-78 and Y 173-90, 
Y and T are practically the same throughout. Ch and WCo are 
related to them in very different ways. Ch usually corresponds 
closely in language and rime, when it agrees at all ; strophes and 
verses are often out of their original order ; parts of lines are pieced 
together ; and the story, where it is deficient^ is filled out with matter 
in many cases peculiar to Ch. It is an imperfect version, just such 

^ It must have been spoken by Jesus when the present version of T was 
written, for not has been changed to tpell. 
2 See Hohlfeld, loc, cU. p. 260. 


as would have resiilted from oral transmission. WCo is also corrupt 
but in a different way. In story it seldom departs from Y and T 
except to interpolate and expand or to paraphrase into later English. 
As we have seen, WCo and Ch never coincide in their deviations in 
story. The few cases in whicli WCo and Ch have in common read- 
ings which differ from Y and T are insufficient to indicate inter- 
dependence. Indeed, from agreements in text of WCo with any 
other play, very little can usually be told ; so much has WCo been 
altered in revision and transmission. This applies also to the relation 
of WCo to Y and T, as concerns its derivation from one or the other. 
The best piece of evidence, the agreement in the third and fourth 
commandments, is in favour of its derivation from T. Several 
smaller agreements point in the same direction.^ 

A fact, which adds to the presumption in flavour of T as the 
original of WCo, is that in the Towneley cycle the Doctors' play 
stands next after the Purification ; but in the York Cycle the corre- 
sponding play came between the Massacre of the Innocents and the 
Baptism of Jesus.^ The order of plays in the lost Beverley Cycle 
was virtually the same as in York : . . . Fyshers, Symeon. Cowpers, 
fleynge to Egippe. Shomakers, children of Israel. Scryvners, dis- 
putacion in the temple. Barbours, sent John baptyste, etc.^ 

In light of the whole matter, therefore, it seems probable that 
some Northumbrian nucleus of craft oi* church plays * was in pos- 
session of this Doctors' play, and, since the subject was unusually 
attractive, the play spread to the south and west. On its way to 
Coventry it perhaps fell under the influence of T, or under influence 
which also affected T. This was probably also the case in its 
journey to Chester ; but there is no reason whatever to think that 
the Play of the Doctors passed from Coventry to Chester or that 
Ch and WCo in any way interdepend. 

^ Hohlfeld, loc. cU. pp. 265-7 ; and Intro. Towneley Plays, pp. xix-xx. 

2 If Towneley XVII and XVIII had possibly been combined into one like 
Ch and WCo, the play would not have been inordinately long. There is a 
gap in the MS. between the plays ; see TovmeUy Plays, p. 185. 

' Lansdovm MS, 896, fos. 133, 139-40 ; Scaum'a Beverlac, by Geo. Poulson, 
Esq., Lond. 1829, p. 272; the list, taken from Beverlac, has been corrected 
from Leach ; see below, note 4. 

* See ** Fragments of Liturgical Plays" and the editor's headnote in 
Specimens of Pre-Shak. Drama, ed. Dr. J. M. Manly, Boston, 1897, vol. i. 
pp. xxvii-xxxvii ; Davidson, loc, cit, pp. 83 ff . ; ten Brink, loc, cit., pp. 281-2. 
See also article on the Beverley play by Arthur Leach, Esq., in An Eng. 
Miscellany, Presented to Dr, FumiraU in Honour of his Seventy-ffth Birthday 
(Oxford, 1901), pp. 205-304. 




Fragment I. is a variant of WCo 11. 1-58 ; Abbotsford Club 
print, pp. 31-4. The following are the significant variations and 
readings. MS. indicates the principal manuscript, MS. b. the frag- 
ments, S. the Abbotsford Club print, H. the edition of Prof. F. 
Holthausen, Anglia, JST. F. XIII., 209-50. 

1. Ye gret, MS. E! greft (cp. WCo, 1. 864), S. grett—^. With 
youre, S. Youre, H. ye, — 3. aspect, MS. reyspecte.—i. frads, MS. 
seyng, — 7. MS. Apon the hyll of Wawse, This seems to me to indicate 
a later origin of MS. than of MS. b. Croo was probably familiar with 
the play, and repeated in line 7 the reference to the Hill of Wawse 
from line 115, where it belongs. In that place is an account, derived 
from the Legend of the Three Kings, of the appearance of the star of 
prophecy upon the Hill of Vans. See The Three Kings of Cologne, 
E.E.T.S., Orig. Ser. No. 85, pp. 6 ff., and the Latin version by 
John of Hildesheim in the same volume, pp. 213 ff. — 9. makis, MS. 
makyth, S. in wyth. No other instance of the plural in s. occurs. — 
10. For, in MS., is at the beginning of 1. 9 ; MS. b. has the better 
reading. — 15. further-more, MS. Yet further, I pra you for my 
laming, — 15-8. In MS. there is a request; in MS. b., a mere pro- 
position. — 19. demonstracion, MS. aftur a strange defonnacion. This 
is a characteristic mistake on the part of Croo. — 25. Orreetur . . . 
Jacob . . . exurge, etc., MS. Orietur . . . Jacobo . . . exsurget, etc, — 
32-4. MS. Of this nobiUl prince of soo hi degree, / The wyche of 
all metiy shall haue demeneon, / Vndur what maner borne he schuld he, 
MS. b. has the better and more metrical reading. — 35. Worthele, MS. 
wonderfulle, S. wondcrfuU, corr. emend, by H. ; MS. b. has the better 
reading. — 39. MS. Before prognostefide this to be done, — 41. . . con- 
sepith aparet, filHum, MS. . . . concipiet pariet filium ; the Latin 
is much more correct in MS. — 43. schuld be reysed, MS. spryng; 
MS. b. is nearer the original. — 45. MS. vocabitur, better than vocatur 
of MS. b. — 46-9. MS. Yett haue I grett marvell, / Hmv that men 
schuld tell I Off such strangis bef<yre the fell, / And man heyng here 
hut a mortdtl creature. Note that here and in the neighbouring 
strophes, which are very obscure in MS., MS. b., though slightly 
more archaic, is entirely clear and is metrical. 52. espret, MS. sprete. 

Fragment II. offers a variant of WCo, 11. 182-233 circa, S. 

* See Appendix IV. 


pp. 39-41. It is a portion of the Presentation in the Temple, 
heginning with the sixth line of Simeon's* opening soliloquy and 
including everything to the entrance and first speech of Anna. The 
reply of Simeon is broken off after the fourth line. This is prob- 
ably the fourth page of the original : 

MS. b. 183, Under man . . . there^ MS. Vndur hus . . . the. 
— 184. anceant, MS. /onwcre.— 186, ahowndant hits, MS. From the 
hy pales and. — 187. Dovn . . . munddH, MS. Dotcne into this tcale 
and meserahull mvndaU, MS. b. has the better reading, whatever 
mvndall may mean ; it probably refers to the world. — 188-90. MS. 
For the wyche transgression all we ar now mortally / Thatt he/ore 
wasse infynite for eyuer to remayne j And now schall take yend he 
deyth and crtiell payne. The passages are much at variance ; MS. is 
a paraphrase of MS. b. — 191. ded most dolorus, MS. Wyche grevoise 
sorro, — 192. hytturle, MS. byttur teyris. — 195. MS. syence; this 
probably indicates that sencis is written for siencts, — 196. MS. In 
there awturs aperith to hus right manefestly, — 197. Sebbelis, MS. 
SebbeUam, a mistake of Croo's which would not have been cor- 
rected when once made. — 198. MS. In hart beseke I the. — 202. 
This line omitted in MS. — 203-4. MS. The wyche be reydemcion 
schall hus all reyles, /At whose cumyng the tru ovncion of Juda 
schall seyse. MS. b. has here the more literal translation of the Latin 
words usually given to Daniel in the. Processus Propheterum ; ^ these 
words also occur in STCo, 11. 6 and 7. — 206. MS. Foi* age draith 
me fast apon. 208. from, MS. /ro.-— 209-25. MS. 209-18 shows 
a curious abridgment : 

Noic, Lorde, ase thaw are iij in won. 
Grant me grace, yff thatt thy loyl be, 
In my nold age that syght for to see ! 

Tlien at thy wyll, Lorde, fayne wold I be, 
Yff thow soche grace woldist me sende, 

To loove tlie, Lorde, with all vmelyte. 
And soo of my lyff then to make an ende ! 
Yett, Lorde, thi gra^e to me now extende. 

Suffer me rathur yett to lyve in peyne 

Then to dy, or thatt I thatt solam syght haue seyne I 

How to account for this is not very easy. At first sight it looks 
as if lines 209-18 had been overlooked by Croo in his redaction. 
He may simply have composed lines 209-11 from the ordinary 

1 See Towneley Plays, VII, 216 f. 


jargon of the first part of the play to complete the stanza, taking 
up the earlier version again at lines 219-25 (MS. b.), which agree 
fairly well with 212-8 (MS.) above. It might have been 
accidental, as omissions of lines and even stanzas often occur in 
this way. It seems, however, much more probable that Croo was 
rewriting the play with a rather free hand, and that he had already 
put the substance of lines 209-17 (MS. b.) into the speech of the 
first Prophet, lines 61-74 (MS.) ; and since he had used it there^ 
omitted it here. MS. 61-74 : 

Wyche cawsid Isaee to cast up his tees 

Toward heyvin with all his inward syght, 
Seying, " Good Lord, a/arming thy promes, 

Send downe to hus this wonly sun offmyght, 

Huse to rey store vnto owre right ! 
Owt of deserte, from the hard stonej 
Reycomfordying thi doghtur dtvylling in Sion / " 67 

Also JaramOf thatt wholle mon, 

JSeyd in heyvin God schuld make seede, 
A greyne off Davith, thatt noio ys cum, 

Wyche eyuer in gracys shall spring and speyde 

And kepe Juda owt of drede 
And also Isaraell sett in surenes, 
And lie schall make jugementis of righttcesenes, 74 

These lines are probably in place in the prophet play for two 
very slight reasons : Because of the use of the names of Isaiah and 
Jeremiah, and because of the number of lines. Of the original 
manuscript b., we have probably pages 1 and 4. Page 1 has 58 
lines, page 4 has 61 lines. The lacuna, judging by MS. a., is about 
120 lines. On the other hand, these speeches of Isaiah and JoreniiaU 
are very puzzling. It is diflSicult to find a source for them ; there is 
nothing in the original Processus Prophetaruni from which they 
may be derived. The supposition that Croo sulKstitutod parts of the 
original speech of Simeon for earlier and more customary speeches of 
Isaiah and Jeremiah would clear up the difficulty. All of this 
is on the supposition that MS. b. is earlier than MS. It must be 
admitted, however, that almost nothing can be determined for or 
against the idea of a greater age for MS. b. from the handwritings. 
But it should be remembered that after the preparation of Robert 
Croo's codex there would have been no necessity for another 
"original"; and MS. b. is to be regarded as the fragments of 
a complete version and not as players' copies. Sharp seems 


have found no entries in the account-book which pointed to the 
making of another play-book after Croo's or even parts of another. 

The agreement of the versions practically ends with the first 
strophe of Anna's speech (L 226), and is not very close there. 
MS. b. represents, I think, no very early form of the pageant; 
but it seems to be somewhat nearer the source (S. Luke ii. 22-39) 
in these speeches of Simeon and Anna, than is MS. ; see U. 224-5, 
233-6. It may be too much to suppose that 11. 233-43 show any 
evidence of having been once in the form of quatrains, in which 
I am disposed to think the body of the play was originally com- 
posed. They are, at any rate, simpler and more essential to the 
play of the Presentation in the Temple than the coiTesponding lines 
in MS. 

In all respects, except the correctness of the Latin quotations, 
MS. b. is better than MS. — spelling, readings, metrical regularity, 
strophe-form, sense, and style. It is probably the version which 
Robert Croo " translated ", or a transcript of it. 


This section of Bradford's map shows intramural Coventry in 1750. 

Stations of pageants, some known, some conjectuiul \v, Introd. xiii-ziv], are, 
one in each of the ten wards of the city, beginning from the east of the central 
thoroughfare. (1) In Gosford Street. (2) In Jordan Well, a contiimation of 
the thoroughfare ; or possibly at the juoction of New Street and Mill4jane, as 
a prolongation of New Street, not marked in this map, was anciently called 
Corpus Christ! Lane. To the south of the thoroughfare in Much Park Street 
on the London Road is (3) New Gate. (4) Little ^ark Street ends in Earl Street. 
To the north of the thoroughfare in Bayley Laue.ward is (5) S. MichdeVs 
Churchyard [picture of church in map]. In the centre of Ihe dty m*Cro^ 
Cheaping ward is (6) The Cross [picture in map]. Further north, near Bi8ho|> 
Street, is (7) S. John's Hospital [Free School and Library in map]. To the 
south of the thoroughfare again in Broad Gate ward is (8) Grey Fnars' Chnrch 
[picture of steeple in map]. Continuing the thoroughfare along Smithford 
Street we arrive at (9) The Conduit [just legible in map opposite the "Bull" 
and "Green Dragon" inns]. Further on, close to Spon Street Gate is (10) 
S. John's or Bablake Church [picture in map]. 

Pageant houses were in Hill Street by Bablake Church, and in Mill Lane, 
which runs at right angles to Jordan Well. 

C^e ipageant d i^t S^jearmeit mitr ff aj^Iors/ 


Isaiah as Prologue (LI. 1-46). 

Gabriel ^ 



i. Angel 

i. Pastor 

n. Pastor 

Hi, POfStor 

a. Angel 

i. Pro/eta '\ Participants in a 

M. Pro/eta \ learned dialogue 

Hi. Pro/eta J (LI. 532-474). 

In the Annuncia- 
tion and the Na- 
tivity (LI. 47- 


NuTUiitis \ 
i. Rex 
a. Bex 
Hi, Rex 
i. Miles 
a. Miles 
u Woman 
ii. Woman 
Hi, WomanJ 

In the Adoration of 
the Kings and 

' the Slaughter of 
the Innocents (LI. 
476-900). ] 

[Enter Isaiah as prologue,] 

IsAYB. The Sofferent tliatt seithe evere seycrette, (83) 
He saue you all and make you parfett and stronge,^ 

And geve us^ grace yvith his marce forto mete ! 
For now in grett mesere mankynd ys bownd ; 
The sarpent hathe gevin vs soo mortall a wonde 

That no creature ys abuU vs forto reyles 

Tyll thye right vncion of Jvda dothe seyse. 7 

Then schall moche myrthe and joie in-cresse ; 

And the right rote in Isaraell sprynge, 
Thatt schall bryng forthe the greyne off whollenes ; 

And owt of danger he schall vs bryng 

In-to thatt reygeon where he ys kyng 
Wyche abowe all othur far dothe arbownde, 
And thatt cruell Sathau he schall confownde. 14 

^ Reprinted from A Dissertation on the Pageants or DratncUic 
Mysteries AncierUly Performed at Coventry ... by Thomas Sharp. 
Coventry, 1825. In most matters I have followed by permission 
the edition of Professor John Matthews Manly in his SpediTvens 
of the Pre-Shakspearian Drama, Boston, 1897, vol. i, pp. 120-52. 
Uis treatment of lines and strophes has not been altered ; stage- 
directions, punctuation, and text but seldom. M. in the notes 
indicates this edition ; S., the edition of Thomas Sharp above 
refeiTed to. The MS, was destroyed in the burning of the Free 
Reference Library at Birmiugham in 1879. Numbers in parentheses 
are pp. in S. 

* M. Qy. sounde. Cp, II. 222-4. ' S. geveni^, emend, by M. 


Isidah prays 
God t<> release 
from misery. 

Dan. ix. 24. 

J»a. xi. 1. 

Tlien lioliness 
shall flourisli 
and Satnn be 


Tliere U a 
cmnfort in 
Rplte of 
Adam's fall. 

Ua. Tii. 14. 

Where-foro I cwm hero apon tins grownde (84) 

To comfordo eyue;"o^ creature off birthe ; 
For I, Isaye the profot, hathe fownde 

Many swete msLtteiv whereof we ma make myrth 

On this same wyse; 19 

For, thogh that Adam be demid to deythe 
With all his childur, asse Abell and Seythe, 
Yett Ecce virgo^ consepeety — 

Loo, where a reymede schall ryse ! 23 

The cliild of 
a viiviii shall 
restore us to 

and redeem 
Adam fh>m 

the deed shall 
soon be done. 

Be-holde, a mayde schall conseyve a childe 

And gett vs more grace then eyner men had. 
And hir meydin-[h]od^ nothing defy lid. 

Sche ys deputyd to beare the Sun, Almyghte God. 

Loo ! sufferntis, now ma you be glad, 28 

For of this meydin all we ma be fayne ; 

For Adam, that now lyis in sorrois full sade, 
Hir gloreose birth schall roydeme hym ageyn 

From bondage and thrall. 32 

Now be myrre eyuere mon 

For this dede bryflfly in Isaraell schalbe done, 

And before the Fathur in trone, 

Thatt schall glade vs all 36 


More of this matte?' fayne wolde I meve. 

But lengur tyme I haue not here for to dwell. 
That Lorde that ys marcefuU his marce soo in vs ma 
For to sawe owre sollis from the darknes of hell ; 40 
And to his blys 

He vs bryng, 
Asse he ys 

Bothe lord and kyng, 

And schalbe* eyuerlastyng, 

In secula seculoium, amen l^ 46 

^ S. eyerue, corr. ly M. 

2 The sign for er is used for ir, ri, ar (marce), e (under), as 
well as for er and re. ^ Corred.'by'M., 

* So S., M. shall be. 
'^ Lines 41-46 as two in S., the first ending rvith kyng. 


[Exit Isaiah; erUer Gabriel to Mary.] 

Gaberell. Hayle, Mare, full of grace ! 

Owre Lord God ys with the ;i 
Aboue all wemen that ejner wasse, 

Lade, hlesside mote thow be ! 

Mabb. All-myght Fathur and King of blys. 
From all dysscs th^». sane me now ! 

For inwartlely my spretis trubbuld ys, 

Thatt I am amacid and kno nott how. 


(85) 54 

Gaberell. Dred the nothyng, meydin, of this ; 

From hey vin a-bowe hyddur am I sent 
Of ambassage from that Kyng of blys 

Unto the, lade and vtVgin reyue?'ent ! 

Salutyng the hero asse most exselent, 
Whose v/rtu aboue all othur dothe abownde. 
Wherefore in the g?*ace schalbe fownde ; 
For thow schalt conseyve apon t/ds grownd 62 

The Second Pe^-sone of God in trone ; 

He wylbe borne of the alone ; 

W/t^-owt sin thow schalt hy7?i see.^ 

Thy grace and thi goodnes wyl neyuer bo gone. 

But eyuer to lyve in vtrgeneto. 67 

Mabe. I marvell soore how thatt mabc. 

Manw^ cu??ipany knev I neyuer yett, 
Nor neyuer to do, kasfc I me, 

Whyle thatt owre Lord sendith me my wytt. 71 

Gaberell. The Wholle Gost in the schall lyght. 

And schado thy soil aoo with \irtii 
From the Fathur thatt ys on hyght. 

These wordis, turtill, the^ be full tru. 75 

This chylde that of the schalbe borne 

Ys the Second Persone in Trenete ; 
He schall saue that wase forlorne 

And the fyndis powar dystroie schall he. 79 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S. 

* The contraction here is for us, and is used to represent the 
genitive and the plural throughout. It has been toritten is, th^ 
customary/ spelling in S. * M. here and throtighotU prints the[y]. 

Luke i. 26-46. 

Salatatiou of 

She is 

' Fear not ; 

thou sluilt 
conceive the 
Person of 
tlie Trinity.' 

* How may 
this be P ' 

Tlie Holy 
Ghost shall 
light in her. 

Her son a 


Her kills- 






Those wordis, lacle, full tru the bene, 

And furthur, lade, here in thy noone lonoge 

Be-holde Eylesaboth, thy cosyn clene, 

The wyche wosse barren and past all age, 83 

And now wtt/^ chyld sche hath bene 

Syx monethis and more, asse schalbe sene ; 

Where-for, discomforde tliQ not. Mare ! 

For to God onpossibull nothyng mabe. 87 

Mare. Kow, and yt be thatt liOrdis wyll (86) 

Of my bodde to be borne and forto be, 

Hys hy pleysuris forto fuU-fyll 

Asse his one hande-mayde I submyt me.. 91 

Gaberbll. Now blessid be the tyme sett 

That thou wast borne in thy degre ! 
For now ys the knott surely knytt. 

And God conseyvide in Trenete. 95 

and fareweu. Now fare- Well, lade off rayghtis most ! 

Vnto the God-hed I the be-teyche. 
Mare. Thatt Lorde the gyde in eyuere cost, 

And looly he leyde me and be my leyche ! 99 

His hand- 


Matt.i. 18- ffcre the angeU depaitythf and Joseff cumyth in and seyth : 

25. . 

Matth, X, xi. JosoFP. Mare, my ^vyff soo dere. 
How doo ye, dame, and whatt chere 

Ys witTi you this tyde % 
Mare. Truly, husebonde, I am here 

Owre Lordis wyll forto abyde. 104 

JosoFP. Whatt ! I troo thatt we be all schent ! 
Sey, womon ; who hath byn here sith I went. 

To rage wyth thee % 
Mare. Syr, here was nothur man nor mans ey vin, 
•Theraessen- But onlv the sond of owre Lorde God in hey vin. 109 

ger of God.' *' *^ 

JosoFF. Sey not SOO, womon; for schame,leybe! 

been with 
tliee ? ' 

He dis- 

Ye bo wtt/i chyld soo wondurs grett, 
Ye nede no more thetoi to tret 
Agense all right. 



For-sothe, this chylde, dame, ys not myne. 
Alas, that ejaer with my nynee 

I snld see this syght ! 116 

Tell me, womon ; whose ys this chyld 1 (87) 

Mabe. Kon but youris, husebond soo myld, 

And thatt schalbe seyne, [ywis].^ 
Josopp. But myne 1 alias ! alas ! why sey ye soo 1 
Wele-awey ! womon, now may I goo, 

Be-gyld as many a-nothur ys. 122 

Mare. Na, truly, sir, ye be not be-gylde, 
Hot yet with spott of syn I am not defylde ; 

Trust yt well, huse-bonde. 
Josopp. Huse-bond, in feytlic ! and that acold I 
A ! weylle-awey, Josoff, as thow ar olde ! 

Lyke a fole now ma I stand 128 

And truse.^ 
But, in feyth. Mare, thou art in syn ; 
Soo moche ase I haue cheyrischyd the, dame, and 
all thi kyn, 
Be-hynd my bake to S6rve me thus ! 132 

All olde men, insampull take be me, — 
How I am be-gylid here may you see ! — 

To wed soo yong a chyld. 
Now fare-well, Mare, I leyve the here alone, — 
[Wo] ^ worthe the, dam, and thy warkis ycheone ! — 

For I woll noo-more be be-gylid * 138 

For frynd nor fooe.^ 

Kow of this ded I am soo dull. 

And off my lyff I am soo full, 

Ko farthur ma I goo.^ 142 

[Lies down to sleep; to him enters an angel,] 

I. Angbll.* Aryse up, JosofiF, and goo whom ageyne 

Vnto Mare, thy wyff, that ys soo* fre. 
To comford hir loke that thow bo fayne, 

For, Josofi^ a cleyne meydin ys schee : 146 

^ Emend, 6y M. ' This and the preceding line as mie in S. 
' S. be gylid be, emend, by M. 

* S. Amoell j ; so below for angels^ shepherds, Hiigs, knights, 
mid women, alteration byll, ^ M. so. 


She declares 
her inno* 

She 1b false \n 
spite of his 
Idndness to 
Iter and her 

Let all old 
men take 
from him. 

He leaves 

* Ai*ise» go 
home again 
unto thy 


I' • '■ 

The child 
is Jesas/ 

He will go 
home in 

H^ beg* for- 
giveuess ; 

he has mis- 
named her. 

lie mnst go 
to Bethleliem. 

* I will walk 
with you.' 

Sche hatli conscyvid wtt/t-owt any trayne 

The Sej'cond Person in Trenete ; 
Je«U8^ schalbe hys name, sarten, 

And all thys world sawe scball lie; (88) 150< 

Be not agast.^ 
JosoFP. Now, Lorde, I tbanke the witA liart full aad, 
For of these tythyngis I am soo glad 

Thatt* all my care awoy ys cast ; 

Wherefore to ^fare I woll in hast. 155 

[Returns to Mare,] 

A ! Mare, Mare, I knelo full loo ; 

Forgeve me, swete wyff, here in this loud ! 
!Marce, Mare 1 for now I kno 

Of youre good gouernance and how yt doth stond. 159 

Thogh* thatt I dyd the mys-nam6, 
Marco, Mare \ Whyle I leve 
"Wyll I neyucr, swet wyff, the greve 

In emyst nor in game.^ 163 

Mare. Now, thatt ^ Lord in heyvin, sir, he you f or- 
gy ve! 
And I do for-geve yow in hys name 
For euermore.^ 
JosoPF. Now truly, swete wyff, to you I sey the ' 

same. 167 

But now to Bedlem must I wynde 

And scho my-self , soo full of care ; 
And 5 I to leyve you, this grett, behynd, — 

God wott, the whyle, dame, how you schuld fare. 171 

Mare. Na, hardely, husebond, dred ye nothyng ; 

For I woll walke with you on the wey. 
I trust in God, all-niyghte kyng, 

To spede right well in owre jurney. 175 

JosoFP. Now I tbanke you, Mare, of youre ^ goodnes 
Thatt ^ ye my wordis woll nott blame ; 

And syth that to Bedlem we scball vs dresse, 

Goo we to-gedur in Goddis wholle name. 179 

^ S. Jhu here and throughout, 

'^ This aiid the preceding line as one in S. 

3 M. That. 
So M., S. has Thoght. ^ Qy. Am. ® M. your. 


[Tliey set out and travel a while.] Luke H. 4-7. 

Now to Bedlem liaiie we leyeds three : Tiireeiem^ues 

JO f to Bethlehem. 

Tlie day ys ny spent, yt drawy th toward nyglit ; 
Fayne at your es, dame, I wold that ye schulde be, 

For you groue^ all werely, y t semy th in my syght. 183 

Mare. God haue marcy, Josoffe, my spowse soo dere; (89) The time 
All p?'ofettis herto dothe beyre wyttnes, draws neiir. 

The were tyme now draith nere 

Thatt^'niy.chyld wolbe borne, wyche ys Kyng 
of blis. 187 

Vnto sum i>lace, Josoff, hyndly me leyde, « Lead me to 

Thatt L moght rest me wtt/i g?-ace in thiB tyde. i may rest.* 

The lyght of the Fathur oiier hus both spreyde, 

And the grace of my sun wtt^ ys here a-byde ! 191 

JosoFP. Loo ! blessid Mare, here schall ye lend, * stay here .- 

-Cheff chosyn of owre Lorde and cleynist m degre ; 
And I for help to towne woll I wende. i so to the 

'■ town for 

Ys nott this the bestj dame? whatt sey ye 1 195 »>eip.' 

Mare, God haue marce, Josoff, my huse-bond soo 
meke ! 
Am? hartely I pra you, goo now fro me. 
Josoff. Thatt schalbe done in hast, Mare soo^ swete ! 
The comford of the Wliolle Gost leyve I vfith 
the. 199 ^ 

Now to Bedlem streyght woll I wynd 

To gett SOU! helpe for Mare soo free. 
SvLvi helpe of weihen* God may me send, 

Thatt* Mare, full off grace, pleysid ma be. 203 

[In another part of the place a shepherd begins to speak.] Luke li. 8-20. 

I. Pastor. Now God, that art in Trenete, *mv feiiowa 

^ ' uiid my sheep 

Thow sawe my fellois and me ! '^^ ^*^'-' 

For I kno nott wheyre my scheepe nor the be, 

Thys nyght yt ys soo colde. 207 

^ M. changes to grone, hut st^gests that it may be for growe. 
^ M. That 3 M. so. * M. wemwien. 



He will call 

Now ys yt nygh the niyddis of the nyght ; 
These wedurs ar darke and dym of lyght> 
Thatt of them can hy haue noo syght, 
Stahdyng here on this wold. 

But now to make there hartis lyght, 

Kow wyll I full right 

Stand apon this looe,^ 

And to them cry wtt^ all my myght, — 
Full well my voiso the kno : 
W7/at hoo ! fellois ! hoo ! hooe ! hoo ! 



liemrs and 
hit voice. 

The first 

' It is nearly 

[Ttoo other shqoherds appear (in the street).] 
II. Pastob. Hark, Sym, harke 1 I here owre hrother 

on the looe ; 
This ys hys woise, right well I knoo ; 
There-fore toward hym lett vs goo, 

And folio his woise a-right. 
See, Sym, se, where he doth stond 1 
I am ryght glad we haue hym fond 1 
Brotlmr, where hast thow byn soo long. 

And hit ys soo cold this nyght ] * 




I. Pastor. E ! fryndis, ther cam a pyrie of wynd 

wtt/i a myst suddenly, 
Thatt ^ forth off my weyis went I 
And grett hey venes then * made I 

And wase full sore afryght.^ 229 

Then forto goo wyst I nott whyddur. 
But trawellid on this loo hyddur and thyddur ; 
I wasse so were of this cold weddur 

Thatt nere past wasse my might. 233 

III. Pastor. Brethur, now we be past that f ryght, 
And hit ys far within the nyght, 
Full sono woll spryng the day-lyght. 

Hit drawith fuU^nere the tyde. 237 

^ This and tlie preceding line as otic in S. 

2 S. And till i uyght hit ys soo cold, corr, hy M. 

* S. in, corr. by Sl, * S. afrayde, emend, by M. 

3 M. That. 


Here awhyle lett vs rest, let as refresh 


And repast owreself of the best ; 
Tyll thatt the sun ryse in the est 

Let vs all here abyde. 241 

There the schepp&rdis drawys furth there meyte and doth 
eyte and drynk ; and asse the drynk, thefynd the star^ 
and sey thiis : 

ILL Pastor. Brethur, loke vp and behold ! He «»« a 

Btar, and at 

Whatt thyng ys yondur thatt schynith soo oncepruesses 

brvcht 1 **»e "t*"^ o' 

•^ ° prophecy. 

Asse long ase ejner I haue wachid my fold,^ 
Yett sawe I neyucr soche a syght 

In fyld.i 246 

A ha ! now ys cum the tyme that old f athurs hath 

Thatt in the wynturs nyght soo cold 
A chyld of meydyn borne be he wold 

In whom all profeciys schalbe fullfyld. 250 

I. Pastor. Truth yt ys wttA-owt naye, (91) *Ye«; for it 
Soo seyd the profett Isaye, shortest day.* 

Thatt a^ chylde schuld be borne of a made soo 
In wentur ny the schortist dey 

Or elis in the myddis of the nyght, 255 

II. Pastor. Loovid be God, most off myght, Tiianks- 


That owre grace ys to see thatt syght ; 
Pray we to hym, ase hit ys right, 

Yff thatt his wyll yt be, 259 

Thatt ^ we ma haue knoleyge of this syngnefocacion 
And why hit aperith on this fassion ; 
And eyuer to hym lett vs geve lawdacion. 

In yerthe whyle thatt we be. 263 

There the dngelis syng " Qlorea in exselsis Deo," ^ 

III. Pastor. Harke ! the synpj abowe in the clowdis a merry 

•^ ° cholrl 

clere I 
Hard I neyuer of soo myrre a quere. 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S, 
^ S,hasl, JEmend. 6y M. » M. That. 



Tlie uliep- 
lierd^ recHll 
the soug. 

Now, gontyll bretliur, draw we iicre 

To here there armoiiy.^ 267 

I. Pastor. Brothur, royrth and solas ys cnm hus 

among ; 
For be the swettnes of thev songe, 
Goddis Sun ys cxwi, whom we haue lokid for long, 

Asse syngnefyith thys star that we do see. 271 

II. Pastor. ** Glare , glorea in t36^sU^^ thxit wase 

thex s6nge ; . 

How sey ye, fellois, seyd the not thus 1 273 

I. Pastor. Thatt ys wet seyd ;^ now goo we hence 
To worschipe thatt chyld of hy manyffeconce, 
And that we ma syng in his presence 

** Et in turf a pax omyftibus,** ; 277\ 

TJiere the KheppAidis syngis **Ase I ovji Eodde,**^ and (92) 
Josoff seyth : 

JosoFP. Now, Lorde, this noise thai I do here, 

\^i\h this grett solemneto, 
Gretly amendid hath my chere ; 

I trust hy nevis schortly wolbe. 281 

Mary an> 
iiouiiues tlie 

There the angellis syng ** Gloria in.exseUsis " ageyne. 

Mare. A ! Josoff, husebond, cxi?w heddur anon ; 

My chylde ys borne that ys Kyng of blys. 
JosoFFB. Now welcu7H to me, the Makar of mon, 
WitA all the omage thatt I con ; 

Thy swete motlife here woll I kys. 


Warmed by 
the breathing 
of the beasts. 

Mare. A ! Josoff, husebond, my chyld waxith cold, 
And we haue noo fyre to warme hym wit/i. 

JosoFP. Now in my narmys I schall hym fold, 
Kyng of all kyngis be fyld and be fiyth ; 

He myght haue had bettur, and hym-selfc* wold. 
Then the breylhyng of these bestis to warme 
hym with. 292 

^ M. arinouye. ^ S. welseycl. 

•"' 2%e song (I.) is at the end of the pageant. 

* M. hymselfe. 



Mare. Now, Josoff, my husbond, fel^ heddur my . 
The Maker off man and hy Kyng of blys. 
Josopp. That schalbe done anon, Mare soo my Id, 
For the brethyng of these bestis hatli waruiyd 
[hym]^ well, i-wys. 29G 

[Angels appear to the shepherds,] 

I. Anobll. Hyrd-men hynd, 
Drede ye nothyng * 

Off thys star thatt ye do se ; 
For thys same mome 
Godis Sun ys borne ^ 

In Bedlem of a meydirt fre. 

II. Angell. Hy you tliyddur in hast ; 

Yt ys hys wyll ye schall hym see 
Lyinge in a crybbe * of pore rey paste, 

Yett of Davithis lyne cnmon ys hoe. 



* Fenr no- 

but hasten to 
Me him/ 


[The shepherds approach and worship the Babe."] 

I. Pastor. Hayle, mayde-modur * and wyff soo myld ! 
Asse the angell seyd, soo hauo we fonde. 

I haue nothyng to present vfi\h th\ chylde 

But my pype ; hold, hold, take yt in thy bond | 
Where-in moche pleysure thai I haue fond ; 

And now, to oonowre thy gloreose byrtho, 

Thow schallt yt haue to make the myrthe. 


a fleeting 
to Mary, 

and a present 
to Jesus ; 
he j^ives his 

II. Pastor. Now, hayle be thow, chyld, and thy 
dame ! 

For in a pore* loggyn here art thow ley do, 
Soo the angell seyde and tolde vs thy name ; 

Holde, take thow here my hat on thy hedde ! 

And now off won thyng thow art well sped, 
For weddur thow hast noo ncde to complayne. 
For wynd, ne sun, hayle, snoo and rayne. 


* Take my 
hat on thy 


* Suppl. by M. * This a)id the jrreceding line as one in S. 
^ M. cribbe. * M. mothur. ^ S. aporc, corr. hy M. 


lu. Pastor. Hayle be tiiow, Lorde ouer watur and 
For thy cumyng all we ma make myrtbe. 
* Her« are Haiie bere my myttens to pytt on thi bondis, 

my inittcmi 

to mit ou thy Otbur tieysure baue I non to present tbe wtt^. 324 

Marb. Now, berdmen hynd, 
For youre comyng ^ 
She win pnr To my cbyld scball I proe, 327 

for ^hy, *f *f * ' 

Asse bo ys beyvin kyng, 
To grant you bis blessyng,^ 
And to bys blys that ye may wynd 

At your last day.^ 331 

There the acheppardis gyngith ' offeyne and goth forthe 
I'' of the plau ; and the ij ptofeUis cumyth in and eeyth 


Wonderful I. PiJOFETA, NoVoUis, nOVelHs 

tidinse I 

Of wonderfull marvellys,^ 

Were by and defuce vnto tbe beryng I 

Asse scripture tellis, 

Tbese strange novellis 

To you I bryng.3 387 

II. Pjjopeta. Kow bartely, sir, I desyre to knoo, (94) 
Yff bytt wolde pleyse you forto scboo, 
Of wbatt maner a tbyng. 
The nativity I. PijoPBTA. Were mystocall vnto youre ber- 

01 a Ung, " •* 

Of the natevete off a kyng. 342 

II. Pjjopeta. Of a kyng ] Whence scbuld be cum ? 

L PiiOFETA. From thatt reygend ryall and 
mighty mancion, 
The sede seylesteall and beyvinly vysedome, 

The Seycond* Pez-son and Godis one Sun, 
For owre sake now ys man be-cuni. 347 

This godly spere, 
Desendid here ^ 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S, 
2 The song (III.) is at the end of the pageant, 
^ Li)ics 335-7 as one in S. * M. Second. 



In-to a v/rgin clere,^ 

Sche on-defyld ; ^ 
Be whose warke obskevre 
Owre frayle nature 

Ys now begilde.* 
II. Trofeta. Why, hath sche a chyld 1 

I. PizoFETA. E 1 trust hyt well ; 

And neuer the las * 

Yet ys sche a inayde evin asse sche wasse, 
And hir sun the king of Isaraell. 

II. PiJOFETA. A wondur-f ull marvell 

How thatt,* 
And far dothe exsell 

All owre capasete : ^ 
How thatt the Trenete, 

Of soo hy regallete,2 
Schuld jonyd be * 

Vnto owre mortallete ! ^ 




bom of a 
virgin uu- 

Truly mar- 
vellous 1 


I. PiJOFBTA. Of his one grett marce, 

As ye shall se the exposyssion,^ 
Throgh whose vmanyte 
All Adamw progene * 

Reydemyd schalbe owt of perdyssion. 

Syth man did offend, 
Who schuld amend * 

But the seyd mon and no nothur ) 
For the wyche cawse he 
Incarnate wold be ^ 

And ly ve in mesere asse m&nis one brothur. 

II. PiWFBTA. Syr, vnto the Deyite, (95) 
I beleve parfettle,^ 

Onpossibull to be there ys nothyng ; 




Erogeny shall 
B redeemed. 

Man mupt 
redeem man. 

^ M. puts a period here and a comma afUr Sche ; he suggests that 
a line is omitted after 351. 
^ This and the preceding line as one in S. 
' S. be jonyd, emend, hy M. 



The folly of 

The Unenge 
of Mary. 

God may act 
to nature ; 

Aaron's rod. 

How be yt this warke 
Vnto nie ys darke ^ 

In the opperacion or wyrkyng. 384 

I. PiJOFBTA. Whatt more reypriff 

Ys vnto belyff 

Then to be dowtyng 1 2 337 

II. P/?OFBTA. Yet dowtis oftymw bathe dereyacion. 
I. PizoFBTA. Thatt ys be the mejnes of comenecacion 
Of trawthis to haue a dev probacion 

Be the same dowts reysouiiig. 

II. PiJOFBTA. Then to you this won thyng : 
Of whatt nobull and' hy lenage ys schee 
Thatt myght ihta vembuU • pnncis mgdur be ] 394 

I. Pjiofbta. Ondowtid sche ys own of hy parrage, 
Of the howse of Davith and Salamon the sage ; 
And won off the same lyne joynid to hir be mareago ; 

Of whose try be 
We do subset)' be * 
This chy[l]dis* lenage.* 400 

II. Pjwfbta. And why in thfttt wysse 1 ; 

I. PjiOFETA. For yt Wasse the gysse 

To conte the paraut on the manys lyne, 
And nott on the feymyne/ 

Amohst vs here in Isaraell. 405 

II. PiJOFBTA. Yett can I nott aspy be noo wysse 
How thys chylde borne schuldbe wttA-ow[t]^ naturis 

I. PifOFBTA. Nay, no prejvdyso vnto nature, I dare 

well sey ; 
For the kyng of nature may 

Hawe all at his one wyll.^ 410 

Dyd not tJie powar of God 
Make Aronis rod 
Bey re frute in on day 1 ^ 413 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S. 

' Lines 386-7 as one in S. 

' M. Qy. renable. * S. siibscryve, corr. hy M. 

* Corr, hy S. ^ Lines 398-400 as one in S. 

^ M. prints feymy[ny]ne. ^ Lines 411-3 as oiu in S. 


II. PyjOFBTA. Truth yt ys in-ded. 
L P/?OFBTA. Then loke you and rede, 
II.- P/JOFETA. A ! I perseyve the sede 

Where apon thatt you spake. ^ 
Yt wasse for owro nede 

Thai he frayle nature did take,^ 
And hifi blod he schuld* schede 

Aniens forto make^ 

For owre transegression ; 

Ase yt ys seyd in p?*ofece 

Thai of the lyne of Jude ^ 

Schuld spryng a right Messe, 

Be whom all wee 

Schall 2 haue reydemcion.^ 





The second 
prophet now 
the plan of ' 

I. PfiOFETA. Sir, now ys the tyme cu?», 
And the date there-of run, 

Off his Natevete. 

II. P/JOFBTA. Yett I beseke you hartele 

Tliai ye wold schoo me how ^ 

Thutt this strange nowelte 
Were broght vnto you. 


The time is 

I. PiJOFEtA. This othur nyght soo cold 
Hereby apon a wolde 

Scheppardis wachyng there fold, 

In the nyght soo far 

To them aperid a star,. 

And^ eyuer yt drev them nar; 
Wyche star the did behold 
Bryghter, th^ sey, M folde 

Then the sun so clere 

In his mydday spere, 
And the these tythyngis tolde. 

II. PizoFETA. Whatt, seycretly] 
I. Pjjofeta. Na, na, hardely ; 

The made there-of no conseil ; 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S. 

2 So M.; S. schalld; Qy. schiilld. » M. And. 


The shep- 
herds have 
seen his star. 

1000 times 
brighter than 
the noonday 


No secret. 


), schevaleris de uooble posance ! ^ 

omos,^ companeouys petis egrance ! ' 

ad dugard trey tus ^ sylance. 

Yottur nooble Koie syre ege presance 1 ^ 479 oommands 

rsoue ese nou fawis p^wynt ^ dedffer- be sOent, 

de frappas;' mayis gardos to to^® patient and 

revemtthd in 
ICOi-— preeence or 

king HtimL 

^^ voter Senear to cor ^^ reyuerance ; (98) 

r Roie to to puysance.^^ 

' pase to8 ! je vose cummande, 

»tt la grandeaboly vos vmport.^^ 485 

stoHs^^ in Jade et Hex IseraeU, 
myghttyst conquerowre ^'^that eyuar Herod nwde 

. .. lieaven and 

on grownd ; ^ ' beu, 

i lie thatt made bothe lievin and hell, 
ly myghte powar holdith yp ^^I's world 

kf Madroke, bothe /^e[m]^s did I con- defeated 

Mara and 
1^ Madroke, 

bryght bronde there bonis I brak on- 
ryde worlde on those rappis did wond^. 492 

.^ _^ „ ion of the moat perplexiog of the difficulties, 
lilliiy neglected to taxe any notea at the time, I 
11^ except in one or two cases, to remember to 
p peh suggestion belongs. Of course they are not 
ijjf adstakes that may appear here. I have printed 
jjJMinge except in punctuation." All of the notes 

^prv kikM directly from M. 

('. ■ 

fitprsbMy only a carelese farm of e. 

* de garder trestous. 
Mant; * nnlle. 
H non &88e point. ^ Ne se. 
W gardez tote. 

I l^bfv the indirect object aeeme unnecessary, 
Qiaidon : Car il est votre roi tout puissant, 
n de Ini (Sheldon suggests loi instead Q^lui). 
pmiCt that the line properly ends wUh grand {modify^ 
ftifming with 484),— diable vos emporte! bein^ 
imsd pleasantry addressed to the audience, 
Ipium in S. 
• • ground. ^ So M. 



' In wliat 
palace was 

' In no raoh 

between two 
beasts ac- 
cording to 
Hah. Hi. 2 

The shep- 
herds went 
forth re- 

sing!ng a 



A herald. 

For the song ase lowde 
Ase eyuer the cowde 

Presyng the kyng of IsaraelL 451 

II. PiJOFBTA. Yett do I marvell (97) 

In whatt pyle ^ or castell 

These herdmen dyd hym see. 454 

I. Pi?0PBTA. Nothur in hallis nor yett in bowris 

Bom wold he not be, 
i^other in castellis nor yet in towris 

Thai semly were to se ; 458 

But att hys Fathurs wyll, 
The profeci to fuU-fyll, 

Be-twyxt an ox and ^ an as 

Je8u«, thi^ kyng, borne he was. 
Heyvin he bryng us tyll ! 463 

II. PiJOFBTA. S/r, a ! but when these scheppardis^ 

had seyne hym there, 
In-to whatt place did the repeyre 1 
I, PiJOPETA. Forthe the went and glad th^ were, 

Going thQ did syng ; 
Wtt/i myrthe and solas th^ made good chere 

For joie of that new tything ; 469 

And aftur, asse I hard the[m]* tell. 
He rey wardid them full well : 
He graunt them hevyn ^^er-in to dwell ; 
In ar the gon wttA joie and myrthe. 
And there songe hit ys " Neowell." 


There the ptofcttis gothe furthe and Erod cumyth in, and 
th« messenger. 

NoNCBOSB.* Faytes pais, dnyis,^ baronys de grande 
reynowne I 

^ 1817 ed, pallays. ^ Repeated in Af. 

' M. slieppardis. * So M. 

^ Sheldon siiggests that this is the pi. of O.F. dame, damne, 
infitienced by the spelling of some form of Lat. dominus. 

^ In his note Prof Manly says : ** In reading this proclamation 
I have had the aid of both Prof. Kittredge and Prof» Sheldon. 
As this aid, however, was given a year or two ago in the form of a 



everyiN)dy to 
be suent. 

Fayis, seneoris, schevaleris de uooble posance ! ^ 

Bays, gentis homos,^ companeouys petis egrance ! ' 

Je vos command dugard treytus * sylance. 

Payis, tauque vottur nooble Koie syre ege presance 1 ^ 479 oommaiwis 

Que nollis^ persone ese non fawis perwynt^ dedffer- 

Nese® harde de frappas;' mayis gardus to to^® 

paceance, — 
Mayis gardus ^^ voter seneor to cor ^* reyuerance ; (98) 
Car elat vottur Eoie to to puysance.^^ 
Anon de leo,^^ pase tos ! je vose cummande, 
E lay Eoie erott la grandeaboly vos vmport.^^ 485 

patient and 
reverential in 
reaeiice or 


Erodb. Qui statis^^ in Jude et Hex Iseraell, 

And the myghttyst conquerowre ^^that eyaer 

For I am evyn he thatt made bothe hevin and hell, 
And of my myghte powar holdith vp ^^I's world 

Magog and Madroke, bothe /^e[m]^^ did I con- 
And wiUi this bryght btonde there bonis I brak on- 

Thatt all the wyde worlde on those rappis did wonder. 492 

Herod made 
heaven and 




pretty lively oral discussion of the most perplexing of the difficulties, 
and as I unfortunately neglected to taxe any notes at the time, I 
find myself unable, except in one or two casee, to remember to 
which of the two each suggestion belongs. Of course they are not 
responsible for any mistakes that may appear here. I have printed 
the text with no change except in punctuation." All of the notes 
upon this passage are taken direcUy/rom M. 

^ puissance. ^ 

' The second o is prdbMy only aeareless/orm of e. 

' et grands. * de garder trestous. 

' roi seit id present. ' nnlle. 

^ Kittredge : ioi non fasse point. ^ Ne se. 
' frapper. ^^ gardez tote. 

" A preposition More the indirect object seems unnecessary, 

^' tote. " Sheldon : Gar il est votre roi tout puissant. 

^^ A (=au) nom de lui (Sheldon suggests Ioi instead of\m). 

^ Sheldon suggests that the line properly ends unth grand {fnodi/y' 
ing Erott arut rhyming with 484),— diable vos emporte! being 
merely an unattached pleasantry addressed to the audience. 

^' Qui statis is in red in S. 

"-J' M. thfkt.. . ground. ^ So M. 




the caase of 
lif^lit and 

and earth- 
quakes J 

he is prince 
of purgatory 
aiia captain 

and ooald 
annihilate his 
enemies by 
batting his 

I am the cawse of this grett lyght and thunder ; 

Ytt ys throgh my fure that the soche noyse dothe 
My feyref uU contenance the clowdis so doth inca77ibur 
Tliat oftymw for drede thei-oi the verre yerth 

doth quake. 
Loke, when I w»'t^ males this bryght brond doth 
All the whole world from the north to f/te sowthe 
I ma them dystroie vfiih won worde of my mowthe 1 499 

To reycownt vnto you myn innevmerabull substanoe, — 

Thatt were to moche for any tong to tell ; 
For all the whole Orent ys under myn obbeydeance, 
And prynce am I of purgatorre and cheff capten 

of hell ; 
And those tyraneos tray turs be force ma I compell 
Myne enmyis to vanquese and evyn to dust them 

And vfitJi a twynke of myn iee not won to be lafte 


To loolc at 
liim is better 
than meat or 

Behold my contenance and my colur, 

Bryghtur then the sun in the meddis of t?tQ dey. 

Where can you haue a more grettur succur 

Then to behold my person that jrs soo gayo 1 
My fawcun and my fassion, wit/i my gorgis araye, — 

He thatt had the grace all-wey ^^er-on to thynke, 

Lyve the^ myght all-wey wtt^-owt othur meyte or 

And thys my tryomfande fame most hylist dothe a- 
Throgh-owt this world in all reygeons abrod, 
He resembles Reyscmclyng the fauer of thatt most myght Mahownd : 

Mahomet, is f o 7 

descended From Jubvtor be desent and cosyn to the grett 

from Jupiter " y o 

and is a God, (99) 

cousin to ' V ' 

the Deity. ^^(j nauiyd the most reydowiidid kyng^ Eyrodde, 

Wyclie thatt all pryncis hath under subjeccion 
And all there whole powar vndur my proteccion. 



M. emends to he. Op. II. 686-8. 

M. king. 


And therefore, my hareode here, callid Calcas, His hemid 

. Calcltfts most 

Wame thow eyuere^ porte thatt noo schyppis aimouncea 

a-ry Ve, marks on 

Nor also aleoud stranger throg my realme pas, 

But the for there truage do pay markis fyve. 524 

Now spede the forth hastele, 

For the thatt wyll tlie contrare 

Apon a galowse hangid schalbe, 
A7ul, be Mahownde, of me the gett noo grace ! 528 

NoNcios. Now, lord and mastur, in all the hast caicUas wiu 

Thy worethe wyll ytt schall be wroght. 
And thy ryall cuntreyis schalbe past 

In asse schort tyme ase can be thoght. 532 

Ebodb. Now schall owre regeons throgh-owt be socht a search 

_ o w o for aliens 

In eyuere^ place bothe est and west ; ordered. 

Yff any katyffis to me be broght, 

Yt schalbe nothyng for there best. 

And the whyle thatt I do resst, 
Trompettis, Tiallis, and othur armone 
Schall bles the wakyug of my maleste. 53^9 

• » ■ • . 

ffere Erod goth awey and the iij kyngis speykyth in Matt. ii. M2. 

strete, ~ 

I. Kbx, Now blessid be God of his swet sonde, Tiie first icing 

•v-i 1 li 1 1 -r ^ sees the star 

For yondur a feyre bryght star I do see ! 
Now ys he cofifion, vs a-monge, 

Asse the profet ^ seyd thatt yt schuld be. d43 

A seyd ^ there schuld a babe be borne, and remem- 

Comyng of the rote of Jesse, prophecy. 

To sawe mankynd that wasse for-lorne ; 

And truly Gomen now ys he. 547 

Keyuerence ajid worschip to hym woll I do (100) 

Asse God and man, thatt all made of noght. 
All the profettis acordid and seyd evyn soo, 

That witA hys presseos blod mankynd schuld be 
boght. " 551 

^ Contraction for er. ^ S. profettis, emend, by M. 
* S. Aseyd, corr. hyVL, Qy. A seyd = they said. 



tiMt iMminr 
Me Um Lord** 


King tiM lort 
hb waj. 

of prophecy. 

will worship 

He Bees the 
other King, 

Tliey coo- 

The third 
King is also 

He grant me grace, 

Be yonder star tha\> I sce,^ 
And in-to thatt place 

Bryng me ^ 

Thatt I ma hym worschipe wiVi umellete 
And se hys gloreose face. 

II. Rex. Owt of my wey I deme thatt I am, 
For toocuns of thys cuntrey can I non see ; 

Now, God, thatt on yorth madist man. 

Send me sum knoleyge where thatt I be ! 



Yondur, me thynkc, a feyre, bryght star I see, 
The wyche be-tocunyth the byrth of a chyld 

Thatt hedur ys cum to make man fre \ 

He borne of a mayde,^ and sche nothyng defyld. 565 

To worschip thatt chyld ys myn in-tent ; 

Forth now wyll I take my wey. 
I trust sum cumpany God hathe me sent, 

For yonder I se a kyng labur on the wey ; 

To-warde hym now woll I ryde. 

Harke ! cumly kyng, I you pray, 
In-to whatt cost wyll ye thys tyde. 

Or weddur lyis youre jumey ] 



I. Ebx. To seke a chylde ys myne in-tent 
Of whom the profetis hathe meiit ; 

The tyme ys cu?7i, now ys he sent, 

Be yondur star here ma [you]^ see. 

II. Rbx. Sir, I prey you, wit/i your lysence, 
To ryde with you vnto his presence ; 

To hym wyll I offur frank-in-sence. 

For the hed of all Whole Churche schall he be. 

III. Rbx. I ryde wandeiyng in veyis wyde, (101) 

Ouer montens and dalis ; I wot not where I am. 
Now, Kyng off all kyngis, send me soche gyde 

Thatt I myght haue knoleyge of thys cuntreys 




^ Tliis and the preceding line as one in S. 
S. amayde, eorr, by M, ^ Supplied by S. 


A ! yondiir I so a syght, be-semyng all afar, wid aiM> sees 

The wyche be-tocuns sum nevis, ase I troo ; 
Asse me tliynke, a chyld peryng in a stare. 

I trust he be cuw that schall defend vs from woo. 589 

To kyngis yondur I see, The Kings 

And to them woll I ryde^ 
Forto haue there cmnpane ; 

I trust thei wyll me abyde.^ 593 

Hayle, cumly kyngis augent ! ^ 

Good surs, I pray you, wheddCT ar ye menti 

I. Rex. To seke a chylde ys owre in-tent, 

Wyche be-tocuns yonder star, asse ye ma see. 597 

II. Rex. To hym I purpose thys present. 

III. Rex. Surs, I pray you, and thatt ryght 

Wtt/i you thatt I ma ryde in cumnanc. and ride in 

" .f A company. 

[1 All.]^ To all-myghte God now prey we 

Thatt hys pressiose persone we ma se. 602 

Here Erode cumyth in ageyne and the messengere seyth: 

Nuncios. Hayle, lorde most off mycht 1 Herod leamg 

rr.1 1 . , of the kings 

Thy com97iandement ys right ; andth»ir 

In-to thy land ys comyn tJiia nyght 

iij kyngis and vriUi them a grett cumpany, 606 

Erod. Whatt make those kyngis in this cuntrey ? 

Koncios. To seke a kyng and a chyld, the sey. 
Erode. Of whatt age schuld he bee 1 
NoNCios.. Skant twellve deyis old fulle. 610 

Erod. And wasse he soo late borne? {^^^) 

KoNCios. E ! syr, soo the schode me, thys same dey 

in the morne. 
Erod. 2^ow, in payne of deyth, bryng them me 'Dringthem 

_ ^ before me 

befome : on pain of 

And there-fore, harrode, now hy the in hast, 614 

In all spede thatt thow* were dyght 

Or thatt those kyngis the cuntrey be past ; 

Loke thow bryng them all iij before my syght ; 617 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S. 

'^ M. Qy. and gent. ' Suggf^stcd bijli. * M. thou. 



And in Jerusalem^ inquere more of that chyld. 
Main ftir* But I wame the that thy wordis be mylde, 
qoiriea.' For there must* thow hede and crafte wey[lde]* 

How to for-do his powere ; and those iij kyngis shalbe 

begild. 621 

NoNCios. Lorde, I am redde att youro byddyng 
To sarve the ase my lord and kyng ; 
For joye there-of, loo, how I spryng 
Wiih lyght hart ami fresche gamboldyng 

Alofte here on this molde I 626 

Ebodb. Then sped the forthe hastely. 
And loke thai thow bey re the eyvinly ; 
And also I pray the hartely 
Thatt thow doo comand me 

Bothe to yong and olde.* * 631 

[The m€$Hnger goes to the kingi.] 
' Kinff Herod NuNCios. Hayle, syr kyngis, in youre degre ; 

desiros to ^^ 

■peak irith Erood, kyng of these cuntreyis wyde, 

Desyrith to speyke with you all thre, 

And for youre comyng he dothe abyde. 635 

I. Rex. Syr, att his wyll we be ryght bayne. 

Hy us, brethur, vnto thatt lordis place ; 
To speyke with hym we wold be fayne ; 

Thatt chyld thatt we seke, he grant us of his 
grace I 639 

[They go to fferod.] 

Nuncios. Hayle, lorde wiUi-owt pere ! 
These iij kyngis here have we broght 
•Do not be Ebodb. Now welcuTw, syr kyngis, all in fere; (103) 
^my But of my bryght ble, surs, bassche ye noght I 643 

Sir kyngis, ase I vndurstand, 

A star hathe gydid you into my land, 

Where-in grett harie ^ ye haue fonde 

Be reysun of hir beymw bryght. 647 

' S. Jerusalen, corr. by M. 

'^ S. mast, corr. by M. ^ Emenid, by Af . 

* Lines 629-631 as two in S., the first ending with doo. 

* M. changes to harting. 



Wherefore I pray you hartely 

The vere truthe thatt ye wold 8e7'tefy, 

How long yt ys surely 

Syn of that star you had f urst syglit. 

I. Ebx. Sir kynge, the vere truthe to sey 
And forto schoo you ase hit ys best, 

This same ys evin the xij*** dey 

Syth yt aperid to vs to be west.^ 

Erodr Brethur, then ys there no more to sey, 
But wtt^ hart and wyll kepe ye your jumey 
And cuw jjhom by me this same wey, ^ 

Of your nevis thatt I myght knoo. 
You schall tryomfe in this cuntre 
And with grett conquorde bankett wtt/i me, 
And thatt chyld myself then woll I see 

And honor hym also. 




He inquires 
about the 

'Come liome 
tills way aiid 
banquet wiili 


II. Rex. Sir, youre coniTwandement we woll fullfyll 
And humbly abaye owreself there-tyll.^ 
He thatt weldith all thyng at wyll 

Tlie redde way bus teyche,' 
S/r kyng, thatt we ma passe your land in pes 1 
Ebopb. Yes, and walke softely ey vin at your one es; 669 

Youre pase-porte for a C deyis 

Here schall you haue of clcre cum^nand, 

Owre reme to labur any weyis 

Here schall you haue be spesschall grante. 673 

Tliey agree, 

and receive a 

III. Rex. Now fare-well, kyng of by degre, 
Humbly of you owre ley ve we take. 

Erode. Then adev, sir kyngis all thre ; 

And whyle I lyve, be bold of me ! 

There ys nothyng in this cuntre 

But for youre one ye schall yt take. 



^ 1817 Ed. Tias to us be west, which is probdbly the original 
'^ M. Qy. there-to. ' M. Qy. show. 


[Exeunt the three kimge,} 

Htrod wm Now these iij kyngis are gon on ther wey ; 
smUi whM On-wjeely a9id on-wyttely haue the all wtoghte. 

When the cum^ ageyne, the schall dy that saibo dey, 
And thus these yyle wreychis to dey th the schalhe 
broght, — 
Soch.e ys my lykyng. 684* 

He that agenst my lawis wyll hold, 
Be he kyng or keysar neyucr soo bold, 
I schall them cast in-to caris cold 

And to deyth I schall them bryng. 688 

There Erode jfoth hie %oeyie and the iij kyUgie cum in 

TiMkhiffa I. Hex. blessid God, moche ys thy my^ht ! 

niLnoeuid Wheie ys this star thatt gawe vs lyghtt 690 


n. Eex. Now kuele we downe here in this presence, 
Be-sekyng that Lord of hy mangnefecens ' 
That we ma see his hy exsellence 

Yff thatt his swot wyll be ? » 694 

III. Rex. Yondur, brothur, I see the star, 
Where-by I k no he ys nott far ; *• 
Therefore, lordis, goo we nar 

Into this pore place. 698 

Jliere the iij kyngie gois in-to the jeeen, to Mare and hir 

Theflnt I. Eex. Hayle, Lorde thatt all this worlde hathe 

briug* gold; ^ 

wroght ! 
Hale, God and man to-gedur in fere I (1^5) 

For thow hast made all thyng of noght, 

Albe-yt thatt thow lyist porely here ; 

A cupe-ftdl [of] * golde here I haue the broght, 

the tecond, In toconvng thow art with-out pare. 704 

incense ; •/ c ^ 

II. Rex. Hayle be thow, Lorde of hy mangnyffecens ! * 
In toconyng of preste[h]od® and dyngnete of 

^ M. cum. * S. mangnefecens, corr. by M. 
^ S. wylbe, corr. by U. * Corr. by S. 
" S. raat«giiyffecens, corr, by 'Hi, ^ So M. 


To the I offur a cnpe-fuU off in-sence, 

For yt be-hovith the to haue soche sacrefyce. 708 

ni. Kbx. Hayle be thow, Lorde longe lokid fore ! 

I haue broght the myre for mortalete, «»« twrd. 

In to-cunyng thow schalt mankynd restore 

To lyflf be thy deyth apon a tre. 712 

Mare. God haue marce, kyngis, of yowre goodnes ; Mary biemes 

Be the gydyng of the godhed bidder ar ye sent ; 
The provyssion^ off my swete sun your weyis whom 

And gostely reywarde you for youre present ! 716 

[As the kings go away, they say ;] 

I. Rex. Syr kyngis, af tur owre promes Tiiey are 

Whome be Erode I mvst nedis goo, Hs^^^ 

° of Herod, 

n. Rex. Now truly, brethur,^ we can noo las, & rw^**** 

But I am 800 for-wachid* I wott not wat to do. 720 

ni. Rex. Right soo am I ; where-fore I you pray, 

Lett all vs rest vs awhyle upon this grownd. 
I, Rex. Brothur, your* seying ys right well vnto my 


The g?*ace of thatt swet chylde saue vs all sownde ! 724 

[They lie down, and while they sleep, an angd appears,"] 
Angellct^. Kyng of Tawrus, Ser Jespar, An angei 

T7- i»* 1 oi.-r\ii greets them 

Jiyng of Arrab\', Sir Baltliasar, and warns 


Melchor, Kyiig of Aginare, 

To you now am I sent. (106) 728 

For drede of Eyrode, goo you west whom ; 
In-to those parties when ye cum downe, 
Ye schalbe byrrid with gret reynowne ; 

The WhoUe Gost thys» knoleyge hath sent. [ExU,\ 732 

I. Rex. Awake, sir kyngis, I you praye, They talk it 

For the voise of an angell I hard in my dreyme. 

II. Rkx. Thatt ys full tru thatt ye do sey, 

For he reyherssid owre names playne. 736 

^ 1817 Ed. nuvssion. ' S. berthnr, corr, by M. 

' 8. far wocnid, corr. byM.. * C(mtr,for er. * 8., M. thus. 



III. Rbx. He bad thatt we echuld goo downe be west 
For drede of Eyrodis fawls be-traye. 
T)>e flwt I. Rbx. Soo forto do, yt ys the best ; 
farewell. The Child that we haue soght, gyde vs the wcy ! 740 

Now fare-well, the feyrist of schapp so swete ! 

And thaiikid be Jesus of his sonde, 
Thatt ^ we iij to-goder soo suddenly schuld mete, 

Thatt dwell soo wyde and in straunge lond, 744 

And here make owre presentacion 

Vnto tliis kyngis son clensid soo cleyne 

And to his moder for ovre saluacion ; 

Of moche myrth now ma we meyne, 

Thatt we soo well hath done this obblacion. 749 

tiieMoond . II. Rbx. Now farewell. Sir Jaspar, brothur, to yoeu, 
kingid^i, .. KyngofTawrusthemostworthe; 

Sir Balthasar, also to you I bow ; 

And I thanke you bothe of youre good cumpany 

Thatt we togeddur haue had. 754 

He thatt made vs to mete on hyll, 
I thanke hym now and eyuer I wyll ; 
For now may we goo wtt/i-owt yll. 

And off owre offerynge be full glad.^ 758 

«n«i the third III. Rbx. Now syth thatt we mvst nedly goo (107) 

For drede of Erode thatt ys soo wrotlie, 
Now fare-well brothur, and brothur also, 
I tike my leve here at you bothe 

This day on fete.s 7G3 

Now he thatt made vs to mete on playne 
And offur* to Mare in hir jeseyne, 
He gave vs grace in heyvin a-gayne 

All to-geyder to mete ! 767 

[They go out, and Herod arid his train occupy the pageant,] 
« Hail ! Main- Nuiv^cios. Hayle, kynge,^ most worthist in wede ! 

tainerof , 11 -nt. 

courtesy ! Hayle, mauteinar of curtese throgh all this world 

wyde ! 

^ M. That. 2 S. fayne, corr. by M. * S. fote, corr, by M. 
* S. otl'urde, corr, by M. ^ M. kyng. 


Hayle, the most myglityst that ejner bestrod a stede ! 
Ha[y]ll,^ most monfuUist mon in armor man to 
abyde ! 
Hayle, in thyne hoonowre ! 772 

Thesso ill kynds that forthe were sent The throe 

: •' •' o kings went 

And schuld hane cum ageyne before the h^re homeanoiher 

Anbthur wey, lorde, whom the wejit, 

Contrare to thyn honowre. 776 

Erode. A-nothur wey 1 owt I owt 1 owtt ! Herod rage«. 

Hath those fa wis traytvrs done me fJds ded ? 
I stampe ! I stare ! I loke all abowtt ! 

Myght I them take, I schuld them bren at a glode ! . - . 
I rent ! I rawe ! and now run I wode ! 
A I thatt these velen trayturs hath mard tJm my mode! 

The 8ch£dbe hangid yf I ma cum them to ! 783 

ffere Erode ragis in the pagond and in the strete also, 
E I and thatt kerne of Bedlem, he schalbe ded He wui siay 

' the Child. 

And thus schall I for-do his prt^fece.* 785 MattMia-is, 

How sey you, sir knyghtisi ys not this the best red, 
Thatt all yong chyldur for this schuld be dede, 

Wyth sworde to be slayne] (108) 788 

Then schall I, Erod, lyve in lede, 
And all folke me dowt and drede, 
And offur to me bo the gold, rychesse, and mede ; 
Thereto wyll the be full fayne. 792 

I. Myles. My lorde, kyng Erode be name, woSiTrou^r 

Thy wordis agenst my wyll schalbe ; "®^ 

To see soo mawy yong chylder dy ys schame. 

Therefore consell ther-io gettis thon non of me. 796 

II. Myles. Well seyd, fello, my trawth I plyght. 

Str kyng, persoyve right well you may, 
Soo grett a morder to see of yong frute 

Wyll niake a rysyng in thi noone cuntrey. 800 

Erode. A rysyng ! Owt ! owt ! owt I 801 

^ Corr, by 8. ^ Qy. his profece for-do. 


There Erode ragis ageyne and then teyth thus : 

Herod Mireat- Owt ! velen WTychis, har apon you I cry ! 
(hem. My wyll vtturly loke that yt be wroght, 

Or apon a gallowse bothe you schall dy, 

Be Mahownde most myghtyste, tJiat me doro 
hath boght ! 805 

I. Mtlks. Now, cruell Erode, syth we schall do this 

Your wyll nedefully in this realme mvste be wroght ; 
All the chylder of tliat age dy the mvst nede ; 

Now yrith all my myght the schall be vpsoght. 809 

11^ BweMP II. Mtlbs. And I woll sweyre here apon your bryght 

All the chylder thatt I fynd, sclayne the schalbe ; 
Thatt make many a moder to wepe and be full sore 
In owre armor bryght when the bus see. (109) 813 

Erode. Now you have swome, forth thai ye goo, 
And my wyll thatt ye wyrke bothe be dey and 
He trips uke And then wyll I for fayne trypp lyke a doo. 

But whan the be ded I wame you bryng ham* 
be-fore my syglit. 817 

HattAiA^ii, [Herod and his train go atoay, and Joseph and Mary are, 

while asleep, addressed by an angel.] 

ANGBLLtr5. Mare and Josoff, to you I sey, 

Swete word from the Fathur I bryng you full 
ryght : 
« Qo forth ^ Owt of Bedlem in-to Eygype forth goo ye the wey 

And with you take the King, full of myght, 

For drede of Eroddis rede ! 822 

JosoFF. A-ryse up, Mare, hastely and sone ; 
Owre Lordis wyll nedys mvst be done, 

Lyke ase the angell vs bad. 825 

^ M. changes to swerde. 

- This line as two in S., the first ending with wepe. 

^ M. prints [t]ham. t 



Mare. Mekely, Josoff, my none spowse, 'Meeicijyiet 

Towarde that cuntrey let vs reypeyre ; 
Att Eygyp ^to sum ciin off^ howse, 

God grant hus grace saff to cum there ! 829 

ffere the wemen!^ cum. in vrythe there ehyldur, syngyng^ <^ 

them; cmd Mare and Joaoff goth avjcy cleyne. 

L WoMON. I loUe my chylde wondursly swete, tiw motiiers 

*> 'I . hush their 

And in my nannis I do hyt kepe, *»*>«• 

Be-cawse thatt yt schuld not cryo. 

II. Woman. Thatt babe thatt ys borne in Bedlem, 

so meke, 
He saue my chyld and me from velany ! 834 

III. Woman. Be styll, be sty 11, my lyttuU chylde ! 
That Lorde of lordis saue bothe the and me ! (110) 

For Erode hath sworne wi t/i wordis wyld 

Thatt all yong ehyldur sclayne the schalbe. 838 

I. Mtles. Sey ye, wyddurde wy vis, whydder ar ye tiw Boidiers 

What beyre you in youre armis nedis mvst we se. 
Yff the be mafi-chyldur, dy the mvst tlivA dey. 

For at Eroddis vryll all thyng mvst be. 842 

II. Mtles. And I in handis wonys the& hent. 

Them forto sley noght woll I spare ; 
We mvst f ull-fyll Erodis commandement, 

Elis be we asse trayturs and cast all in care. 846 

I. Woman. Sir knyghtis, of youre curtessee, «D«ii8t,for 

Thys dey schame not youre chevaldre, »»>« ft"** 

But on my child ^ haue pytte 

For my sake in this styde ; 850 

For a sympull sclaghtur yt were to sloo 
Or to wyrke soche a chyld ^ woo, 
Thai can noder speyke nor goo. 

Nor neuer harme did. 854 

*— ^ M. irdrodvAies this emend, by Kittredge ; 8. sum tocuii off. 
^ K. loemen, ^ The song {II.) is at the end of the pageant, 
* M. chyld. » M. chylde. 





Will deleud 
ber child. 

Imy OH with 

'Did yon 
«v«r liMir 

The King 
must bear 
the blame. 

II. WoMON.* He iLatt sleyia my chyld in syglit, 
Yff thatt my atrokis on bym ma lyglit, 
Be he skwyar or knyght, 

I hold hym but lost. 858 

Se, thow fawls losyiigere, 
A stroke scbalt tbow beyre me here ^ 

And spare for no cost. 861 

iiL Woman. Sytt be neyuer soo by in saddoll, 
But I scball make bis braynis addull^ 
And here wit/t my pott-ladull 

AVtU bym woU I fygbt (111) 865 

I scball ley on bym, a[8] tbogb* I wode were, 
With tbys siame womanly gey re ; 
There scball noo man stcyre, 

AVbeddur thatt be be kyng or knygbi 869 

[Here they kill the children.} 

I. Myles. Who hard eyuer socbo a cry 

Of wemen thatt there cbyldur haue lost, 

And grettly reybukyng cbewaldry 

Throgb-owt this reme in eyuere* cost, 
Wyche many a mans lyff ys lyke to cost 1 

For tbys grett wreyche that here ys done 

I fey re moche wengance thei-oS. woll cvliiu 876 


II. Mtlbs. E ! brotbur, socbe talis may we not tell ; 

Where-fore to the kyng lett vs goo. 
For be ys lyke to beyre the peroll, 

Wyche wasse the cawser that we did soo. 

Yett must the all bo broght bym to 
Wit^ waynis and waggyns fully fryght ; 
I tro there wolbe a carefull syght. [They go to Herod,] 883 

They report. I. Mylbs. Loo ! Eyrode, kyug, here mast thow see 

How many M' thatt we haue slayne. 
II. Myles. And nedis thy wyll full-fyllid must be ; 

There ma no mon sey there-ageyne. 887 

' M. Woman. ^ Contr. for er. 

3 S. athog, corr, by M. * /So M., S. eyueer. 



[Enter Nuntius.} 

Nuiv^cios. Eyrode, kyng, I schall the tell. 

All thy dedis ys cam to noght ; 
This chyld ys gone in-to Eygipte to dwelL 

Loo ! BiTy in thy none land what wondnis byn 
wroght! 891 

Erod. Into Eygipte 1 alas, for woo ! (112) 

Lengur in lande here I canot abyde ; 
Saddall my palfrey, for in hast wyll I goo, 
Aftor yondor trayturs now wyll I ryde. 

Them for to sloo. 896 

Now all men hy fast 
In-to Eygipte in hast ! 
All thatt contrey woll I tast, 

Tyll I ma cum them to. 900 

Fynes lnde de taylars and scharmen. 

Tys* matter / nevly correcte be Robart Croo / the 
xiiij**' dey of marche / fenysschid in the yere of owre Lorde 
God / M CCCCC & xxxiiij*®. / then beyng mayre mastur 
Palmar / also mastris of the seyd fellyschipp Hev Cor- 
bett / Eandull Pynkard and / John Baggeley. 

Theiae songes (113) / helonge to I the Taylors and Shearemens 
Fctgcmt. / The first and the laste the shq^heards singe / and ike 
second or middlemost the women singe. 

Thomas Mawdyckb 

Die decimo tertio Maij anno domim jdiH 
gentesimo nonagesimo primo. / Praetor fait 
CouentrisB D. Mathaeus^ Eichardson, tunc 
Johanes Whitehead et Thomas Grauener.* 

Tlie flight 
iuto EKjpt 
made luum 


Herod ridM 
after Ui« 


Song I. 

As I out rode this end eras night, 
Of thre ioli sheppardes I saw a sight, 
And all a-bowte there fold a star shone brig^; 
Thsy sange terli terloio ; 
So rtiereli the sheppards ther pipe^ 
1 S. T[h]ys. 2 s, Mathaens, arrr, by ML • 

J* • 


Song II. 

Ltdly^ luUay iho^o litteU tine child^ 
By hy, hilly luUayy thotr litteU tyne diild^ 
By by, lully lullay 1 

O sisten toOy 
How may we do^ 

For to preserve tlm day 
This pore yongling 
For whom we do singe ^ 

By by, luUy lullay 1 6 

Heroil, tlie king, (lU) 

In his raging,^ 

Chargid he hath this day 

His men of might 
In his owne sight ^ 

All yonge children to slay, — 12 

That wo is me, 
Pore child, for thee^^ 

And ever mome and may^ 
For thi parting 
Nether say nor singe,^ 

By by, lully lullay. 18 

Song III. 

Doune from heaven, from heaven so hie, 
Of angeles th&c came a great companie, 
WttA mirthe and ioy and great solemnitye, 

The sange terly terlow ; 

So mereWJlve skeppards ^er pipes can blow, 5 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S, 
> S. say ; M. aUrib. corr. to Kittredge. 


®fe^ ||H0eHtil of t^t Wtafaers.' 

[Dramatis PBRSONiE. 

i PvofcttL \ 

ii. Profeta lln the Prophet Play (LI. 1-176). 

m. Profeta] 



i. Angel 

ii. Angel 








i. Doctor 

ii. Doctor I 

Hi, Dodor J 

^In the Purification (LI. 177-721). 

In the Disputation in the Temple 
(LI. 722-1191).] 

star of 

Profeta frimus. Ye grett^ astronemars^ now awake, (31) 'strange 
With youre * iaamts fatheres of felosefy aur has 

- , . , . R 1 appeared in' 

And in-to the oreient reyspecte ° ye take, the ea»u' 

Where nevis and strangis be cuwi of lately, 

Afferniyng the seyn^ of old p?*ofecie, 
Thatt a star ^ schuld apere 
Apon the hyll of Wawse among bus here I 7 

II. Profeta.^ Ye brethur all, then be of good cbere, 
For those tythings niaky th ® my hart ful lyght ! 

We haue desirid many a yere 

Of thatt star to haue a syght, 

And spesschalli of tiiat kyng of myght 

^ Reprinted from The Presentation in the Temple^ A Pageantj 
as originaily represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry, 
Edmburgh : Printed for the Abbotsford Club, 1886. The editor of 
this was Thomas Sharp. In the footnotes, S. indicates this edition. 
H. indicates the edition by Professor F. Holthausen in Anglia, 
N. F. XIII., 209-50. The MS., with which this text has been 
collated, belong to the Clothiers and Broad Weavers' Company of 
Coventiy, and is to be placed among the Corp. MSS. MS. b refers 
to the fragments of another version printed for the first time in 
Appendix IV* 

^ MS. b. Ye gret, MS. E ! grett (?), S. Grett 

' H. emends to astronomars, many similar changes below, 

* S. youre, H. ye. " MS. b. aspecte. • H. inserts [of Jacob]. 

^ S. PROFETA II ; so below for prophets, angels, and doctors,. 

8 S. in wyth, corr, emend, by H. 

0. C. PLAYS. D 





of It. 

It ilffniflM 


Moordinff to 
the propoeC 
ITuM^, xziv. 

The manner 
of his birth. 

Isaiah the 
I$a. vii. U. 

Of whose cumyng we haue playne warnyng 

Be this same star aftor profettis desemyng.^ (32) 14 

Yet furtboTy I pra* you for my larnyng, 

Lett has hawe' sum comenecaciou 
Of this star be oldd pro^ostefying^ 

How bit aperid^ and under whatt fassion. 18 

I. Pbofbta. Sir, aftur a strange deformacion* 
As be atorite reyherse I can ; 

For this same star be interpretacion 
Syngnefyth ^ 4;he nateyete of a man ; 22 

As the profett Balam 

In his text afarmyth right well, 

Seying : " Orietur stella ex Jaeobo, et exmrget 
homo de Israel." 25 

He seyd of lacobe a star schuld springe, 
Wyche syngnefyith only this same kynge 

Tbatt amongist vs now ys cum. 
And as towchyng the letter folloyng : 

Et ipse dominabitur omni gen&Nidone, 30 

II. Profeta. Sir, here ma be movid a questeon 
Of this nobull prince of soo hi degree, 

The wyche of all men schall haue domeneon, 
Vndur what maner borne he schuld be, 
I, Propeta. Ase ye schall here right wonder- 

I5e devine powar of a virgene pure, 

Afarmyng the profeci agenst all nature. (33) 37 

II. Profeta. Where fynde you thai in wholle scrip- 
Before pro^nostefide* this to be done? 

I. Propbta. Isaee the profett wrytith full sure, 

Ecce Virgo conclpiet,^ pariet filium ! [f. i a] 

Balam seyng of the heyvinly wyssedome^^ 

^ H. cJianges to desarnyng ; many similar alterations throughout, 
2 H. vjrites pra[y], similarly below in numerous other cases. 
^ H. changes w to v ; so below in other similar toords. 
* Contraction for pro, * S. aperie. • MS. b. demonstracion. 
' S. Syngnefyn, MS. illegible^ M:S. b. singnefith. * S. wonderfulL 
^ H. iiiserts [et], ^^ H. piUs this line in the foot-notes. 




A man scbuld spryng here in Isaraell, 

The ^ seyd Isayee answeyring to that questeon : ^ 
Et vocaJbityxr nomen eius JEmanvel, 45 

II. Propbta. Yett haue I grett marvell, 

How thatt men schuld tell ^ 

Off such strangis before the fell, 

And man beyng here but a mortall creature.^ 49 

I. Propbta. Be devine powar, I make you sure, 

The sprete of prof ece to them was sent, 
Soo to subscrybe in wholle scripture,* 

And yett them-selfe wyst not watt yt ment. 53 

II. Profbta. Now laude be vnto hym that soche 
knoleyge sent 

Vnto bus wreychis of pore symplecete. 
Where* he ys Lord and God omnipotent, (34) 

In this hys wyll to make bus prove ! 

I. Profbta. Did nott tJiat prof ett man Malache 
Eesite vnto bus on this same wyse 
Tbatt the sun of lyff schall spring and arise ) 60 

Wyche cawsid Isaee to cast up his iees 

Toward hey vin with all his inward syght, 

Seying, " Good Lord, afarmyng thy p*omes. 

Send downe to bus this wonly sun off myght, 
Huse to reystore vnto owre right ! 

Owt of deserte, from the bard stone, 

Reycomfordyng thi dogbtur dwyllyng in Sion ! " 67 

Also Jaramo,<^ thatt wholle mon, 

Seyd in beyvin God schuld make seede, 

A greyne off Davith, tbatt now ys cum, 

Wyche eyuer in gracys shall spring and spreyde 
And kepe Juda owt off drede 

And also Isaraell sett in surenes. 

And he schall make jugementis of rightwesenes. 74 

^ H. emends The[n]. 

' This and t?ie preceding line iwoerted in H. 
' This (md the preceding line as one in H. 
* B., has Where[a8]. * H. alters to Jareme. 

' How OOQld 
■uoh a pro* 
pheqr D6 
madaP' , 

The prophecy 
of Malaehl. 
Mai, Iv. S. 


I$a, li. S. 


Jer. xxxUU 
ti. (P) 



The second 
Prophet is 

More about 
the coming of 

about the 

of the vision. 

Luke ii. 11. 

II. Profeta. I wondre to here you this expres, 

Be actoris hi, this worthe mystere. 
And spesschalle of this ytrtu rightwessenes. 

Where hit schalbe vsid and in whatt parte. 

L Profeta. Apon the yarthe bothe wtt/2 hy and loo 
And rightwessenes men schall hym call, (35) 

When he schall cum to sit in the see [C s] 

Of King Davity tliai most riall stall ; ^ 
And ther schall he before the pristis all 

Of Juda and Ley ve be his powar device, 

WM nev * insence to do sacref yce. 

To God aboue for the grett offence 

Of the peple and for ^ yngnorance,* 

Wit^ there offeringe to make reycompence 
For the lenage of Adamt^ progeny. 
This schall this childe by theym free 

From all the offencis thatt th& haue done 

Be cruell deyth and bytter passion. 

II. Profbta. Good^ Sir, yett under prt^dustacion* 

Owre feyth thereby for to incresse, 
Of this star lett hus haue reylacion, 
How hit aperid and vndur whatt fassion, 
Yff hit wold pleyse you for to expresse.^ 
I. Profeta. Wit/i diners streymw of grett 






A child therm of flagrant swetnes, 

Wyche apon his bake a crosse did beyre, 

And of an eygull hit bare the lykenes, 
Beytyng his wyngis into the eyre ; 
A woise there-in off lange feyre ^ 

Thatt wasse hard throgh-owt the cuntrey, 

Seyinge: *^ Nattcs est nobis oddie rex Judeorxim — et 

sethere:'^ (36) 105 

^ S. of all. H. omits of all. 
''^ H. changes v to w ; so below in similar words, 
^ H. inserts [their]. * H. inserts [hi]. 
* H. God. * H. changes to protestacion. 
' H. inverts this and the preceding line, ^ S. lange tejfe ; 

H. has lang[ag]o (ejre, * H. corr, [h]odie . . . cetera. 



II. Profbta. Of a farthur dcclaracion I wold you praye, 
Whatt trybus the were and in whatt parte, 

The were date, and whatt maner a wey 

They haue mside probate of this profece. 109 

I. Paofeta. And thatt schall I scho you right 

The grett lordis of the land of Caldy 
Fowndid twelve masturs of asestronemy 

For to se this star apere ; 
And when these masturs were eylecte, 
On the hill of Wawse ^er wache the kepte 
And the all togedder neuer sclepte 

Abowe ix® yere. 117 

II. Profeta. And dide the soo longe wache^ that 

hill] [f.2a] 

I. Profeta. Ye truly, tyll iJiAt hit was this kyngis 

This seyd profece for to fullfyll, 
Thatt strange star to send them till,^ 

Whereof the had intellegenee ; 122 

That af tur the darkenes of the nyght 
In the day hit schone soo bright, 
Thatt when the sun and the stare 
In the yeyre togeythur warre, (37) 

Betwyxt them wasse lyttull or non indyfference. 1 27 


TweWe lordi 
kept watch 
900 yeai I for 
the star, 

which was a 
guide for the 
three Kings. 

And SOO this stare wasse a s^rveture 
And ynto iij kyngis a playn cundeture 
Ynto the mancion of a yir^n pure. 

Matt. ii. 9. 


n. Profbta. But ar you sure for whatt intent ] 

I. Profbta. Forsothe to Bedlem streyght the went, 

Whereasse the ofifurd to this childe reuerent 

Wtt/t grett omage a famti^ present. 134 

The furst wasse gold, as most myghte kyng ; 

The seycond wasse myr, asse prist of pristis beyng ; 

The thryd wasse insence, in tokyning of byrring.^ 137 

^ H. inserts [on]. ' H. changes to there. 

' H. changes to byriing. 

The offerings 
of the Kiugr. 



born Kins of 
th« J«wsl ' 
Matt. U. t. 

daipui to pay 
o«ir derotion 
to tlMobild.' 

CkMl for thetr 

and exhort 
all here 

n. Profbta. Yet wold I kno the cawse spesschalljy 

Whatt movid these kyngis to cum so hastelj, 

And whedor the cam oopan or pievy. 140 

I. Profbta* The star broght them throgh ejnere cuntie ; 
And eyu^r as the cam oopunly, 

The dide inquere of those neyis ; 
Eyusr the axid, ** Where ys he 
Thatt ys borne for to be 

The kyng of Juys V*^ 146 

Therefore lett bus wtt^ all delegence 

Ynto tJiat chyld geye honowre and reyuerence, (38) 

And thatt we ma cum vnto his presence 

To haue fruyssion of his hi deyit[e]. 150 

And, brothur, I thanke you of youre pacyence ; 

For now att thys tyme departe wyll wee. 

II. Pbofbta. Now, brothur, for youre swete sentence, 
Att all tymiff welcum to me — 154 

Loo ! fryndis,* there may you see 
How God in man workith alwey. 

Now all we that his servandis be [t s] 

Hathe grett cawse in hym to joie, 
Wyche sendyth bus knoleyge the truth to sey ; 

And he soo meraculosly wyrkyng iherwith 

Thatt of all soycrettis we wryte* the were pyth ; 

Wherefore moclie cawse haue we to make myrth, 
When we reymeiJibur the gloreose birthe 

Of this virgyns sun. 
He the Seconde Person in the Trenete 
Eyquall ^iih his Fathur in deyite 
Aud^ under the curteyne of owre vmanete, 

For bus wold man becum. 





Wherefore, here I exsorte you all, 

That in this place here asembulde bo,. 
Vnto this chyldo for merce cawll, 

^ This and preceding lin^ as one in S., cmr. by H. 
' Stage-direction omitted in S. Speech of second prophet begins at 
line 155 in S. * H. inserts [dere], 

* H. changes to wyte. ^ H. mnits And. 


Wycbe schall reydeme vs apon a tre. 172 to pray for 


And thatt gloreose blys thatt we ma see, 

Wycbe be batbe ordenide for all men 
In bis selesteall place to be (39) 

In secuta eecidoTum^ amen 1 176 

Her9 Semeon intrythe and the last pto/eU gothe ouftt. ^^* U.25-85. 

Sbmbon. Tbe seylesteall Soferent, owre by Gode plSSfS!* 

' etemaXL ! 

Wycbe of tbis mervelus world ys the fowndatur, 
And create^ tbe by beyvins bis one see empcrell 

Wzt^ sun, mone and ataxia, yortbe,^ sky and 
wattur' — 

And al for tbe sustenance of owre vmayne 
nature — 
W»t^ fyscbe, fowle, best, and eyuere otbur tbyng, 
Vndur bus to baue the naturall cowrs and beyng. 183 • 

Yett owre formere parence at tbe begynnyng and miuf «f* 

Tbrogb dyssobeydence bad a grevose fawU moruaity. 

From tbe by pales a7id blys eyuerlastyng 

Downe into tbis* wale^ off ^ meserabull mvndall ; 
For tbe wycbe transgression all we ar now 
Tbatt before wasse infynite for eyuer to remayne 
And now scball take yend^ be deytb and cruell 

payne. 190 

Wycbe grevoise sorro ofte dotbe me conatrayne 
Inwardly to sygbe and byttur teyris to wepo, 

Tyll tbatt I reymembur tbe grett comforde ageyne 

Of anceant profettis wit/i ther sentens swete, t^- »«] 
Wbose fructutM syence of profownde larnyng 

In tbere awturs aperitb to bus rigbt manefestly. 

Of Isaee, Sebbellam,^ Balam, and Malache. '^ 

Lorde of lordis ! In bart beseke I tbe, 

Of tbis infinite worke to send me the tru lyfi^i^ 

^ H. omits And and writes Create[d]. 
» S. <Aorthe. H. changes to for the. « S. matter- 

* Omitted in S. » H. changes to vile. « So MS. K, 
' S. thend. 8 MS. b. has the Sebellis. 



of tiM Be- 

Truly to expownde this seyde wholle profece ; 

And also of that kyng that I ma haue a syght, (40) 201 
And that we ma walke in his weyis nppright,^ 
The wyche be reydemcion schall hus all reyles. 
At whose cumyng the tru ovncion of Juda schall 

seyse. 204 

for h* it 
growing oUL 

Now, Lord, follfyll thatt hy tyme of pes ! 

For age draith me fast apon. 
Fayne wold I see thatt wholle of whollenes. 

Or this mortall lyff fro me were gone. 

Now, Lorde, ase thow art iij in won, 
Grant me grace, yff thatt thy wyl^ be, 
In my nold age that syght for to see ! 


He would 



Then at thy wyll, Lorde, fayne wolde I be, 
Yff thow soche grace woldist me sende. 

To loove the, Lorde, vfith all vmelyte, 

And soo of my lyff then to make an ende ! 
Yett, Lorde, thi grace to me now extende, 

Suffur me rathur yett to lyve in peyne 

Then to dy, or thatt I thatt solam syght haue seyne ! 218 


Anna asks 
to be remeni' 
bered in his 

Here Ane eumyth in to Semeon and scythe : 

Anb. sufferent Semeon ! With all solemnete, 
Thatt of owre gloreose tempull hath tJie gouean- 
With all dev reuerance here beseke I the 

Thi^ olde frynde in Gode to haue in reymembur- 

The wyche hathe tarrid be a long contenvance 
For the comyng of the right Messee, 
Wyche hathe byn promysid vnto hus be profece. 

Lorde ! thogh that I be nothynge worthe 

To see the fassion of thi most presseose pyctore, 
Yett, Lorde, acsepte me of thi grett marce, (41) 


^ This line supplied from MS. b. 

'^ H. inserts [hit]. * H. writes thi[n]. 



Asse thy pore serwand and feythfull creature. 

To se the, Lorde, yff ihja\» I myght be sure, 
No lenger on grownd wold I reyquere 
In this mortall lyff to contenev here. [f. «] 232 

SiMB02^. O fey thefull frynde and louer dere ! 

To you this text ofte haue I tolde, 
That the lyght of Leyve amonge vs here 

In Isaraell schuM he bo^it tsnd sold ; 

Asse avnceant profettis hereof hathe told, 
That in this lande here he schuld make surenes. 
And he to be cawlid the Kyng of Pes. 239 

Asse Isaee hymselfe herein to wyttnes, 

" In facte pqptdoTum" this did he sey, 
^^Cum. venerit sandtis sanctoTum cessabit unctio vestra." 
And soo when owre ryght blod schall seyse, 
Moche yirtn and grace then schall incresse 
WiUb hy jugementis of rightwessenes 

Amongest has evyn here in Isaraell. 246 

Anb. Y£E thatt I myght abyde that dey, 

Thatt wholle off wholleis for to see 
Wyche thatt I haue desyrid allwey, 

In this worlde^ well were me. 

Now, Lord, and yff thy wyll hit be, 
Grant me my hoope, longe lokid fore ; 
Then joie nor welthe kepe I no more. (42) 253 

SiMBoy. Now, Ane, systur and dere frynde, 

Lett hus bothe with a whole intent 
In thys tru feyth owre lyvis yend, 

Lawdyng thatt Lorde wyche ys omnipotent ; 

Wherefore I thynke hyt full expeydente* 
In conteniall preyar for to indure. 
To kno tJierhj his graceose plesura 

Ane. sofferent Semeon I Thi famt^ consell 

Inwardely gladyth me in my hart. 
No-thyng contentyth my mynd soo well. 

Wherefore at thia tyme woll we departe. 


She would 
also die 
gladly if the 
could see the 

He quotes 


Dan, iz. 24. 

Anna prays 
that she inny 
abide until 
the coming. 

They must 
endure in 

Anna is en- 

^ H. inserts [so]. 

' S. ezpeydeut. H. changes to ezpedyent ; so other similar words. 



•Th«^.J* SiMBON. Now, Ane, syth f^t ye wol hence nede^ 
Vnto the tempull with all spede [f. *«] 

Owre Lordis wyll for to abyde, 
That Lord of lordis be thy gyde 

And sende the that wyche thow lovist most ; 
Botlie heyle* and bote for the provide, 

Where^yuer thow goo in any cost ! 271 

alwajt prtyt 

His prayer. 

An nngel 


Fryndis, now ys hit tyme to prey. 
Before that I my rest do take, 

My custome hathe yt byn alwey, 
Asse long ase eyaer I am awake, 
Intersession vnto that Lorde to make 

Of hym to obteyne all my reyquest. 

And theib fall peysable to take my rest.^ 



Now, Lorde, that madist all thyng of noght^ 
Both hevyn and hell and eyuere creature, 

Asse thow knoist myn inwarde thoght, 

Reycomforde [me]* when hit ys thy plesure ; 
For I do covett no more treysure 

Then the tyme of thy natevete 

With my mortall yeeis thatt I myght se. 285 

But asse thow wolt, Lorde, all thyng mvst be. 

And reysun hit ys thatt hit be soo ; 
My wyll therto schall eyuer agre. 

My wholle desyre now dost ^^u kno. 

Or thatt I vnto slepe do goo, 
I commytt my warkis wtt^ all the strcumstance 
Wholly vnto thy lawis and ordonance. 292 

There Semeon aeUys hym doune to rest^ ase hii were^ and 
the Angell seythe to hym: 

I. Angell. Semeon, of thy rest awake ; 

Owre Lorde in heyvin he sendyth^ the gretyng 
Of my message, with the for to make, 

^ S. yede, H. changes to rede and inserts [I] before it. 

2 Changed by a later hand to heylth. ^ Omitted in S. 

* Supplied by H. ^ SoK., S. sendyght. 



With the, hys f rind, a solame metyng ; 

Hj8 blessid bode vnto thi kepyng 
WiVdn schort tyme schal be broght, 
And here in thy tempuU thow schalte be soght 


that Clirlst U 
•Iiortly to 
be bniught to 
the t«mple. 


Seheon. Lorde, whence cam this solam noyse (44) 
That awoke me here soo suddenly 1 * 

My spretis thervfith did soo reyjoyse, 
Thatt no longer slepe cowlde I. 
Me-thoght he seyde right perfettly, 

Thatt solam Sufferent thatt I schulde see 

And haue hym here in my custode. 306 

II. Angell. Semeon, thatt Lorde in Trenete 

Whom thow hast desirid to see alwey 
At thy tempull offurde schal be 

Vnto thy honde this same day ; 

Therfore spede in all thatt thow may, 
That the tempull in ordur be 
This prynce to reyseyve yri\Ji all vmelete. 

* Speed that 
thy temple be 
in order.' 


[Exeunt the two angels,] 

Simeon. Now, Lorde of lordis, thankis be to the ! 

These gloreose tythyngis that here be tolde 
In my hart soo gladith me 

Thatt I am lyghtar a M folde 

Then eyucr I wasse before. 
Therefore wyll I^ with al my myght 
To se my tempull soo presseoosly pyght 
In gorgis araye thatt hyt be dyght 
This prynce for to ownowre.^ 




There Semeon gothe to his Clarke and seyth: 

Now, fryndis all, be of good chere, 
And to owre tempull draw we nere ; 
Soche solam nevis now I here, 

Thatt all my spretis dothe glade. 
Thatt babe ys borne of dyngnete 
Thatt we soo long hathe desirid to see, 


and infonns 
his clerkd. 


^ H. inserts [spede]. ^ jj ;^ [h]onowre, similarly heUm, 


Oure Lord and Kyng ^ most myghte, 

Thatt aU this world^ made. 330 

Clarboct^. Kow blessid mot that lorde ^ be, 
Thatt dey and owre thatt we schall see 
His gloreose bodde in Trencte, 

Thatt flowre that nener schall fade ! 334 


He bids th«m Semeon. Ko lenger, Surs, lett vs abyde, 

prepare to •»-» j . t * n . » -n 

receive the But to the tempuU witA all spede 


To reyseve the Saueowre of this world wyde [f. sa] 
And hym to serve wtt/i lowe and drede 1 
Kow, Sirs, loke thatt ye take good hede 

To wayte and s^ve wit/i all delegence, 

His grace to ownowre wtt^ humble reucrence ! 341 

A eierk uks Clarbccts. To s^uo a prynce of soche maimeffecens, 

f»ir iiwtruo- ^m . ▼ i 

tions about Sir, I wasse neuer wont there-to. 

Sythe ye therin hathe more intellegence, 

lustmcte me, Sir, how thai I schuld do, 

Lost thatt I do offende ; (46) 346 

For rathnr then I wolde hym greive, 
Thatt Lord on whom I do beleve, — 
Yett had I leyuer my-self reymeve 

Vnto the worldis yende. 850 

How it ia to Semeon. Sith thatt ye for knoleyge dothe make sute, 
Your wyttis the bettur do I reypute. - 

Wtt/i humble hartis and* make, 353 

"Won of hus must holde the lyght 

Ande the othur the sacrefyce ; 
And I on kneis, asse hyt ys right, 
The offece to exsersyse 

Vnto thatt babe soo swette. 358 

Clarecits. Then hast we this alter to araye 
And clothis off onowre theron to laye 
Ande the grownde straw we wtt/i flowris gay 

Thatt of oddur swetely smellis. 362 

1 H. inserts [th&t], ' H. itiserts [hath], 

3 H. ?ias lord[ing]e. * H. inserts [ful]. 



Semeon. And when he aprochis nere this place, 
Syng then with me thatt conyng hasse 
And the othur the meyne space 

For joie rynge ye the bellis. Cantant} 366 

There Semeon and hia Claries gothe vptotJie tempull and 
GabereU cumyth to the tempull dore and seyth : [Mary 
and Joseph with the child have occupied the front part 
of t?ie pageant.] 

Gaberebl. Hayle, Mare, meke and myld ! (47) 

The vtrtu m the schall neyuer fade. 
Hayle, meydyn, and thy chylde, 

Thatt aU this world ^ made ! 370 

Thy seylesteall Fadur wyche ys omnipotent 
Of his^ ambassaye hethur hathe me sent 
Vnto the, lade and viVgyn reyucrent, 

Witfi thy sun, owre heyvifi Kynge ! 374 

Unto the tempull thatt tkovi schuldist goo, [f. c] 

And to whyt turtuls with the also, 
And present the chyld and them to, 

All iij of them in ofEeryng. 378 

Spede you forth thatt ye were gone ! 
But ley ve nott ye * wold JosofE at whome ; 
For nedely, lade, he mvste be won 

In this sacrcfyce doyng. 382 

Mare. With hart and wyll hit schal be done 

In pleysing of that fathur of myght. 
Thyddur wyll I bothe hastely and sone 

And take [with] ^ me my child soo bryght. 386 

Gaberbll. Then to Josoff goo ye full right. 

And make hym preve of this case. 
Byd hym hast that he were dyght 

To gyd you theddur into that place. 

Now rest well, Mare, with moche solas 1 (48) 

For I mvst thiddur asse I cam froo. 392 

[Gabriel goes otU.] 

^ This song {h)isat the end of the pageant, ^ H. inserts [hath]. 
^ S. this. * H. changes to the, ^ SoH, 

They sing. 


Gabriel greets 
Mary and tiie 

He bids Iier 
malce offering 
in tlie temple. 

Josepii must 



Mary will 

Gabriel de- 



She addroMM 

aiid tells 
Joieph of the 
oommuid. , 

He is ready 
to go. 

Will he pro- 
cure two 

Indeed he 
will not. 

Marb. He thatt ys ande eyuer wasse 
Be thy gyde where-euer thow goo, 

And send hus all ^ of his grace 1 

I pray here knelynge hit ma be soo. 396 

[AddresMs Jems,] 
Kow, cum heddur to me, my darlyng dere, 
My myrthe, my joie, and al my chere ! 
S wetter then eyu^ wasse blossum^ on brere ! 

Thy swete mowthe now wyll I kls. 400 

Now, Lorde of lordis, be owre gide, 
Where-eyuer we walke in cuntreyis wyde, 
And these to tortuls for hus provide 

Off them tliatt we do nott mys ! 404 

Sire Mare goth to Josoff and seyia : 
Eest well, Josoff, my spouse soo free I 
JosoFF. Now welcum, Mare ! Dame, whatt sey yee 1 
Marb. Swet nevis, husebond, I bring to thee ; 
The angell of God wtt/i me hath be 

To geve hus bothe warnyng, 409 

Thatt you and I vf%\h a wholle intent, 
Aftur the law thatt here ys ment, 
Schuld in the tempull owre chyld present 

In Jerusalem, fher to make offeryng. (49) 413 

Josoff. Now, Mare, thatt woll I neuer deny ; [f. e o] 

But aftur my powar for to apply 

And thatt you kno, dame, asse well asse [I]^ ; 

You neuer cawU but I am reddy. 417 

Mare. Now, husebond, ye speyke full gentylle ; 
Theriom loke, Josoff, and ye cold spy 
To turtyll dowis, how thatt we myght cum ny : 

For nedely turtuUis offer mvst we ; 

Thatt offeryng fawlyth for owre degre. 422 

Josoff. Nay, nay. Mare, thatt wol not be. 
Myne age ys soche, I ma not well see ; 
There schall noo duffu«* be soght for me, 425 

Also God me saue ! ^ 

1 H. iTiserts [the gift]. 

2 MS. (?) blassom. It is often difficult to differentiate the scribe* 8 
e*s and o's, and o's and a's. ' Supplied by S. 

* CoMractionfor us. ^ H. adds [so fre]. 



Mare. Swette Josoff, fuUfyll ye owre Lordis hestes. 
JosoFF. Why aind wqldist tb[o]u haue me to hunt 

bridis nestis 1 
I pray the hartely, dame, leve thosse jestis 

And talke of thatt wol be. 430 

For, dame, woll I neuer vast my wyttis. 

To wayte or pry where the wodkoce syttis ; (50) 

Nor to jubbard among the merle pyttis, 

•*. For thatt wasse neyiier my gyse. 434 

Now am I wold and ma not well goo : 
A small twyge wold me ouerthroo ; 
And yche were wons lyggyd aloo. 

Full yll then schulde I ryse. 438 

Mare. Ye hardely, Josoff, do nott drede ! 
Owre Lorde wyll quyte right well youre mede, 
And att all tymi^ be youre spede. 

And further you in youre viage. 442 

JosoFF. Ey I dame, oy ! God helpe bus all ! 
Me-thynke youre meymorre were^ small. 
On me soo whomly eyucr to call : 

You mynde nothynge myne age 
But the weykist gothe eyuer to the walle ; 
Therefore go thyself, dame ; for me thow schall,^ 

Ye, or ellis get the a nev page. 

Mare. Husebande, these be no womens dedis ; 
Therefore, JosofE, ye must forthe nedis ; 

For surely there ys no reymedy. 452 

JosoFF. Noo remedy then but I mvst goo ? [f. 7] 

Kow be my trowthe,^ I ma tell you, (51). 

Thosse tythingis ar but cold. 455 

Then nedis mvste thatt nedis schall ; 
And now he thatt ma worst of all 

The candyll ys lyke to holde. 458 

Mare. Now, gentyll JosofE, when wyll ye goo 
To make an ende of this owre jurney ? 

He cannot 
be hunting 
birds' nestf* 

The Lord ■ 
will help him. 

A ACL Sheimposee 
**^ on age and 


He submits 

^ H. wriJUs ver^. ^ H. supposes t?uit a line is here omitted, 
^ See note on line 399. 


complaining JosoFP. That shal be or I have any lust tbereto ^ 

of hit lot in '' 

iiaving mar- And thatt dare I boldely sey. 462 

ried H yuung " " 


How sey ye all this cumpany 
Thatt be weddid asse well asse 1 1 

I wens tha\, ye snffur moche woo ; 465 

For he thatt weddyth a yonge thyng 
Mvst fuUfyll all hir byddyng, 
Or els ma he his handis wryng, 
Or watur his lis when he wold syng ; 

And thatt all you do knoo. 470 

Marb. Why sey ye soo, sir 1 Ye be to blame. 
^ali***kiiow' Josopp. Dame, all this cnmpany wyll sey the same, 
to mfnd J5S ^^ ^^* ^^* ^^ ' Speyke, men, for schame ! 
''^* Tell you the trothe ase you well con ! 474 

For the thai woll nott there wyfl&s plese (52) 

Of te-tymt9 schall suff ur moche dysees ; 

Therefore I holde hym well at es 

Thatt bathe to doo Yfi\h non. 478 

Mare. Leyve of these gawdis for my lowe ; 

And goo for these fowlys, Sir, I you pray. 
The Fadur of heyvin thatt ys abowe 

Wyll spede you well in youre jumey. 482 

JosoPF. No reymede but I mvst forthe nede. 
Sid^m fair ^^^ owrc Lord grant me well for to spede ! 
thSS'birSf 1^0 • %'® wordis full « of te doth leyde 
whUe?' '^&ii cleyne agen there mynd. 486 

Now, Lorde God, thow sende me feyre weddur. 

And thatt I ma fynd those fowlis togeddur, 

Whytt or blake, I care nott wheddur. 

So thatt I ma them^ fynde ! 490 

Marb. Full well schall you spede hardoly, 

YfF thatt ye goo abowt hytt wyllyngly. 

JosoFF. Then I woll goo by and by, [f. 7 a] 

Thogh* hit be not full hastely. 

With all my hart I wol goo spy, 495 

^ Son., S. thereta. « mS. aiid S. ffuU. 3 MS. then. 
4 S. Thoght. 


YfF any be in my wey, (53) He win and 

I wyll them fynd and I may,^ * «o»no i" ^^ 

Or thatt I make an ende. 498 

Mare. Now that Lorde, thatt best^ may, 
He be your spede in youre jumey, 

Ande good tythyngis of you me send ! 501 

JosoFF. Yea, he thatt hatth soche on on hym to crawe 
He schal be sure, asse Ood me sawe, 
Eyuer the worse yend of the staff to haue,^ 

Att the lattur yend. 505 

Here Joi$offgothe/rom Mare* cmd seyth : 

I wandur abowt myself alone, He wanders 

Turtulis or dowis can I non see. 
Now, Kyng of heyvin, thow amend my mone; 

For I tro I seke nptt where the be I 509 

My myght, my strenth ys worne I'ro me ; ^ 

For age I am waxun almost blynd. 
Those fowlys the ar full far fro me thefowbare 

•^ evil to find. 

And werie yvill for me to fynde. 513 

\. ■ 

I loke fast and neuer the nere ; 

My wynd for feynt ys allmost gone. 
Lord, henedissete I Whatt make I here 

Among these heggis myself alone? 517 

For- were I ma no leiicur stond : »«<> *»« ^ 

° ' weary. 

These buskis the teyre me on eyu^re syde. 
Here woU I sytt apon this londe, 

Ours Lordis wyll for to abyde. 621 

I. Angbll. Aryse vp, Josoff, and take no thoght (54) 

For these to fowlys thatt thow hast soght. An an^i 

_ ,,*.■,! bring* them 

Evyn to thy bond I haue them broght, to Wm. 

And therefore be off good chere. 525 

Take them here bothe to 
And ageyne to Mare thy wyff thow goo 
Yn^ all the hast thatt hit be doo ; 

Thow tarre noo leugur here ! 529 

^ This and the preceding line as one in S. and MS. 

* H. inserts [so], * H. prints to have with the follovnng line. 

* Qy, into the street. ' SoH., S. [me] frome. 

0. 0. PLAYS. B 


Htnttiem Jo0OF7. O ! lawde be Tnto thatt Lorde soo exsellent 

For thoee to fowlia thatt I haae soght ! 
Fallfyllid now ys m jn intent ; [t h] 

My hart ys eyyn aase yt o^t,^ 

All care fro me ys past, 534 

Now thatt Mare my wyff these birddis had ! ' 
For to make hir hart asse glad ' 

To hir wyll I in hast [Bdunu to Mary.} 537 

ibdaHfwt Now rest welly Mare; my none darlyng ! 
Mary. Loo ! dame, I bane done thy byddyng 

And broght these dowis for oure offeryng ; 

Here be the bothe alyre. 541 

Womon, bane them in thy honde, 
I am full glade I bane them^ fond. 
Am nott I a good husbonde 1 

Ye ! dame, soo mot I thryve ! 545 

Mabe. Now, the Fathor of heyvin that ys abowe. 
He quyt yon, JosofE^ for this dede ; (55) 

'Latwnnke And forthur I pray you for my lowe, 
temple!' Ynto the tempnll lett vs make spede ! 549 

JoMph woaid JosoFF. £y ! bloo a whyle, dame, I tlie pray ! 
ftwhUe.' For soft and essele men goo far. 

I haue laborde all this dey ; 

Yett am I vere lyttoll the nar. 
I tro thatt I schall neyuer be war. 
Soo full of feyre wordis these wemen be, 
Thatt men thereto must nedis agre ; 556 

And therefore, dame, alsoo mote I the. 
Af tur my labur fayne wolde I rest ; 
'GotbyMif!' Therefore goo thyselfe thow schalt for me. 

Or tarre att whome wheddur {fio\x thynkist beste. 560 

Bhe cannot Mare. Na^ swet husebond, ye do well kno 

To goo alone ys not for me ; 
Wherefore, good stV, I pray you soo 

Thatt I ma haue your cuTwpany. 564 

^ Manly's suggestion, S. and MS. have wold be ; H. has wold be 

^ As two lines in H., first ending with wyff; he adds the words 
[as fast]. 2 H. fnt^stittUes blith. * Bracketed in H. 



JosoPF. Loo I fryndis,^ here ma you knoo 
The manor of my wyff ys soo, 
Thatt vfiih hyr nedis mvst I goo, 

Wheddur I wyll or nylL 568 

Kow ys nott this a cii?7iburs2 lyff] 
Loo ! sii-8, whait ytt ys to haue a wyff ! (56) 

Yett had I* leyuer, nor to live in strylf, 

Apply evyn to hir wyll. 572 

For syth thai here ys no remede, 
Take vp youre chylde, I sey, Mare, 
And walke we tog^dur feyre and essele 

And soo to stynt ^11 stry we ; 
And* I woll trusse vp thys gere, [f. sa] 

For I se well I mvst hit beyre. 
At Jerusalem I wold all ye* were, 

Also* mote I thryveJ 580 

Mare. There schall we be when God wyll. 

For at his plesure all thyng mvst be. 
JosoFP. Dame, and thatt ys bothe reysun and skill ; 

Sett forward then and lett me see. 584 

[They continue in the fr<mt part of the pageant as if making 
a journey. An angel appears in the temple,] 

II. Anoell. Awake, Semeon, and drede the noght ! 

In all the hast thatt eyuer ma be. 
And reysey ve that Lord thatt ail hathe Wroght, 

With hym his modur Mare. 588 

Make spede, Semeon, that thow were dyght 
To reysey ve thatt chyld with all thy myght 
Now schalt thow see the blessidist syght 

Thatt eyu6r thow didist see. 592 

Semeon. Lord of lordis ! this solam noyse (57) 

From the Maker of heyvin and hell. 
My hart therewith soo dide reyjoise, 

Tiiatt the myrthe theroS can noo tong tell, 
Nor hand wzt/t pen subscrybe. 

* H. inserts [dere]. ' H. icrOes cumbrus ; so similar words below. 
^ S. omits; H. torites [I]. * H. omits And. 

* H. changes to we. * S. Alse. 

' Line in later hand, Also well that ye thrive ; line as printed by 
S. canceled but legible. 

Tha hardship 
of having a 

Tliey dejMirt. 

An angel 
Simeon from 

He is de- 


Mid thanks I thanke that Lorde and Kyng of myght, 

Thogh all my lust throgh age be worne, 
Thatt I schall see this gloreose syght 

Blessid be the owre thatt thow wast borne, 

This (ley thai eyuer I do abide. 602 

Now to reyseve this Kyng of pes 
Thatt owt of dangyr schall hus reles. 
Owre hy merrettis schall he incres 

In joiye abundantly j 606 

For here kepe I no more blis, 
But thatt he marke me^ for won of his, 
And then whan his swete wyll* ys, 

Am I evyn redde to dy. 610 

Ss clerk"'**'" -N'ow, ClarkiB, cum forth arid do your offes, 

And this awter hastely thai ye aray ; 
For here schal be the solamyst sacrefyce 

Thatt eyuer.wasse seyne in Juda. 614 

Make sure, fryndis, and^ all thatt ye may 

Thatt ordur be hade in eyuere place. 
Clarboi75. Now thai Lord of lordis thatt best may 

To do oure devties he grant vs g?*ace ! 
And for to plese hym to his paye (58) 

Sey al you Deo gracias, 620 

* All Is ready/ Lqo ! mastur,* bothe man and place [f.9] 

Be all redde at your byddyng. 
beiisf'**** Sbmeon. Then, surs, cum forthe^ apase 

And myrrele the bellis ryng. 624 

Ane, systur, goo ye^ yriih me 

For to reyseyve that prince of onowre 

And hym to welcu?w reue?'ently, 

Ase of this world lorde and gouernowre. 628 

^JJja oomes Anb. Now, fathur Semeon, I am obey den tt, 

Youre graceose pleysure for to obbey. 
To serve thatt Lorde wyche ys omnipotent, 

Lett vs goo mete hym on the wey. 632 

^ H. brackets me and piUs it before marke. ^ jj^ inserts [hit]. 

' H. changes to in. * H. inserts [now], 

^ H. inserts [with me"". ® H. inserts [alse]. . . 



ChABECus, Mastur, now ar the bellis rong 
And redde att bond ys eyuere tbyng. 
Semeon. Then lett me see wiHi hart and tonge. 
How myrrely thatt ye can syng. Cantant, 636 

ffere the cum. dovme wxjLh. pressession^ to mete them: 

Mare. Heyle, suffurent Semeon so good I . 

My semelysun here I bryng to the (59) 

To offur hym vp in flesche and blode, - 

Asebe the law he ogbt to be. 640 

Semeon. ^ow, wholle Mare and Josofif also, 

Ye be ryght welcuT/i vnto this place ; 
For off God ar ye blessid bothe to 

Thatt hath you grondid in soche grace : 

And ye, JosofE, of soo grett age 645 

Thatt soche a babe forth can bryng, , 

In whom all owre reydemcion dothe hyug, 
And o£E this worlde ys lorde and kyng ; 

This ^ wase a graceose mareage. 649 

JosoPF. Now gen till bysschope, I the pray, 
Evyn the verre truth thow woldist me sey, 
Ys nott this a prette bewey 

Asse eyuer thow hast knone? 653 

Now, be hym tha\, made both heyvin and hell^ 
This lyttull myte I lowe as well, 

Asse thogh he were myn oone \ 656; 

MaRb. Eeysey ve [him],^ Semeon, wftA good chere ; ' 

The law* wyll hit schall so be. 
For wyche cawse I bryng hym here : 

Here in thi hondis take hym the. [r.9a] 660 

Semeon. Now welcuw, Lord ^ of honowr ! ^ (60) 

Now welcum, Prince, vnto this place I * 
\Velcu?7i, owre sufEerent Saweowre ! ^ 

\ .H. writes prossession. ^ S. arid MS. Thus. ^ aSo H. 

* Jl. inserts\Yi\t\ 

^-^ S. prints vnto my hand, which is written on an erasure ; a 
smudged and obliterated termination of the line has what looks like 
of lionowr. 

* S. omits of honowr from end of this line ; it is in different ink 
and above, ' H. inverts suflferent and Saweowre. 

Mary greets ^^ 
Simeon. ■ 

He bids them 

praises tlie 

Mary brines 
him accord- 
ing to the 




Aniut't wri- 

The elerk*t 

Simeon re- 
ceives the 
Child and 
begins Ills 

Welcuw, the Growndr of owre groco I 

Welcum, owre joie ! welcum,^ owre myrthe ! 
Welcum, owre graceose Gouemowre 1 
Welcum to huse, thatt heyvinly flowre ! 
Now, blessid be the dey and owre 
*0f thy gloreose byrthe ! 

Anb. Now welcum, Kyng of kingis all ! 

Now welcum, Maker of all mankynd ! 
Welcu9/t to hus, bothe grett and small ! 

Good Lord, thy sarvandis now haue in mynd 

Thatt longe hath levid here. 
In clenes pure wMowt offence, 
With grett desyris for to be hence ; 
But now the syght of thy presence 
Hath amendid all owre chere. 

ChABSOUS. Now welcum. Lord, vnto all hus, 
Thi none tru servandis, as reysun ys ! ^ 
Welcum, owre God and Kyng of blys, 

Owre Lorde, longe lokid fore ! 
All the profettis thatt of the spake 
Seyd thow schuldist, for owre sake, 
Fleysche aiid blod of a meydyn take (61) 

Owre joys to reystore. 

Sembon. On, on with me, my fryndis dere. 
With this chylde thatt we haue here. 
Of this worlde the lanterne clere 

Of whom all lyght schall spryng ! 
With hoole hartis, now lett hus praee ! 
Thatt owre and tyme now blesse we may 
That eyuer we abode thQ dey 

Of this chyldis comynge. Cant ant .^ v 

ffere Seineon goth to the awtere w\t\i the chyld in hys 
armia and seyth: 

5 Now art thow cum, Lorde, to my honde, 

Thogh thatt I onworthe were ; 
Yett, Lordo, forgave thi pore serwande^ — 










^ MS. velcum; H. omits this word, ^ H. here inserts [Child],. 
' H. supposes that a line is omitted here, * Qy. [Song II.] 
^ MS. repeats Simeon. ® Folio 10 is missing. 


[Mare.] Whyle^ the weddur ys soo feyre; [f.ii] Mary and 
And I woll cum aftor asse I may, joamey 

" homewards. 

For now att whome I wolde we weyre. 700 i«*«»i.». 

JosoFFB. To^ goo before now I woU asaye, 
Tbogh thatt my fetemanscipe^ be not full gaye. 
I pray God spede vs in oure jumey ; (fi^) 

For I schall be were or thatt I cum there. 704 

T?iere Mare and Josoff depaitis ouft of the vppex paite of 
the pagand, 

Semeon. Loo ! fryndls, how God for vs hathe wroght. 

And schode hymself here at this tyde ! 
Blessid mot he be in word and thoght^ simeon 

^Myghtefull Maker of thy[8]* world wyde I < 708 Lord; 

I wasse lame of fote and hand, he was lame 

.... in foot and 

And now am whole ase ye ma see. hand and is 

I thanke thatt ^ Lord of his sond, . ' 

And eyuer his servande wyll I be, 

Thatt Lorde soo moche of myght. 713 

Kow, Lorde of lordis that hath no pere, 
Wyche att this tyme wase ofEurd here, 
Sende you all the fruysson clere 

Of his heyvinly mancion soo bryght ! 717 

Clareoct^. And of owre mys he amend vs, 

And from owre foys® defend vs, 

And^ his hy trone he send vs. 

In secida sectUorumy amen I 721 

Here gothe Semeon and his Clarkis oiUqf the tempulL* Luke u.,40^. 


[Mary and Joseph enter the lower front-part of the 

JosoFF. Now, Mare, my wyfE here present, 

Vnto [God]^ myche bondon, dame, ar we (63) 

Thatt soo goodly a childe here hath vs sent ; 

In this world a feyrear t?ier canott be. 725 

Mare. I thanke tJiat Lord omnipotent, Jowph «nd 

-^ Mary decide 

For y t dotho me good hym for to see ; 

^ Repeated in MS. ^ H. changes to fote-. 

» H. inserts [The]. < Rmend. by S. « H. inserts [hi]. 

" H. inserts [he]. ' H. inserts [to], 

* Presentation in the Temple ends aivd Doctors' Play begins, 

• Emend, hy H, 


to im^Sm Wherofopo, Joroff, I wold he went 

Vnto Jerusalem wtt/t you and me. 729. 

"• *• Jjji^ For now he ys x\j yere of age, 

Full well reyconid yt ma be, 
Of lymys he waxith feyre and large. 

And mocke he desyrith cumpane. 733 

JosoPF. Now, dame, he ys a prette page it. ii sj 

And, as ye sey, full well cum on. 
I kno non soche on of hys age ; 

I pra God make hym a right good mon. 737 

Mark. Now, Jesus,^ my son, wtt^ you whatt chore f 

Whatt m[y]ptlie* make ye^ chyld, this deyl 
Thow art he tliatt I love most dere. 

My joie, my myrthe and all my pley ! • 741 

jmm !• wui- Iesus. I thanke you, my modur, in all thatt I may ; 

ing to go. 

And at youre hand, I am here 
To do you serves, bothe nyght and dey, (64) 

And redde alwey to make you chere. 745 

Now, Gods blyasyng haue you and myne ! * 746 

JoMph teiia JosoPP. Loo ! fryndls,* hero doth apere, 

the company " i t xi 

iiow obedient Yt ys cyrly Bcharp thatt wol be thorne. 

always been. How glad he ys his modr to pley 86 ! 

And eyuer hathe byn syth he wasse borne. 
Thogh thatt my vthe frome me be wome, 
Yet in his dedis I have moche joie ; 
For, in feythe, he woll preve evin* a prette bwey. 753 

Cum, my sun, well mot thou theo ! ^ 
Thow schalt to Jemsalem wtt^ thi modur and me, 
Swn goodly syghtis, sun, for to see 
Apon this owre festefawU dey. 757 

Mary wishes Marb. Now truly, Josoff, as ye soy, 

for company. ^^^^ ^^^^j^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^j^^ ^^ ^^^^^ 

Sum vertuos cuwipany I wold we had. 

1 S. Jhu Tiere and below, ^ Corr, by S. 

8 Deleted in MS. ; glee substituted in later hand, Mawdycke's (?). 
* This line inparmtheses in S. ; in footnotes in H. ; in contempo- 
raneous hand btU different ink and in margin in MS. 
» H. inserts [dere]. ® H. omits evin. 

' S. thriv thee ; H. changes to yee. 



JosoFF. Ye, dame, God shal belowre gyde.^ 

Dame, I kepe noo moo but evyn this lad ; 
For you nor I canot be sade 

Thatt dey thai we hyw see, 
Mary, you kno thatt I am olde, 
And in cuwipany canot be soo bolde, 

Asse I wasse wont to be ; 



(65) 767 

Therefore, Mare, leyde ye the wey 

And essely lett vs togeddr goo ; 
Thogh yt be far furth on the dey, 
Yett all be owre fryndis I dare wel sey, 

And neuer a won owre foo. 
Mare. Now, God hold^ thatt wyche best may;* 

And, gentyll Josoff, lett vs goo ! 774 

Be the hand the chylde wyll I leyde ; 
I trust the bettur for to spede, 

Ande ye,* Josoff, alsoo. 

JosoFF. Ye dame, lett hym goo before ye and me,^ 

And* be nothyng afrayde ! 779 

For the best foteman of hus thre, [f. i2] 

In good feyth, dame, thatt ys hee, 

Yff he were well asayde. 782 

Je5Us. I am full redde vfith you to goo 
At your bydding in weyle and woo, 
And to do you serves bothe to, 

In hart wtt^ all mekenes. 786 

Cuw on, my mothur, and dred ye noght ; 
And on your jurney, ase you oght. 
The Fadur of heyvin that all hat[h]7 wroght. 

He kepe you from dystres ! (66) 790i 

enough tor 

Mary will 
lead Jesus by 
the hand. 

but Joaepli 
says Jesus is 
the best 
walker of tlie 

Josoff. Now, thys ys wyttele sayde and wyll ! ^ 

791 Joseph specu- 
lates upou 

^ This line in parentheses in S. ; in footnotes in H. ; as 746 in MS. 

^ H. changes to wold. * H. inserts [rede]. * Soii,^ S. yo. 

* S. ends line with goo and retains hardely after Ye ; H. adds 
[fre] ; MS. h>as in margin as 746 : Ye, dame, let hym goo before ye 
and me. " H. inserts [Mare]. ' Corr. by S. 

^ H. changes to wall ; line in margin fl» 746. 


tiM priencitir Now, Loitl, when I to myndc do coll 
In vthe when I was werie small, 

Many wynturs agone, — • 

Lord God, henedicete I 
Yong chyldur now more wyser be, 
Nor wase then an olde mon. 797 

[They 9et out and travel a whUeJl 

Tiwjourwrj. Mark. Now welcu^n be owre Lordis sond ! 
Therefore cum on, gentyll husbond, 
The sytte ys evyn at owre hondc ; 

Good cu7//i)any there ma we fjmd. 801 

JosoFF. £y ! ey ! dame, in feytli, I can noo more ; 
My leggis byn were, my fete be soore. 
That man thatt canot goo before 

Nedis mvst cu77i behynd. 805 

Ther€ (he all goo vp to the awter and leaua htfore. The 
wyng an atUem, 

Now, Mare, my wyff, cum hethur to me I 

(Now, Mare, harke what I shall say !)^ 
All thyng ys done ase yt schuld be 
jowph And serves song full sollamle 

pniliiM tho 

"wrvict, Yqx this owre fostefawll dey. 810 

Mark. Now, huseband, then lett vs iij (67) 

Make tho hast thai^ ma bo 
Whom to goo with cumpane 

To bryng vs on the wey I 814 

Luke U. «-5i. There the goo done into the for pagond and leaua steylyth 


Tii«y Mjoir* JoHOKP. Maro, my spretis be ravisschid cleyne, 

iliat^jii"** "^'^^ cloroly cast owt off all woo 

ihfiiir"' Wtt// these solara syghtys thatt we haue seyne 

In yondur tempull that we cam froo. 818 

^Iare. Now, serten, Josoff, you wold not wene [f. 12] 

Whatt myrthe I make wit/^owt^ woo, 
Thatt my chyldo wit/i hus hathe bene 

And those solam syghtis seyne alsoo. 822 

* This line is entirely omitted in H. ; in margin as 746. 
' H. ijiserts [made]. ^ H. v;rites witAowt[en]. 



JosoFP. Then whomwarde,^ Mare, lett vs goo ^ 
Whyle thatt we haue the lyght ofE the day ; 

For you haue eyuer lovid cumpany, 

For yt dothe schorttun well youre wey. 

Bpeaks of 
company oil 
tlie wuy. 


Yett in good owre we ma bothe eey, 
For othur did we neyuer fynde. 

Mare. Alas ! Josoff, and well-awey ! 
Now haue we lefte owre chyld behynd. 

(68) 830 

Mary misses 

JosoFF. Whatt ! Mare, I sey amend thy chore 1 
Pa?*dy 1 dame, he dothe but as othur done ; 

Chyldur togedur woll draw nere, 

He woll I warrand ouertake vs sone. 

•He will 
overt«ke us 
834 «oon/ 

Mabb. Ou6rtake vs sone 1 quotha nay 1 s^rtes na I 

Whatt nede you me soche talis to tell 1 
He ys gon sum othur wey, 

Or serten, Josoff, he ys not well 838 

JosoFP. Dame, he ys nott far awey. 

From vs no man wyll hym wyle. 
Mare. Hyt helpyth not, Josoff, soche wordis to sey; 

My chylde ys gone, alas the whyle ! 842 

Josoff. We schall haue [hym],^ dame, or hit be longe, 

Yff we serche well yondur sy tte ; 
Sum chyldur there he ys amonge. 

Or elis surely whomwarde ys he. 
Mare. Off sorro now schal be my songe. 

My chylde ageyne tyll I ma see. (69) 848 

Josoff. Dame, of his welfare I wold be glade. 

And of the othur I wolde be woo ; 
Therefore, Mare, no more be sade, 

But agene to the sytte lett vs goo. 
Marb.^ Make hast, Josoff, thatt we were there ; 

For had I neuer more lust thereto. 
Bake agane lett vs reypeyre ; 

For thatt ys best for vs to do. 856 

Here Mars and Josoff goth dovme into the temprdl'tvarde. [f. is] 

She is incoii' 

They will 
return to the 

852 city- 

^ S. homwarde. 
^ Supplied by S. 

2 H. siibstitutes the original vjord [liye]. 
* iSo H., S. Josoff, inarg. in MS. 



IhiIiU fcirtii 
uiHUi IIm 
IwimIIIm of 
Um I aw. 

T\»x are 
liitlilliiK ilU- 

fiHT tll«>.V AH) 

(Im'loiti «if 

I. Doctor.. Xow, lordyugis, lystun to me a wlijle; 

Wyclio Imtho tho lawis vudur Londe, 
And tlmtt no man fawll in soche perell 

Agenst uny artyccuU for to stand ; 

For tlie comen statute of this lande 
Woll that all soche pe/*souys schulde be tane 
And in the face of ^ jxiple ooponly slayne. 8G3 

II. Doctor. K ! and the othur wholle decryis ageyne, 

"NVvoho vnto Moyses wonly wasse sent 

In lubulirt of ston only to reymayne 

Vndur an hy and streyte cummaiidement, 
AVycho at thys tyme we thyuke couvenent (70) 

Tlu»rt^-aiK>n to holde dyssepyssions* here 

lUi }>olutiko syence of clarge clero. ' 870 

III. Doctor. AVherofore, all peple, now draw nere 

And in this place gewe your atendence. 
How ye schuld ly ve, hero ma you lere 

Aconlyng vnto your aleygence ; 

For yt ys woll knono vnto thys presence 
Thatt doctoria wo ar mifl of hy degre, 
Anil hiuio the la wis in custode. 877 

Till' Inw of 

I. Doctor, Ley forth youre reysonis ; now lett mo see 
How lawo^ of loygence oght to bo lade, 

AVycho of tho Ebruys subscribyd bo 

'Wiih othur of Moyses thatt now ys hade. 
To contend heroin I wold be glade 

Aniowge tho peplo here manofestly, 

And tho trutho expownd"* to them oopinly. 

[JesiLs comes in,] 


* Peace be 
among this 
cumpuny I ' 

Iesus. Lordis, moche lowe \Yith you be lent, 
And pes be amongo this cumpany ! 

•Runaway!* HI. DoCTOR. Suw, aWO I WOld tllOW WOnt, 

For othur haft ^ in hand haue we. 


^ K. ^inserts [the], 

^ K.has (ly8sepu[ta]ssions ; similarh/ below, 

* S. expoundid, H. emends [were] expc uudid. 

3 H. lias lawe[s]. 

So H., S. and MS. host. 


II. Doctor. Chylde, who-soo-eyuer the hyddur •wecammt 

•^ ' " /^,v be I)Otlier!ngf 

sent, (71) withchll- 

The were not wyse thus wame I the ; 
For we haue othur talis to tent, 

Then wit^ chyldur bordyng to bee. 892 

I, Doctor. Good sun, thow art to yonge to larne « Thou art too 

' ./ o younjf to 

The hy mystere. of Mosees law ; ^^} Moses* 

Thy reysun canot yt deserne, 

For thy wytt ys ^ not worthe a strawe ; . , 

And no raarvell thogh thow schuldist be rawe, 
In soche hy poyntis for to be reysonyng 
For of age art thow a vore yonglyng. [f. is o] 899 

Iesu5. E I Surs, whatt-soo-eyuer to me you sey, He does not 

need to leani 

Me nedith not of you to lerne nothyng. 901 of them; 

p. Doctor. This besse bweye ^ of his tong 
All secrettis surely he thynkith he knois. 

III. Doctor. Nay, serten, sun, thow art to yonge 

Be clarge clere to kno owre lawis. 905 

Jesus, Ye doctoris all, thatt be present, he knows 

^ ' r > their law 

Suffyce and mvse no more ofE me ; (72) already. 

For ofE your lawis the wholl intent, 

No-thyng tkero^ ys hyde froo me ; 909 

For in those placis haue I be 
Where all owre lawis furst were wroght. 

I. Doctor.* Cum, sett the here and we schall Tiiey invite 

' him to sit 

see 1 among them. 

For sarten, sun, soo semys yt noght. 913 

T?iere the Doctoris settyth Cryst among them, 

Now were yt nott a wondurs thyng, 

Thys chylde owre reysuns that he schuld reyche 1 
And yett he seyth he hath a felyng 

Owre lawis truly for to teyche. 917 

Ib5U5. Suris,* the whoole goste in me hath lyght, 

Thatt my powar ys to preyche; 
And of the Godhed most of myght 

Most perfettly here ma I teyche. 921 

' S. wyttys, H. inserts [ar]. ^ H. inserts [proud]. 

^ H. [Doctor II.], S. [Doctors]. * S. Syris. 



* Wlienoe 
caine this 

The first 
doctor re- 
members the 
about babes 
and suck- 
P«. viU. 2. 

Yet Jesus 
had spolcen 
too freely ; 

he cannot 
know their 

Jesus will 

not debar the 


by silence. 


III. Doctor. Whense cam thys chylde, I marvell 

Thatt speykyth to vs this mystecawUy I 
Iesus. Sure, I wasse all you before 

And aftur you agen schal be. 925 

I. Doctor.^ Surs, ys nott this a wondurs thyug, (73) 

And also a moche more mervell I 
How-be-yt, surely, in his workyng, 

The actis thereof ma folio right well ; 

For ase Dauith in his salme dothe tell, 
Be chyldur yong, seyng of them. 
Ex are infancium ^ et lactancium jpev/edtfti laudem, 932 

Of chyldurs mothis, ye kno right well, 
God hath performyde* loving ; 

But of such on hard I neuer tell, 
He beyng but soo yong a thyng. [f. i4] 936 

Yett, sun, suTTi-whatt thow schuldest haue let 

In this place here to speyke so large ; 
Where nobull doctors togeddur are met, 

There chyldurs wordis ar at no charge. 940 

For sure, yff thow woldist neuer so fayne, 

Labur thi wyttis to leme owre la we ; 
Yett art thow nodur of myght nor mayne 

To perseyve thatt ase a clark ma knoe. 944 

Ibsu5. My wordis in noo wyse wole I reyfrayue, 

The trawthe thereby for to debaiTC ; 
I woll them prove both platt and playne 

Be youre one la wis, and neuer arre. 948 

II. Doctor. Mastur[s] * all, whatt ma this meyne 1 

I wondur score how this can be ; (74) 

Soo yong a chylde haue I nott seyne 

Wi\h clarkis to talke soo conyngle. 952 

III. Doctor. Ase wyde in wor[l]de asse eyuer I went, 

Saw I neyuer non soche before ; 
But I troo amonst vs he be sent 

To be the saluer of owre sore. 956 

^ Later hand puts iij. 
3 H. inserts [him]. 

^ MS. infanciom. 
* Carr. by S. 



Ie.9US. Suris, I woU prove be actoris evedent 
Har mystereis than eyuer you red or saw. 

I. Doctor. Sey, sun, wyche wasse the furst com- 
Thatt wasse subscribyd in Moses la we 1 

Ie5U5. Sythe all you masturs togethur be sett 
And youre bokys here leyde on breyde, 

Ley forthe youre reysunis and do nott lett 
How right thatt ye can rede. 

II. Doctor. I rede this in^ the furst byddyng, 
Wyche Moses dyd rede ^ vs vntill, 

Furst honor God aboue all thyng 

With all thy hartt and all thy wyll, 

And asse thy-self love thy neybur 
And in noo wyse to do hym yll. 





Iesu5. Ye nede noo nodur bokis to bryng ; 

But these to pwyntis for to insev, 
In whome the whole afecte* doth hynge 

Of all owre* lawis bothe olde and nev. 


« Which is 
the first com- 
mandment? ' 

* Honour God 
and love tliy 
neifi^hbour as 

III. Doctor. Syth he these to, son, hath the schoide. 

Tell me the othur, chylde, I the pra. 

Ie5U5. The thryd beddith the, in any wey, [f. i4 a] 
Thatt of thy labur thow schuldyst reste, 

And truly kepe thy Sabett day, 
Thy-selfe, thi serwande, and thy best. 980 

The forthe bydithe th^ do thy best* 

Thy fathur and mothur for to honowre ; 

And when ther goodis are decrest, 

With all thy myght thow schuldist them succure. 984 

The fyfte cummandythe for any reygur 

Man nor woman that tJion schuldist kyll. 

To fle advltre ys anothure,® 

And all thatt towchis any yll. 988 

^ H. changes to is. ^ }j charigea to teclie. ' H. ^os ef[f]ecte. 
* H. ^flw [y]owre. ' H. A<w [The fourthe beddith, th^ aldeibest]. 
^ S. another. 

.Tesas recites 
the other 


Tlio vij^ seyifl thow schuldyst noU steyle 

I1iy iieyburis goodiB, more nor les. 
The viij^ forbyildyth the to cownsayle 

Or to bare any fawls wyttines. (76) 992 

llie ix**» forbyildyth othys grelt. 

In any vrise thou schuldist nott Bweyre. 
The last wold tlion schuldist no[t]^ covett 

Thy neyburs goodis, Lym to apere ; ^ 996 

And this Mosees, amonge vs here,' 
Ilatho dcclarid amonge all men, 

Aftur scripture tJiai we schulde lero,^ 
How to kepo those commandementis X. 1000 

T!i«ii.*u»r« I. Doctor. Beholdo, owre lawis how ho doihe 

expreM their 

aurprite. CXpOWndc, 

Thatt neuer larny[(l] ^ on boke to rede I 
Then all we, he ys nioclie more profownde 

In all trawthis, yff we take hede. 1004 

II. Doctor. Brother, lett hym goo his weyis ; 

For yff th 18 abrode were knone perfettly. 
The iK'plo wolde gove him more prese 

Then we** docturs for all owre clarge. 1008 

III. Doctor. Ye fryndis bothe, syth yt is soo, 

lie knois no ^ farthur of owre lore ; 
l^ut OHHC ho cu7?^ 800 lot liym goo, 

For with vs hoschall modyll no more. 1012 

There aimyth Josoff a.nd Mare sekyiig the chylde and Mare 
scyth : 

Mary III Kront Maub. A ! dore JosofP, wliatt ys youre redde? 

th?HMi! "iT*"' ^^ ^^y P^®^* ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^® > (77) : 

for'lfwlul!''^** Ikly hart ys heyvo as any leyd, 

My cliylde agoyne tyll I ma see. [f. i5] 1016 

AVo haiio hym soght in many a stedo, 

Vp and downe these deyis iij ; 
And whoytlmr that he bo quyke or ded, 

I do not kno thatt ; woo ys mee ! 1020 

* Corr, by IT. ^ H. changes to impero. ' S. omits tvx> half 
lines : amongo all mon, / Aftur scripture. ^ H. changes to ken. 

* tSo II. • H. vrrites us. ^ H. changes to mo. 


JosoFF. Ill sorro wasse there neyuer man more, Jowg ^^^^ 

But mornyng ma nott ytt amend ; S^um^*^"* 

Mare, wyfF, lett vs therefore 

Take the grace that God woll send. 1024 

YfE chyldurs cumpany he haue coght, 

Abowt yondur tempnll he ys full right. 

[They tv/m toward the temple."] 
Mare. A I Josoff, I see that I haue soght ! ^ary sees 

In this worlde wasse neuer soche a syght. 1028 

See, hugebond, where he syttyth aloft 

Amonge yondur masturs soo moche off myght. 
JosoFP. Now blessid be hym^ thatt hethur vs 

For now in hart I am full lyght ! 1032 

Mare. Josoff, ye kno the ordur well, ow Sm*?**^ 

Goo ye and feyche youre chylde and myne. 
Now I see hym owt of all pe77ll, (78) 

Whom he schall with vs j^yne.^ 1036 

Josoff. Ey ! Mare, wyff, ye kno ryght well, ^^f^ ^^«» 

Asse I haue tolde you many a tyme, d^tore.''* 

With men of myght durst I neyuer mell. 

Loo ! dame, how the sytt in there furis fyn ! 1040 

Mare. To them youre arand for to sey, 

Therein, Josoff, ther ys no perell ; 
The haue reygardid you alwey 

Because of age, this wott I well. 1044 

Josopp. To them, wyff, whatt schulde I sey 1 

In feythe, I do nott knoo full wele. 
Surely, I schall be schamyde to-dey ; 

For I cane nothur croke ^ nor knele. 1048 

Mare. Then goo we theddur bothe to 

To them that sytt soo worthe in wede ; SSuffim. 

Yff ye woll not the arrande doo. 

No reymedy but I mvst nede. 1052 

^ H. changes to he. ' H. substitutes go hyne. 

' S. troke, corr, emend, by H. 

C. C. PLAYS. p 




He moct 
fulfil bit 

but she i« 
very iclad to 
liAve found 

Jetus bids 
farewell to 
the doctora. 

*Tu80FF. £ ! dame, goo tell them fki tale futst ; 

For lyke tho}i art to do thatt dede. (79) 

I wold tell luyne and I dunt, 

[I come be-hynde] also €rod me spede.^ 1056 

[Tkef go up toward tke tUtar.} 

^Iarb. a ! lefiu, letuSf my sun soo swete^ cc u«3 

Thy gooyng froo me soo suddenly 
I lathe cawsid vs butlie for to wepe 

With byttur teyris abundantly. 1060 

Thyn olde fathur here ami I 

For thy sake, sun, hathe lykyd full yll. 
Owre yis the were but seldum dry, 

But now thatt we ar cu;/< the tylL 
IesU5. Modur, why did you seek me soot 1065 

Hyt hathe byn oft seyde vnto you,* 
My Fathurs wyll I mvst fullfyll 

In eyucrc* pwynt, for well or woo.* 1068 

Mare. Sun, these talis thatt you me tell 

Aso yet I canot vndunstaud ; 
But my hart, this kno I we]l, 

Ys were glade I haue the fonde. 1072 

I. DocTOB, Xow truly, dame, no mervell ys 

Thogh thow in hart were full woo 
To lose soche a divide asse this. (80) 

How long, wytf, hathe he byn thee froo I 1076 

Mare. Syr, yt ys now these dayis iij, 
Sy th that he departid f urst fro me ; 
I am full [glade] * here hym to see 

Alyve wtt/iowt* woo. 1080 

Iesu5. Now farewell, masturs of myght arid mayne ! 

For with my modur now must I nede 
For to reycomford hyr ageyne, 

Wyche soo longe for me hath levid in drede. 1084 

^ Bracketed words supplied from Y 248; following this line Ui 
MS. is a line erased aiid illegible : My place . . . this tyme . . . 

* H. writes you untill. • Contraction for er. 

^ H. rea/rramjges according to Y and T : My fathurs wyll for well 
or woo / In eyuer[y] pwynt I must fullfyll. 

'^ Corr. fty S. * H. torites wtt^owt[eD]. 


I. Doctor. Now thatt Lorde of lordis be thy spede^ They invite 

Where-eyuer thow goo in any quost ! ^ 
But yff thow wolt tarre, thow schalt^ not nede 
Any moro to put thy fryndis to cost.^ 1088 

III. Doctor. How seyhst thow, fathur, for thy 

goo[d]* wyll, 
Wolt thow grant thi help thyre-tyll, . P. i6] 

Awey thatt he do not goo 1 1091 

Josopp. Noo, StV, in good feyth, that I nyll, Joseph and 

M&ry object. 

Nor neyuer forgoo hym be my wyll, 

Nodur for frynde nor foo. (81) 1094 

A long whyle we have hym myst. 
And gone he wasse, or thatt I wyst ; 
But hade I hym wonis be the fyst. 

He schall noo more doo soo I 1098 

Mare. Now, lordyngis, of your curtesse, 
Do^ ye nott wyll my chylde fro me ; 
For W2t^ my wyll yt schall nott be, 

Whyle thatt owre lyvis last. 1102 

I. Doctor. Then yt is noo bote for to intreyte. More fiure- 
Thy chylde I see I canot gete ; 

I tro yt be but wast to speyke, 

Thatt tyme I thynke ys past. 1106 

Iesus, Now lordyngis all, with youre lysence, 
Good tyme yt ys thatt we were hence ; 
I thanke [you]* of youre hy sapence 

Thatt I wit^ you haue hade. 1110 

II. Doctor. Now, sun, when-eyuer thow cumyst ^/lis invitation to 

' ' y " o(»ne again. 

Be bold of hus, I the praye.^ 
YfE thow to age lyve may. 

Thy fryndis ma be full glade. 1114 

Mare. Now farewell, lordis of hy degre ! (82) 

I take my ley ve at you all three ; 
Thatt Lorde thatt ys in Trenete, 

He kepe you all from care ! 1118 

1 H. alters to chest. « So H., S. schult ; MS. votoel illegible. 
» H. alters to quest. * Corr. by 8. • So H., S. De. 
^ Supplied by a, ^ CoTUractionfor ra. 



The weather 
is fair and 
they depart 
for Nazareth, 

first taking 
leave of the 

The doctors 

Josopp. And for the fynxiyng of this oure suij,^ 

In heyvynis blysse thatt we^ ma wone,* 
And geve you well to fare. 


Now, cum on, Mare, YfiiJi myrre chere, 

And brynge youre chyld with you here ; 

At Nazarethe now I wold wee weyre. 

Mare. Sir, in good tyme wee schall cum there ; 

The wey and weddur and all ys feyre, 

Whereoff am I right fayne. 1127 

JosopPE. In this place why le we ar here, [f.wa] 

Loke thatt we haue all owre gere, 

Thatt we cum nott agayne. 1130 


Mare. Josoffe, husebonde, we myse nothyng ; * 
But at youre wyll lett vs be gooyng 

Asse fast ase eyuer we can. 
Ande now att all this cumpany. 
My ley ve I take and that full humbly ; (83) 

Vnto thatt Lorde most myghty 

Now I betake you eyuere mon. 1137 

JosoppE. Now farewell, my fryndis all ! 
For I mvst goo whatt-eyuer befall ; 
Nedis mvst that nedis schall. 

Be me here may you kno. 
A ! thatt all you ma vse thatt weyis. 
At all tjmis youre wy vis to pleyse ; 
Then schall you awoide moche dysees. 

God grsmt thatt you ma do soo ! 



[They go out] 

I. Doctor. Now, ye lordis thatt hathe the lawis to 

Marke well the wordis thatt hathe byn seyde 

Be yondur chylde of wysedome grett, 1148 

^ A line seems here to he omitted. 

^ H. supposes the line omitted here, 

^ H. supposes that a line is here omitted. 

H. changes to ye. 



Wyche at this tyme amonge vs here 
Declarid owre lawis be clarge clere, 
Wyche be his actis dothe apere, 

Thatt of God he ys eylecte ! 1152 

II. Doctor. Now surely yt can no nothur be, 
For lie ys nott levyng thai eyiier see 

Soch hy knoleyge of exselence 

In 800 tendur vthe ; 1156 

For in owre moste hyist dysspecionis,^ 
To them he gawe tni solyssionys, (84) 

And also made exposysionis 

Acordyng to the truthe. 1160 

III. Doctor. Ys not thys a wondurs case, 
Thatt thiB yonge chylde soche knolege base ? 
Now surely he hath asposschall ^ grace, 

Soo hy dowtis desemyng ; 1164 

Thatt we wyche nobuU docturs be, 
And gradudis gret of old^ antequete. 
And* now on this place vfitli yonge ^ infance [f.i7] 

Ageyne ar sett to larnyng. 1168 

I. Doctor. JSTow, bredur^ bothe, be my consell 

These myghtte matters you sett on syde. 
And in avoidyng of more pe^'ell 

Thatt here-apon myght betyde ; 

Therefore lett vs no lengur abyde 
In these cawsis for to contende. 
For iMs dey ys almost at an yende. 1175 

II. Doctor. Now, brethur bothe, syth yt ys soo, 

Ase vere nature dothe me compell, 
Here my trowthe I plyght you to 

In hart for eyuer vfiili you to dwell. 1179 

III. Doctor. Now, masturs all, be won assent, (85) 

All owre matters reyjurnyd be, 
Tyll thatt a dey of argument 

^ H. torites dysspu[ta]cionis. ^ H. writes a spesschall. 
^ H. omits old. * H. oinits And. * H. omits yonge. 

® S. brodur. 

upon the 
wisdom of 
the Child. 

TheT set the 
mighty mat- 
ters aside 
until another 
time; . 


^fa bo apwyntyil indyffereDtle ; 
tiM oMimoii. Whore alH you,* the comefialte, 

i»w!mt*tiMii. You 'i^ de|)arte on this condyssion, 

Thatt ye atende at the next monyssion. 1186 

I. Doctor. Now, fryndis, tochyng owro festefall dej, 
Ys there oght els thai I ma sey t 

II. Doctor. Xo more now, bate evyn awey. 

For the nyght drawls fast apon. 1190 

III. Doctor. And of youre cumpany I wold you pra. 

And here 1 take my leve at eyaere mon. 1192 

Tys matter nevly translate be Robert Croo in the 
yore of oure Lord God M^v«xxxiiij*«, then beyng meyre 
Mastur Palmar, beddar ; and Rychard Smythe an[dj' 
[Ilerre]* Pyxley masturs of the Weywars; thys boke 
youdido the soycond day of Marche in^ yere above seyde. 

[Song I.]* [f.i7a] 

Thomas Iklawdycke. (86) 
Rejoyce, rejoyco, all that here be 1 

The Angell these tythyng[s]^ hath browght, 
That Simion, before he dye, 

Shalle se the Lorde w7/ich all hathe wrowght ; 4 

Wlierefore now let vs all prepare 

Owre temple that yn order be ! 
For he hathe put awey owre care, 

The Seoonde Persone in Trinitye. 8 


[Song II.] 7 

Beholde, now^ hit ys oome to pase, 

That manye yeros before was tolde, 
How that Christ, owre ryght Messyas, 

By Jwdas scholdo be bowght and solde ! 4 

^ II. transposes all aiid you. 

* H. inserts [teche] and ends sentence with this line, ' So H. 

* Supplied by S. ^ H. inserts [the]. * In late hund, 
^ In contcinporancous hand, but unlike MS. ^ S. how. 


For owre offence he man became, 

His fathers wrathe to pacyfye, 
And after, mekely as a lamb, 

Vpon the crose there dyd he dye. 8 

Lorde ! as thon hast bowght v«^ all, 

And suffryd at Mownt Callverye, 
Recownfort v«^ bothe gret and small. 

That yn thy trewth we lyve and dye I 12 

James Hewyt. 
^ CofUractum/or us. 


hlxtmrtsfrom the Coventry Led Book} 

1424 (Oi't. 25). AVovers . . . Item. Arbitrati sunt et ordina- 

viTUiit ipKnl (lii'ti joriufytncu ct eorum quilibet solFet dictis 

iiiii^iMtris aniiuatiiii in futuro qiiatuor denarios ad opus de le 

pii^fiii oiiruiultMu, ct <|iio(l ipHi lu jorueymen haheant cum magia- 

triM Huirt ])otii(*ioiiniu hIvo collectiouem [sicut] antea consuenint^ etc 5 
f 07 

1127 8 ((yonv. St Paul). Hit is to baue in mynde that at a 
1«*ti* lioIdiMi atto fcMt mtynt Midi, the //er off kyng Herre the sixt 
i\w vij i\us HiuythoM of Coventro put up a bille foloweng in thes 
witnlcM : 'i\i you full wuraliipfull nieir, recordour, bayles, and to 10 
all your dirio.mto oounsell she wen to you tlie craft of smythes how 
thoi wt^ro (liHchar^ed of the cotelers pachaud be a lete in the tyme» 
of ilohn (lote then nieirt^ and (^uytances made be-twene the for- 
med crafUm eder to oder, lik m hit is well knowen and redy for to 
NlioW(t, and nowe hiU^CiiloH Allesley in his office of meyralte preyed 15 
tlu« forst^id cnaft of Sniythcs to tak the goveniaunce of the seid 
piu'hand an for his tyine and no forthcr. And the seid craft did 
iiit wi If idly to hiH pKu^aunce for the whiche cause the forseid 
jMirhand in y^A^^ put to the forseid craft, and thoi han no nianer of 
i\\iU\ to tak hit to lioni ; wycho tliei besecho that ye of your grete 20 
goodnt^M dJHrhar^o i\n\ foi>seid craft of smythes of the pachand 
attt* hMiortuii'o of (Jod and of trutho, and ordon hit elles where ye 
Imn bot.t(M' avinnd Ixt your f^ood discression. 

The whicho biir*' bo the aviseof all tlie wurthy of the seid lete 
and all odor upon thesajne lete beong was onsuered and endo[r]sed 25 
in this wino : Hit is onloyned that the smythes slialP ocupie the 
Ht»id piichnntl forthe tmery yero apon the payne of x^^ to be payd 
at ouorv tlt^l'auU^ to thtn use of the chambur. — f. 45 h. 

ll^il (K). The oriliMi tiiat the sadelers and the peyntours of 
tht» oity »»f (*ovontre U\ fro this tynie forward contrebetory unto 30 
tho paiont of the oanlemukera ; and that they paye as the carde- 

' A (^i/f^m/cir of' /itutlSf Chnrhrrs^ etc., in the MuniinerU-room of SL 
M,ntf\i tiiift, (\nvnii'!/, .).(!. JouiriVHon. Covoutry, 1896. A 3. Leet Books 
{n) M I loll. V. -I iiiiii '2 Philip iiiid Mjiry. Afod 0/ the following extracts are 
;/n«i»/i »»!' ivfViTt'ii to in S/ittrp'a DiMHorlatioii, pp. 4, 8-11, 43-5. Insignificant 
lunmtions fi'oin Sfuirps t,:t't fuitv. iu)t Urn notal. (E.) Easter Leety (M.) 
Mirtnitifntiis Lf-f-t. 

'■' .1/.V. I»nll. ^ .1/6'. hhull. 


makers don yerly uppon the peyne of C s to be payd to the use 
of the chamburlens. — f. 88 b, 

1435 (M.). Thei will that the carpynters be associate unto the 
tilers and pynners to maynten her pagent and her ly very that now 
5 is ; and that the maior call the substance of the crafte of carpynters 
and sett hem to-gether as one felawshipe. — f. 82 b. 

1441 (E.). Ordinatum est quod Eobertus Greene et omnes alii 
qui ludunt in festo Corporis Xpisti bene et suficienter ludant, ita 
quod nulla impedicio fiat in aliquo ioco sub pena xx s cuiuslibot 

10 deficientis ad usus muros levanda per majorem et camararios, 
etc.— f. 102 b. 

1443-4 (C.S.P.). For-alsomoche as the crafte of cardemakers, 
sadelers, masons, and peyntours of the cite of Coventre be long 
tyme y-past haue byn as oone fellauship in beryng costys charges 

15 and all other dueties of old tyme to ther pagont and to the said 
felauship longyiig. And now late that is to say in the tyme of 
Ric. Braytoft maior of the said cite, the said felauship for certen 
causes among hem movyd wer lyke to departe and to breke the 
felauship wherfor certen peraons of ^ the said craftes, shewyng to the 

20 maiour the causes of ther grevance, besought hym in this matter to 
sett due remedye. And so by <<oodly leysur the maior, callyng 
a-fore hym and his counsell all tlie said hoole fellauship, rehersid 
unto them the grevouse complayntes that wern made to hym by 
certen persons of the said felauship. The for-namyd felauship 

25 willyng to be ^uled compromytted hem to abyde the rule and 
ordynaunce of the meyr and his councell. And so by advyse of the 
said nioyr and his councell, hit is ordeynyd that the said iiij craftes 
shalbe oone felauship beryng costes, charges, and all other dueties 
to her pagent and to ther felauship longyng. And that thei shall 

30 yerely chose new masturs a-pon saynt Thomas day in Xpmas weke 
in the forme and maner folowyng : That is to say, ther shalbe of 
every of the said crafty s iij men in a place consuette within the 
said cite ; and ther in in the fest of Saynt Thomas thai shall chose 
of every of the said iiij craftes oone master for the yer folowyng. 

35 And if so be that any of the said craftes a moneth afore the said fest 
be reasonable cause unfayned may excuse hyme that thei may not 
be at that eleccion of the masturs at the said feste. That then the 
crafte or the craftes that may nott be ther shall bryng in iij menys 
names of the crafte that may not be ther at the eleccion and what- 

40 soever the iij personnes with other that shalbe a-pon the eleccion 
doo, thei that ben awey to agre ther to, and also sone as the 
masturs be chosen that same day or thei departe the new masturs 
so chosen shall take that consuett othe. And allso every person of 
the said craftys shall pay yerely to the masturs xijd and all other 

45 dueties, customes, and laufull charges that long to the pagent and 
to the said felauship and all money that shalbe reryd [b] for 

1 MS. of of. 


mak jng of now brethren or cIs in other waia to the ciaf tes renaed, 
OA liit is gadreil hit shalbe put in a comen box ther to be kepte to 
tlio use of the said felaoship and to the warship of this cite. 
AlUo every mastur of the eeid iiij craftes shall bane dae coneo- 
cion of of his own crafte of all the priue poynts thai long to his 5 
craftc, without medalyng or entermettyng of any vther ciall^ 
Allso tliat thcr shall no man of the said ii^ craftes play in no pagent 
on Corpus Xpi. day save onely in the pagent of his own crafte^ 
without he have lycence of the maior that shalbe for the yer. All- 
so tliat every man that hath any money of forfetts that have byn 10 
made or els money for makyng of bredren afore this tyme in the 
said craftes that hit be brought in be-twen this and the f est of All 
Saynts next comyng, and that to the maior. And also that all 
the masturs of the said felauship that have not accompted a-foie 
this tyine that thay mak ther acompte be-twene this and the feat 15 
of All Saynts next comyng and all the arereage, if any be, that 
hit be brought in the same day and delyveryd unto tiie comen 
box. And allso that all masturs that now byn and all the 
masturs of the said felauship that shalbe heraiter yerle, shall 
make thcr acompte, every mastur for his tyme at the fest of 20 
Esiur. Provyded allwey that the crafte of masons, ne none of 
hem, shall not be charged to com to noo buryeng, weddyng, ne 
oifryng of the said crafts on workodais. And who of tiie said 
felliship disobeith this ordynaunce, or forefettyth in any of them, 
shall pay at every forfett x li to the maior of the cite of Coventre, 25 
that tyme beyng withouten any grace. 

Nomina consilij maioris in hoc casu : (list). — f. 109 a and b. 

1457. (Tfie king came to Coventry on) Fryday the xj of 
Fovyore the yere reynyng of kyng Herry the sixt the xxxv*' . . . 
The queue (margin). On Corpus Xpisti yeven at nyght then 30 
next suyng came the quene (Margaret) from Kelyngworth to 
Coventi-e ; at which tyme she wold not be met, but came prively 
to so the play there on the morowe ; and she sygh then ile the 
pageutes pleyde save domes-day, which myght not be pleyde for 
lak of day. And she was loged at Richard Wodes the grocer, 35 
where Kic. Sharp some-tyme dwelled ; and there all the pleys 
were furst pleyde. At which tyme the meyre and his brethem 
sonde unto her a present which was sich as here suyth : That is 
to wit, ccc paynemaynes, a pipe of rede wyne, a dosyn capons of 
liaut grece, a dosyn of grete fat pykes, a grete panyer-full of pes- 40 
codes and another panyer full of pipyns and orynges and ij 
cofyns of connfetys and a pot of grene gynger. And there were 
with her then these lordes and ladyes that here folowen : That is 
to sey, the duke of Bukkyngham and my lady his wyff and all 
thor childorn, the lord Eevers and my lady hys wyf, the lady of 45 
Shrowesbery the elder, and the lady of Shrowesbery the younger, 
with other mony moo lordes and ladyes. And the Friday then 
next suyng she removed to ColshuU to her met© and so to Eculsale 


to the prynce; at which tyme the seid meire and his brethern 
with right a good f eliship of the seid cite, which plesid her highnes 
right well, brought her to the utmast syde of theyre fraunchise 
where hit plesyd her to gyff them grete thank bothe for theyre 
5 present and theyre gentyll attendaunce. — ^f. 173 6. 

1460 (E.). Also hit is ordeyned that every craft that hath 
pagant to pley in, that the pagant be made redy and brought furth 
to pley, uppon the peyn of C s to be reased of iiij maisters of the 
crafts that so oflPend. — f. 182. 

10 1474 (E.). Hit is ordened at this present leete that every crafte 
with-in this cite com with their pageaunts accordyng as hit haith 
byn of olde tyme, and to com with their processions and ridyngs 
also, when the byn required by the meir for the worship of this 
cite [upon the] peyne of xli. at every defalte. — ^f. 227 h, 

15 1493 (Apr.). Also hit was ordeyned at this present lete that 

• the tallowe chaundelers shuld be unyed unto the craft of smythes, 

accordyng as hit hath be ordeyned be lete aforetyme, which they 

no we conferme uppon the peyn of every singler persone of the 

seid tallowe chaundelers that refuse this order nowe confermed to 

20 lese C s to this city, and his body to prison till he so will do. — f. 
270 6. 

1493 (Oct.). It. They ordeyned at this lete that the chaunde- 
lers shuld pay yerely to the smythes ij s towards their paient. — 
f. 271. 

25 1494 (Apr). Also hit is ordeyned, as hath be ordeyned and en- 
acted bd dy vers letes in tymes past, that the chaundelers and cooks 
of this cite shall be contributory to the smythes of this cite and to 
pay yerely towards the charge of ther preste and pageant, every 
chaundeler and cooke ij s ; every man faylyng of such payement 

30 to lese at every tyme xl s and to have enprisonment till he paye the 
seid ij s with the arrerages in that partie, if eny be, and the seid 
peyed; the mair for the tyme beyng to haue a noble thereof, 
and the craft of smythes another noble, and iiij nobles to the 
wardeyns of the cite to the use of the cite. Provided that no 

35 such persone which their wyfe occupie making and sellyng of 
candell be constrayned to be master or keper with the smythes in 
no wyse. — f. 272 6. 

1494 (Apr.). For-asmoche as the unyte and amyte of all citees 
and comenaltees is principuUy atteyned and contynued be due 

40 ministration of. justice and pollytyk guydyng of the same ; for- 
seyng that no persone be apprised nor put to forther charge than 
he convenyntly may here and that every persone withoute favor 
be contributory after his substance and facultees that he useth to 
every charge had and growyng for the welth and worship of the 

45 hole city ; and whereso it is in this cite of Coventre that divers 
charges have be continued tyme oute of mynde for the worship of 
the same, as pagants and such other, whech have be bom be 
dy vers crafts whech crafts at the begynnyng of such charges were 


more welthy, rich, and moo in nombre then nowe be, as openly 
appereth ; for whech cause they nowe be not of power to continue 
the seid charges without relief and comfort be shewed to them in 
that partie ; and inasmoch as there be dyvers crafts in this cite 
that be not charged with like charges ; as dyers, skynners, fysshe- 5 
mongers, cappers, corvisers, bochers, and dyvers other. Therfor hit 
is ordeyned be this present lete that the mayre and viij of his 
counceill have auctorite to call all the seid crafts and other that 
be not charged for the seid charges and them to adioyn to such 
crafts as be ouercharged with the forseid pagants uppon peynes be 10 
hym and his seid counceill to be sette. And if eny persone refuse 
such unyon and contribucions, or such resonable measne to be 
taken be the discrescion of the seid mayre and his counceill, such 
persone so refusing to forfet and paye such peyn in that partie so 
tojbe sette be the seid mayre and his counceill. And that such 15 
resonable measne in the premisses so to be taken be the seid mayre ■ 
and his counceill to be of ^ like force and effect as yf it had be 
made at the present leto. — f. 273. 

1494 (M.). "Where hit was ordeyned at the laste lete that such 
crafts that were not contributory to the crafts as here yerely 20 
charge in this cite to the worship of the same shuld be unyed 
and adioyned to the crafts so charged be the discrescion of the 
maire and his coimceill, which ordenaunce hath not be put in 
execucion caused be dyvers self-willed persones whech be their 
willes wold obbeye no other rule ne ordre but after their owne 25 
wiUes grounded without reason, which may not be suffred yf 
this cite shulde prosper and contynue in welth. Hit is therfore 
ordeyned at this present lete that all maner crafts and persones 
occupying eny crafte within this cite not beying charged to eny 
yerely charge that is had and made in this cite for the worship 30 
of the same, as paiants and such other, that they, betwixt this and 
the fast of Seynt Martyn next comyng, of their toward-lovyng 
disposicion applye them-self to joyn and unye themself or to be 
contributory to other craft that is charged, as is aforseid, in relief 
of their charge ; which their so dbyng shall principally please 35 
God and contynue the gode name and fame that this cite hath 
had in tymes past. And that every craft and persone that woU 
not of their goode willes be the seid f est applye them to such unyon 
as is aforerehersed, that then such persone and crafte that refus- 
yng obbeye, stand, and performe such order and direccion of the 40 
maire and his counceill in that partie to be ordred and made, uppon 
the peyn of every persone and craft that disobeieth to lose at the 
first refusell C s, at the ij**® x li, and at the iij^® xx marc. — 
f. 273 Ik 

1494 (M.). Also it is ordeyned, at the same lete, at the 45 
request of the inhabitaunts dwellyng in Gosseford strete, that the 
pageants yerely frohensfurth be sette and stande at the place 
there of olde tyme used and lymyt.appoyntod, uppon payn of 


every craft that doth to the contrary to lese at every defalt 
vj 8 viij d to the use of the cite, to be levyed and paide. — 
f. 273 h. 

1494-5 (Jan. 12). Memorandum. That the feliship and mys- 
5 terye of bochers in Coventry, remembryng the ordenaunce lately 
made be auctorite of lete for contribucion to be had and made 
be such crafts as be not charged to such ordinary charges and costs 
as be yerely made and boren f or the worship of this cite, callyng 
also to theyr mynde the olde acqueyntaunce and amyte that of 

10 long tyme hath be and contynued, be measne of entercours and of 
bying and sellyng, betwixt them and the feliship of whittawers, 
whech be overcharged to the charges above rehersed; and for 
their relief in the premisses, at Coventre aforeseid the xij*^ day of 
Januare the x**^ yere of the reign of our soveraign lord king 

15 Henre vij**^ in the presence of Robt Grene then beyng maire, 
were agreable and ther graunted to here and pay yerely frothens- 
furth to the said feliship of whittawers towards the 2/erely charge 
of their paiant as long as they there shalbe charged with the said 
paiant xvj s viij d be the hands of the keper and maisters of the 

20 seid feliship of bochers to be paide to the kepers and masters of the 
seid feliship of whittawers yerely iiij s in the vigill of the Holy 
Trinite withoute ferther delaye, without eny other or ferther 
charge or besyness be them to be made or doon to the seid feliship 
of whittawers. — f. 273 ?;. 

25 1495 (Apr.). Also hit is ordeyned at the petieion and desire of 
the craft of cardmakers towards their charge that they yerely here in 
kepyng their pageant that the crafts of skynners and barkers shall 
yerely frohensfurth here and pay to the seid craft of cardmakers 
xiij [s] iiij d in the forme suyng : That is to sey, the maisters of 

30 the erafte of skynners and the maisters of the barkers shall 2/erely in 
the vigill of the Holy Trinite pay unto the maisters of the card- 
makers, either of them, vj s viij d, and yf eyther of the seid crafts 
fayle of payement at that day, they and every singler persone of 
either of the seid crafts, that payement denying, to lese at every 

35 default vj s viij d, and in default of payement, their bodies so for- 
fetyng to be commyte to prison their to remayn unto the tyme 
they have paide that fyn and over that to fynde suerte that eft- 
sones he shall not defende in that partie. — f. 275. 

1495 (Apr.). Also hit is ordeyned, etc, at the petieion of the 

40 erafte of wrights and tylers and pynners that these persones whos 
names here followen shalbe ioyned and contributory to the erafte 
of wrights frohensfurth for ever, and to pay and here yerely after 
their poeion as other wrights doo towards the charge of their 
pageant, uppon the peyn of every person doyng the contrarie to 

45 lese at every defalt vj s viij d, and in defalt of payement of that 
peyn, their bodies to prison till they have paide hit and over that 
fynde suertee that he eftsones offende not in that partie. These 
be the names : John Okley kerver, Kich. Percy wright, John 


( -okkoH Wright, Xicliolas Slough cartwright, John Norton whele- 
wriglit, aiul John Kuyght wheiewright. — f. 275 b. 

1495 (Apr.). Also where hit was shewed at this present lete be 
bill put in bo the girdolers that the crafte of cappers and fullers of 
thoir giHKlo will were agreable to paye in the fest of the vigill of 5 
tho Holy Trinito to the masters of the crafte of girdelers ^rely 
xiijs iiijd towanls the charge of their preste and pageant eie. 
Hit was ordoyncd and stablisshed be auctorite of this present lete 
that that agremeut and acorde shuld stande stable and to be per- 
fornunl & kept for frohcnsfurth for ever, with more that yf paye- 10 
niout yorcly he not made in this seid vigill then every person 
that ilonyoth such (uiyement to lese at every defalt vj s. viij d with 
iuiprisoninout, as is abovesoid in the crafte of carpenters. — f. 275 6. 

1507 (Apr.). Memorandum. That it is ordeyned at this lete 
that tho craft and feliship of bakers shalbe contributories and 15 
chargtHl from honsforth with the craft and feliship of smytbes and 
to |Miy ^roly to them toward theyre pagent at Corpus Xpisti tyde 
xiy s iiij d, and so to continowe from hensforth yerely. — f. 297 6. 

It in. It is ordoued at this present lete that the felisship of 
corvosers sludbo contributory and chargeable with the crafte of 20 
tanners yerly from hensforth and to pay xiij s iiij d, and to begyn 
theyre payment of the hole at Corpus Xpisti tyde next comyng, 
and so forth yerly at every Corpus Xpisti tyde to pay xiij s iiij d. 
— f. 297 b. 

It. It is ordened and agreed that from hensforth the feliship 25 
and crafte of bochers shalbe yerly contributorye to the felyship of 
whittawers toward ther pagent at Corpus Xpisti tyde xyj s viij d, 
and 80 to continue yerly forthlyke as they dydde afore, etc. — 
f. 297 b. 

1524 (Apr. 12). Item. It is enacted that so long as the crafte 30 
of shomakors fynde and keip ther priest, thoy shall reteyne and 
keipe in ther hands to ther own use yeirelie the mark of money 
whiche they were wont to paye yeirely by act of leete to the craft 
of tanners, and provided alwayes that the said craft of shomakers 
shall pay unto the said tanners at Corpus Xpisti tyde next ensuyng 35 
vj s viij d. — f. 339. 

1526. Item. It is enacted that all carvers within this citie 
frome hensfurth shalbe associat with the craft of peyntors 
and that every carver shall pay yeirelie to the peyntors towards 
the charges of their pagiaunt xij d without contradiction upon 40 
peyn for every defaut to forfett vj s viij d to the seid craft of 
peyntors, and that the said carvers frome hensfurth shalbe dis- 
myssed and discharged frome the craft of carpenters, and that 
Richard Tentvyntor shall pay such arrearages to the carpenters as 
he oweth theme for the xij d which he shuld haue payed theme 45 
yeirelie in tymes past. — f. 344 b. 

1529 (Apr. 8). Itm. It is enacted at this lete that the crafte of 
cappers of this citie frome hensfurth shalbe owners of the wey vers 


pagiaunt with all the implements and apparell belongyng to the 
same pagiaunt, and that the seid craft of weyvers shall ycirelie 
f rome hensfurthe pay unto the master of the seid crafte of cappers 
vj s viij d ; and so the seid craft of weyvers frome hensfurth to be 
5 clerlie discharged of the seid pagiaunt and of the name therof. — 
f. 350 h, 

1531 (Oct. 2). It. Wher as the company, feliship, and craft of 
cardemakers and sadelers of this citie meny yeires and of longe 
continuaunce have hadd and yet haue the cheif rule governaunce 

10 repairyng and meyntonaunce, as well of a chappell within the 
parishe churche of Seynt Michells in the seid citie, named Seynt 
Thomas Cappell, and of the ornamentes, jueUs, and lightes of the 
same, as also of a pagiaunt with the pagiaunt house and pleyng 
geire with other appertenaunces and apparells belongyng to the 

15 same pagiaunt. The meyntenaunce and reparacion wherof haithe 
been and is yeirelie to the greit charge, cost, and expenses of the 
seid company and crafte, beyng now but a fewe persones in nomber 
and havyng but smale eyde of eny other craft for the same. So 
that ther said charge is and like to be more ponderouse and 

20 chargeable to theme then they may convenyentlie here or susteyii 
in shorte tyme to come, oneles provision for a remedy may be 
spedilie hadd. In consideracion wherof and for-asmoch as the com- 
pany, feliship, and craft of cappers within this citie, now beyng in 
nomber meny welthy and honest persones, and have maid dyvers 

25 tymes sute and request unto the meire and his brethem the alder- 
men of this citie to have a certeyn place to theme assigned and 
lymyted, as dyvers other crafts have, to sitt to-gether in ther seid 
parishe churche to here ther dy vyne service and here suche charges 
for the same as by master meire and his brethern the aldermen 

30 shalbe assigned ; it is therefor by the mediacion of Mr. Eichard 
Kice now meire of this citie and of his seid brethern the alder- 
men at this present lete assembled and by auctoritie of the same 
with the agrement, consent, and assent of all the seid parties, com- 
panyes, and crafts, enacted, ordeyned, and constituted that the 

35 seid company and craft of cappers frome hensforthe shalbe associat, 
joyned, and accompanyed with the seid crafts of cardemakers and 
sadelers in the governaunce, reparyng, and meynteynyng, as well 
of and in the seid Chappell, named Seynt Thomas chappell, and of 
the ornaments and lights of the same, as of and in the seid pagy- 

40 aunt [b] and pagiaunt house with the implements, appertenaunces, 
pleaers, reherces, and pleyng geire accustumed, belongyng and 
necessarie to and for the same, after suche maner or better as it 
haithe been used and accustumed before tyme. And that every 
housholder or shop-keper of every of the seid companyes and 

45 crafts toward and for the charges and exspenses aboveseid shall 
not onelie pay yeirelie to the maisters and kepers of the seid 
crafts at such tyme and day as the seid crafts shall appoynt xij d ; 
and upon Seynt Thomas day, named the Translacion of Seynt 


Thomas, shall also offere yeirclie every of theme j d at the high 
masse seid in the seid chappell. But also the seid maisters, com- 
pany, and crafts fromehensfurthe shall applie and hestowe to and 
upon the seid reparacions and charges all the revenues, rents, and 
profitts of all soche lands, houses, and tenements as they or eny of 5 
theme now have or herafter shall have to the use and behove of 
the seid companyes and crafts ; and the viij s of yerelie pencion 
which is yeirelie payed by the peynters and carvers unto the seid 
charges shall yeirelie be payed and go to the same charges. And 
that the seid maistors now electe and hereafter to be electe maisters 10 
of the seid crafts shall yeirelie, upon suche a day as the seid 
maisters shall appoint and agre accompeny theme-selfa to-gethers 
and bryng in and make a true and a full accompt every of theme 
to the other of all ther seid receites, revenues, and profittes. And 
the seid charges and the charges of the kopyng of hames belong- 15 
yng to the seid crafts with the weiryng of the same in the watches 
and other necessarie charges and busynes for the seid crafts 
allowed, payed, and performed, the overpluse of the seid money of 
the seid revenues, profitts, and money shalbe bestowed and put in 
a box with two locks and two keyes, the on key to remeyne with 20 
the masters of the craft of cardmakers and sadelers, and the other 
key to remeyn with the maisters of the craft of cappera, sauelie to 
keip the seid money in the seid box untill they have nede to 
bestow it upon the seid charges or otherwise, as they shall tliynk 
convenyeut; and the seid box to remeyn in the said chappell 25 
fastened with a cheyne. 

Also it is enacted by the auctoritie and consent aforseid that 
the maisters and compeuy of the craft of cappers shall fromehens- 
furthe femyliarlie and lovynglie accompeny and sitt togethers in 
the seid chappell with the seid compeny and craft of carde- 30 
makers and sadelers to here ther divyne service, and also shall 
go togethers in ther processions and watches too and too togethers; 
and that the seid compeny and craft of cardmakers and sadelers 
shall hauo the preemynence and overhaude in ther sittyngs and 
goyng together oon yeire, and the seid craft and compeny of 35 
cappers shall lykewyse haue the preemynence and ovorhande in 
ther sittyng and goyng the other yeire, and so continue frome 
yeire to yeire lovynglie fromehensfurthe ; so that the seid carde- 
makers and sadelers shall not lack ther rome nor sittyng in the 
seid chappelL — f. 357 a and 6. 40 

1531 (Oct. 2). Itm. It is enacted also that the company and 
craft of barbars of this citie shall yeirelie fromehensfurthe pay 
unto the company and craft of gurdelers of this citie vj s viij d 
toward ther charges of the pagyant and processions at suche 
day and tyme as they were wont to pay the seid some unto 45 
the craft of cardmakers, upon peyn every of theme to forfeit 
for ther defaut xij d to be levyed by distresse to the use of the 
citie. — f. 358. 


Itm. It is also onacted that the compeny and craft of walkers 
of this citie shall yeirelie pay unto the company and craft of weyvers 
vj s viij d towards the charges of ther pagyant at such day and tyme 
as it hathe be wont to be payed. And that the company and 
5 craft of skynners shall likewise pay unto the seid craft of weyvers 
yeirelie v s towards ther seid charges. — f. 358. 

1532 (May 14). Itm. It is enacted that the craft of peynters 
shall pay yeirelie fromehensfurth iiij s of the viij s that they wer 
wont to pay to a pagiaunt unto the craft of gurdelers and the other 

10 iiij s of the seid viij s unto the craft of cardemakers. — f. 359 h, 

1533 (May 6). Also it is enacted, that such persones as be not 
associat or assistant to eny craft which is charged with eny pagiant 
of this citie, as fishemongers, bowyers, flechers, and suche other, 
shall now be associat and assistaunt to such crafts as the Mr. 

15 Meire shall assigne and appoynti theme. — f. 361. 

• 1537 (Apr. 24). Item. Wher as the meire, aldermen, beileffs, 
and cominaltie of this citie by ther wrytyng indented and seaUed 
with ther com en seall have graunted, given, and dymysed unto the 
master, kepers, fraternitie, and company of the craft of cappers of 

20 this citie the chappell, pagyaunt, and pagyaunt house which was 
latelie surrendered and given upp by wrytyng to theme by the 
fraternitie and company of cardemakers and sadelers. It is nowe 
enacted by auctoritie of this lete that the seid fraternitie and 
company of cappers shall enjoy the seid pagiaunt, pagiaunt house, 

55 and chappell accordyng to the tenour of the seid wrytyng 
indented, etc. — f. 368 b. 

1547 (May 3). Item. It is also enacted that the cowpers of 
this citie shall fromehensfurth be associat with the tilers and 
pynners and here suche charges as thei haue doon in tymes past ; 

•30 and that the cowpers shalbe the hedd and cheffest of theim and 
stand charged with the pagyaunt. — f. 400. 



Rtcords and accounfn of the trading companies of Coventry . 
refer rimj to the CorpUii Christ i Piatj.^ 

Smiths* Company.^ 

(13) Charadera.^ God (Jesus), Caiaphas, Herod^ Procula 
(Pilate's wife), headle (or porter), the Devil, Judas, Peter and Mal- 
clius, Anna (or Annas), Pilate, Pilate's Son, two knights, four 
tormentors, two princes. 

(14) Machinery i dresses^ etc.^ The cross with a rope to draiv 5 
it up and a curtain hanging before it, two pair of gallows, four 
scourges and a pillar, gilding the pillar and the cross, scaffold, 
fanes to the pageant, mending of imagery (1469), a standard of 
red buckram ; two red pensils of cloth painted and silk fringe, 
iron to hold up the streamer; four gowns and four hoods for the 10 
tormentors (afterwards described as jackets of black buckram, 
with nails and dice upon them), other four gowns with damask 
llowers, also two jackets party red and black, two mitres (for 
Caiaphas and Annas), a rochet for one of the bishops, God's coat 

of white leather (six skins), a staff for the demon, two spears, 15 
gloves (twelve pair at once), Herod's crest of iron, scarlet hoods 
and a tabanl, hats and caps — straw hats, cheverel (chevelure, 
|)eruko) for God, three cheverels and a beard, two cheverels gilt 
for Jesus and Peter, faulchiou for Herod (gilt), scarlet gown, 
maces, girdle for God, a newe sudere to God vij d, a seldall for 20 
God xijd., sceptres for Herod and his son, poll-axe for Pilate's 
son, (15) blue buckram 5 yds. and 6f yds. sat tin purchased in 
1501 *; velvet hose were sold in 1590 at the breaking up of the 
pageant. Mimic, 1584 (only), trumpet and bagpipe; minstrels 
is a common entry, and the waits are paid for " piping." 25 

* Mainhj reprinted from Sharp's Dissertation on the Coventry Mysteries 
(vul from the hUrw faction to the Ahhotsford Club edition of the Weavers* 
Pagoant. Kiimhrrs in parenUheses refer to pages in SIiarp*s Dissertation ; 
irfttn pnrcded hy A,^ to the Ahhotsford Club edition. H,'P. refers to 
Halliirfll-PhiUips, Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, 7th edition, from 
irhich nomr records hare been quoted. Graphic signs have been put in ordinary 
letters. Direct quotations from Sharp are preceded by Sh. 

" »S7/. Tho accouiitH of this (.'onipany commence in 1449. . . 1585 [was] 
the lafit yrar of their exhibiting. 
^ Hharp*H list. 

* Sh. . . . the latter appears to have been used for Herod's gown, and 
most probably the buckram also. 


(15) Agreement,^ 1452-3. These men above writen wer 
acordid and agreed on Munday next befor Palme Sonday, anno 
H. (6th) xxxj., that Thomas Colclow, skynner, fro this day forth 
shuU have the rowle of the pajaunt unto the end of xij yers next 

5 folowing, he for to find the pleyers and all that longeth therto all 
the seide terme ; save the kepers of the craft shall let bring forth 
the pajant and find clothys that gon abowte the pajant and find 
russhes therto. And every Wytsonweke who that be kepers of 
the crafte shall dyne with Colchow and every master ley down 

10 iiij d., and Colchow shall have ^erely for his labor xlvj s viijd 
and he to bring in to the master on Sonday next after Corpus 
Xpisti day the originall and fech his vij nobulle^ ; and Colchow 
must bring in at the latter end of the termes all the garments 
that longen to the pajant as good as they wer delyvered to hym. 

15 This was ordeyned in the time of Will. Melody, Th. Warner, and 
WiU. Byngley, then kepers of the crafte. 

Specimen of Pageant Expenses, Entry for 1490. This is 
the expens of the furste reherse of our players in Ester weke ; 
inprimis in brede iiij d, it.^ in ale viij d, it. in kechyn xiij d, it. in 

20 vynegre j d ; summa ^ ij [s] ij d. 

(16) It. payd at the second reherse in Whyttson-weke in brede, 
ale, and kechyn ij s iiij d. — Inprimis for drynkynge at the pagent 
in havinge forthe in wyne and ale vij d ob, it. in the mornynge at 
diner and at sopper in costs in brede vij d ob, it. for ix galons of 

25 ale xviij d, it. for a rybbe of befe and j gose vj d, it. for kechyn 
to denner and sopper ij s ij d, it. for a rybbe of befe iij d, it. for 
a quarte of wyne ij d ob, it. for an-other quarte for heyrynge of 
Procula is gowne ij d ob, it. for gloves ij s vj d, it. spend at the 
reparellynge of the pagantte and the expences of havyng it in and 

30 furthe xiiij d, it. in paper ob. ; Summa xij s j d ob. 

Mem.* payd to the players players for Corpus Xpisti daye; 
inprimis to God ij s, it. to Cayphas iij s iiij d, it. to Heroude iij s 
iiij d, it. to Pilatt is wyfEe ij s, it. to the beduU iiij d, it. to one 
of the knights ij s, it. to the devyll and to Judas xviij d, it. to 

35 Peter and Malkus xvj d, it, to Anna ij s ij d, to Pilatte iiij s, it. 
to Pilatte is sonne iiij d, it. to an-other knighte ij s ; Summa 
xxviij & ; the mynstrell xiiij d. 

Mem. that these bene the garments that wer newe reparellyd 
a-gaynste Corpus Xpisti daye; inprimis iiij jakketts of blake 

40 bokeram for the tormentors with nayles and dysse upon them, it. 
other iiij for tormentors of an-other suett wythe damaske flower?, 
it. ij of bokeram with hamers crowned,^ it. ij party jakketts of rede 
and blake, it. a cloke for Pilatte, (17) it. a gowne for Pilattes sone, 

1 Sh. A similar agreement was made in 1481 with Sewall and Ryngald. 

* itiTi a^id below, sometimes it*. 

* Sflia and below, 

* Md arid below. 

** Sh. The arms of the smiths* company is three hammers crowned. 


a gowne for the bedull, it. a liodo for the bedull, it, twoo burlettis, 
it. a create for Heroude, it. a fawchon for Heroade, a hatt for 
Pilatte, a hatt for pilatts sone, it. ij myters for the byBSchoppis, it. 
ij liatts for ij princes, it. iiij hatts for the tormentors, it. other 
ij hatts for the tormentors, it a poll-ax for Pilatts sone, it. a 5 
septur for Heroade, it. a masse, it. a septur for Pilatts sonne, it. iiij 
scorges and a piller, it. ij cheverels gyld for Jhe and Petur, it. the 
devyls hede; the somme of all the costes and workemaoschyp 
and colours drawyth to xv s. 

(18) The Pageant} 1578. ij new berars of yron for the seyt 10 
in the padgand. (19) 1440, it. p. cloth to lap abowt the pajent, 
payntyng and all iij s vj d ob.^ 

1471, expens for bumeysshyng and payntyng of the fanes to 
the pageant xxd; 1553,^ it. payd for payntyng of the pagent 
tope xxij d.* 15 

(20) Scaffolih for spectators. Making of a new post to the 
scaffold, tryndyll and theal to ditto, two new scaffold wheels 
6s. 8d., iron pins and colters to tlie scaffold wheels, boards aboat 
the scaffold, three boards and a ledge for the scaffold, clamps and 
iron-work, setting in of the pageant and scaffolds, driving the 20 
pageant and scaffolds.^ 

Moving of the pageant, Stations.^ 1450, spend to bryng the 

^ Sh, ... we may form some idea of the appearance presented by the 
smiths' pageant by a consideration of the following items : thus, the cross 
was painted and gilt ; there is a cliarge for setting np the ''mortys of the 
crosse " and for a piece of timber to it ; also a rope to draw up the cross, 
and the cloth that hangs before it. The pillar to which Christ was tied 
when scourged was also painted and ^ilt 

'^ Sh, These cloths were obviously hung round the pageant vehicle, so 
as to conceal from the eyes of the spectators the lower room in which the 
performers "apparelled themselves, as well as the machineiy underneath 
the " rowme," or stage of action ; such as the hogsheads in the new pageant 
of this company, the windlass which in the cappers' pageant had three men 
to attend on it and in the drapers' had a rope three fathom long, the 
apparatus for representing the earthquake in the drapers' pageant, and hell- 
mouth, etc. There are constant charges for nails, tenteriiooks, rings, wire, 
thread, small cord, and similar articles, which of course were used for the 
curtains and in the machinery and dresses. See also H.-P. II., 289 ; 1569, 
** halfe a yard of Rede Sea " 6d ; 1565, (** theatrical appliances of another 
company ") three paynted clothes to hang abowte the pageant ; (2 Edw. VI.), 
payd for makyng of the hooke to hang the curten on iiij. d. Some of the 
pageant accounts include payments " for curten ryngus." 

3 ff.^P, 1554. 

* Sh, , , , the use of pencils or streamers, oi both, may be discovered 
in all the remaining accounts. They were also icsed in processtoiis, 

* Sh. , , , the usual charges are for having out of the pageant, setting 
the scaffolds ; and setting in of the pageant and scaffolds to the pageant- 
house after the performance was over. 

* Sh. The smiths' was usually "dryven" by a number of men not 
specified. It appears that the first station of this pageant was in Gosford 
street, and as that is the first ward in point of precedency, it seems very 
probable that all the pageants commenced playing there ; another was at 
Much Park street end, most likely the corner of Jordan Well, in which case 
A third was at New Gate. See Introdiodion, 


pagent in-to Gosford stret; 1471, expens at Mikelparke strete 
ende for ale to the pleyers x d, it. at Richard Woodes dur for ale to 
the pleyers vd; 1486, it. for ale at the New Jate jd ob; 1497, 
it. for the horssyng of the padgeant xijd; 1498, it. payd for ij 
5 cords for the draught of the paygaunt j d; 1562, it. for settyng 
the padgandc yn the first place vj d. 

(21) Rehearsals?' 1466, it. in expense at the rehers in the 
parke iij d ; 1576, pd for Sent Marye hall to reherse there ij d, 
spent on the comyanye after we had hard the second reherse ij d, 

10 1579, pd to the plears rehersyng in the Palys^ xij d ; 1584, payde 
the players at the last reherse in Seint Nicholas hall iij d.^ 

Dresser,^ 1474, pd for sweepyng the pagent and dressyng 
vij d. 

Ale and wine,^ 1450, it. payd for a pynt of wyne for Pilatt 
15 jd; 1480, pd for a quart red wyn for Pilat ijd; 1494, it. in 
expence on the pleares for makyng them to drynke and hete at 
every reste iij d. 

Men altout tlie pageant 1469, it. for iiij jaked men about the 
pagent iiij d ; 1564, pd for a chassyng stafhed 6 d.^ 
20 The oath of the masters of the company : They swear to ** kepe 
unto the uttermasse all suche laudable customs as pagans, quart- 
rage, weddings, burings, and such other like thinge as hathe be in 
timis past usyd and customyd." 

(22) Annual pageant pence,^ 6. Edw. VI., resey ved of the craft 
25 for pagent pencys iij s iiij d. 

Jouimeymen. 13. Hon. VII., Rides of the Smiths' Company: 
Also that they wate upon the hede mayster upon Corpus Xpisti 
daye to goo upon prossession, also to wate upon the maysters 
and attende upon the pageaunt to the worsshipe of this cite and 

30 the craf te ; in like wyse to wate upon the maisters of the craf te 
and so likewise to goo upon wache on Myssomer ny3ht and 
Santte Peter ny3ght. 

(26) Charactei's. God, 1451, it. payed for vj skynnys of 
whit leder to Godds garment xviij d, it. payed for makyng of the 

35 same garment xd; 1490, it. a cheverel gyld for lh§; 1498, it. 
payd for mendyng a cheverel for God and for sowyng of Gods 
kote of leddur and for makyng of the hands to the same kote 

1 Sh, Aunnal rehearsals (usually two in number) took place before the 
respectire companies. 

a Sh, The ^* palys " was the bishop's palace, part of which was rented by^ 
the company for their quarterly and occasional meetings. The smiths* 
company had their annual dinner on St. Loy's day in St. Nicholas Hall. 

^Sh. A person was appointed dresser of each pageant. 

* ah, ... ale was given both to the players and drivers. Pilate bein^ the 
principal character in the smiths' pageant, the performer was allowed wine. 

* Sb. conjectures that these entries rrfer to officials stationed in the street to 
prevent intrusion hy the spectators. He says thai no such charge occurs in the 
accounts of the other companies, 

* 8h, This varied from 2s. 2d. to 3s. 4d. and sometimes more. 


xijd; 1501, it pd for a newe sudere for God vijd; 1553, it. 
payd for v schepskens for Gods coot and for inakyng i\j 8 ; 1560, 
it for a selldall for God xij d ; 1565, pd for pajrntyng and gyldyog 
(inter alia) Gods cote, pd for a gyrilyll for God iij d. 

Caiaphas and Annas. 1486, it. for a tabarde and an hoode 5 

[the hire of] iiijd; (28) 1487, it paid for hyryng off a skarlet 
lood^ and a raygete^ for on off the bisshoppis vd; 1499, it. 
payde for colours and gold foyle and sylver foyle for ij myttyis ; 
1544, payd for a bysschops taberd of scarlet that we bowght in 
the Trenete Church x s. 10 

(28-9) Ilerod.^ 1477, it. to a peynter* for peyntyng the 
fauchon and Herods^ face x d. It for assadyn, silver papor and;, 
gold paper, gold foyle and grene foyle ij s j d, it for redd wax 
ijd, it payd to Thomas Suker for makyng the crests xxijd;* 
1478, it for assaden for the harnes xd; 1480, expense for a slop 15 
for Herod {inter dlia)^ pd for peyntyng and dressyng Herads 
stuf ijd; 1487, it for mendyng of Arrodes crast xij d ; ^ 1489,® 
it paid for a go wen to Arrode vij s iiij d, it paid for peyntyng 
and steynyng® ther-off vj s iiij d, it payd for Arroddes garment 
peynttyng that he went a prossasyon in xx d^^ ; 1490, a fawchon, 20 
a septur, and a creste for Heroude repaired; 1494,^^ it payd for 
iij platis to Heroddis crest of iron vj d, it. payd for a p^per of y' 
aresdyke xij d, it. payd to Hatfield for dressyng of Herods creste 
xiiy d ; 1499, it. payd to John Hatfelde for colours and gold foyle 
and sylver foyle for the crest and for the fawchen {inter (di(i)\ 25 
1501, it. for vj 3ards satten iij quarters xvj s xd, it. for v ^ardus 
of blowe bokeram ij s xj d, it pd for makyng of Herodus gone 
XV d ^2 .1515^ it. payd to a peynter for peyntyng and mendyng of 
Herodes heed iiijd; 1547, pd to John Croo for mendyng of 
Herrods^^ hed and a myter^^ and other thyngs ij s; (-ff.-P. II. 290) 30 
1554, payd to John Hewet payntter for dressyng of Erod hed and 
the faychon ij s. 

^ Sh, wood [hood]. ^ Sh. adds [rochet]. 

3 Sh. points Old tfuU the smiths* pagcatU followed S. Luke 23. 6ff, 

* H,'P. x>eyntour. ^ H.-P. Herodes. 

^ Sh. The (last three) items antw 1477 follow each other in the account 
book. They relate to the omamentiug of crests, of which most likely 
Herod's was one ; no other instances of crests occur in the smiths' pageant 
accounts. Two would therefore probably belong to the knights, who would 
be clad in armour, of which the company had three suits. 

' ^S'^.. Many similar entries occur in subsequent years. 

8 H.-P. 1490. 

• H. -P. peynttyng and stenyng. 

^® Sh. (164). By this and the preceding item (1476, it. for hors hyr^ to 
Herod iij d), it appears that the cnaracter of Herod . . . joined the (Corpus 
Christi) procession, being the only instance of this nature that has been 

" H.-P. 1495. 

^^ Sh. (30). A satin gown (probably) blue was provided for this character, 
whereas in other instances a painted dress suflBced. 

^^ H.-P. menddyng of Herrode. " H.-P. my tor. 


Additional items concei'ning Herod,^ 1490, item paid for 

mendyng off Arrodes gauen to a taillour viij. d ; item paid for 

mendyng off hattes, cappus, and Arreddes create with other smale 

geyr belongyng iij. s; 1508, item paid for colour and coloryng of 

5 Arade iiij. d, 

(30) Pilate^ 8 toife Procula,^ 1477, it. for sowyng of dame 
Procula wyff shevys iij d ; 1478, it. for mendyng of dame Procula 
garments vijd; 1487, it. to reward to Maisturres Grymesby for 
lendyng off her geir for Pylatts wyfe xij d ; 1490, it. for a 

10 quarte of wyne for heyrynge of Procula is gowne i j d ob; 1495, 
Eyngold's man Thomas thatt playtt Pylatts wyff ; 1498, it. paid 
to Pylatts wyffe for his wages ij s. 

Beadle or porter,^ 1480, expense for a jaket for the by dull 
{inter alia); 1490, it. a gowne for the bedull, it. abode for the 

15 bedull, repaired. 

(31) Two knights,^ 1449, it. ij spears iiij s iij d. 

The devil,^ 1451, it. payd for the demons garment makyng 
and the stof v s iij d ob, it. payd for collyryng of the same 
garment viij d ; 1477, it. for mendyng the demons garment (inter 

20 alia), it. for newe ledder to the same garment xxij d ; 1490, it. 
the devyls hede (repaired) ; 1494, it. paid to Wattis for dressy ng 
of the devells hede viijd; 1498, it. paid for peynttyng of the 
demones hede (inter alia); 1567, it. payd for a stafe for the 
demon iiij d. 

25 Jvdasfi 1572, pd for canvys for Judas coote ij s, pd for the 
makyng of hit xd. 

(32) Peter J 1490, it. a cheverel gyld for Petur.s 
Malchus, 1477, the performer received 4d. 

Pilate,^ 1480, pd for mendyng Pilats hat iiijd; 1490, it. 

1 H.-P. II. 290. 

^ Sh, Few traces of her dress are to be discovered ; and it appears to 
have been considered of little importance, as not one new article of apparel 
belonging to her has been noticed. 

^ Sh, Only two items occur applying to his dress. 

* Sh, conjectures that the knights wore armour with which of course the 
s^n'&hs toere well provided. As two or three suits were used at the Mid- 
summer-eve processions, the expenses of cleaning and repairing it might occur 
in that connection rather than here. He appropriates to them also two 
crests and the two spears of the entry, 

^ Sh, The devil in the Smiths' pageant had a dress made of leather and 
coloured in all probability black ; ne had also a painted vizor, which was 
frequently repaired or new painted, and a staff. 

^ Sh, The following {entry for 1572) is all that appears respecting his 
dress. In conformity with the well-known popular belief that Judas had 
red hair and beard, there can be little douot of this character being so 
represented in the mysteries. In the enumeitition of articles belonging to 
the pageant, we find ** 3 cheverels and a beard," besides those for Jesus and 
Peter, which were gilt. 

^ Sh, A single entry decisively belonging to this character is all that 
occurs. Sh. rcTnarks thai 4rf. was paid to the performer in 1477. 

® Sh. conjectures thai Peter also wore a gown and a heard, 

^ Sh. Few traces of his dress are discoverable. The performer was paid 


a cloke for Pilatte, it. a hatt for Pilatte (repaired) ; 1494 it. paid 
for brabaiid to Pylntts hate v d and for canvas ij d ob. 

(33) Pilate's son. 1490, it a gowne for Pilatts sone, it. a 
bait for Pilatts sone, it. a poll-ax for Pilatts sonne, it. a septur 
for Pilatts sonne. 5 

Tormentors, 1451, it. payed for makyng of iiij gownnys and 
iiij bodds to tbe tormentors and tbe stof that vrent therto xxiiy a 
xd ob; 1490. Mem. that these bene the garments that wer 
new reparelleyd a-gaynste Corpus Xpisti daye: inprimis iiij 
jakketts of blake bokeram for the tormentors with nayles and 10 
dysse upon them, it. other iiij for tormentors of another 
suett wythe damaske flowers, it ij of bokeram with hamers 
crowned,* it ij party jakketts of rede and blake; 1501, it. 
for makyng off iiij jaketes ij s, it for iiij ellne cloth for the 
jakkets and the hatts xviijd, it jkI to the pajrnter for hys 15 
warkemonchipe xxj s vij d.^ 

(34) Tico Princes, 1490,* it ij hatts for ij princes (repaired). 

(35) Miscellaneous, 1489, mendyng of hatts, cappis, with 
other smale geyr iijs; 1490, it twoo burlettis (repaired); 1494, 

it. t>aid for a strawen hate ob, a leffe of roche clere jd; 1497, 20 
payntjrng of the players hamys xx s ; 1499, it. for colours and 
gold foyle and sylver foyle for iiij capps {inter alia); 1501, it. 
for borro?ryng off a skerlet gone and a cloke ij d, mendyng the 
massus ; 1564, it payd for iij cheverels and a horde xij d ; 1584, 
it payd for ij beards vj d. 25 

Gloves, 1477, it xij peyr glove^ to the pleyers xviij d, (under 
the head soluciones ad le pleyers) inprimis to Jh's for gloves and 
all xxijd^; 1505, pd for a dos* off whyght gloves xijd, pd for 
ij payr off reed gloves viij d. 

Paintin(j faces, 1498, it paid to the peynter for peyntyng of 30 
ther f asses viij d.® 

Music,'^ 1451, it payed to the mynstrells viijs,^ it spend on 
mynstrells dinner and their soper on Corpus X.pisti day xxd; 
1471, it paid to the waytes for mynstrelship vjs; 1477, it paid 

3s. 4d. in 1477 ; afterwards it was advanced to 4s. being the highest sum 
paid in this pageant. 

3 Sh, Perhaps these dresses might be appropriated with more proba- 
bility to the two princes. 

' Sh. r&niarks that these charges are relatively very great referring to 
the miscellaneotis e^Ury for 1497. 

* Sh, , , , this is the only . . . occurrence. 

' Sh. points out that the garment worn by that character had gloves of the 
same material attached to the sleeves, 

• Sh, It is evident that those characters which were not played in masks 
or visors, as was the case with Herod and the devil, were represented with 
the faces of the performers painted. Indeed many other similar entries 

■^ Sh, In general the entries of this portion of expenditure are confined to 
the following items (1451, 1471, and 1477). 

' Sh, Two and sometimes three are specified as the number of minstrels. 


to the wayts for pypvng v s ; 1549, it. payd to the waytes for the 
pagent ij s viij d ; 1554 (164), pd to the mynstrells for prosessyon 
ij d and pageants ij s vj d. 

(36) The play 'hook, 1494, it. paid to John Harry es for beryng 
5 of the orygynall that day vj d^ ; 1495, payd for copyyng of the 
ij knyghts partes and demons ; 1506 (15), resevyd amonge bredren • 
and other good felowys toward the orygynall ijs ixd^; 1563, it. 
to Robart Croo for ij leves of ore pley boke viij d. 

Additional it&nis referring to the pageant, dress, etc.* 1462, 

10 item expende at the fest of Corpus Christi yn reparacion of the 
pagent, that is to say, a peyre of new whelys the pryce viij.s, 
item for naylys and ij. hokys for the sayde pagent ij. d, item for 
to have the pagent ynto Gosford strete xij. d?; 1467, item in met 
and drynk on mynstrelles and on men to drawe the pagent xxij. d ; 

15 1470, item rysshes to the pagent ij.^, item clampys of iron for the 
pagent viij. d, item ij. legges to the pagent and the warkemanship 
withall vj. ri; 1471, expenses to brynge up the pagent into Gos- 
ford strete amonge the feliship viij. d, expenses for burneysshyng 
and peyntyng of the fanes to the pagent xx. d, item cloutnayle and 

20 other nayle and talowe to the pagent and for waysshyng of the 
seid pagent and ruysshes vj. d oh, item at bryngyng the pagent 
owt of the house ij. d, item nayles and other iron gere to the 
pagent viij. d oh, expenses to a joyner for workemanshipp to the 
pagent vij. c?; 1480, item for havyng furth the pagent on the 

25 Wedonsday iij. d, item paid for ij. peyre newe whelis viij. s, 
expenses at the settyng on of hem vij d, item for byndyng of 
thame viij d, paid to a carpenter for the pagent rowf vj c?; 1498, 
item for the horssyng of the padgeantt and the axyll tree to the 
same xvj. d, item for the hawyng of the padgeantt in and out and 

30 wasshyng it viij. d ; 1499, item paid for ij. cordes for the draught 
of the paygaunt j. d, item paid for shope and gresse to the whyles 
j. d, item paid for havyng oute of the paygant and swepyng therof 
and havyng in and for naylles and ij. claspes of iron and for 
mendyng of a claspe that was brokon and for coterellis and for a 

35 bordur to the pagaunte xix. d?; 1547, paid for dryvyng of the 
pagent iiij. s iiij d, paid for russys and soop ij. (i ; 1554, item payd 
to payntter for payntyng of the pagent tope xxij. d; 1570, paid 
for laburrars for horssyng the padgang xvj. d, spent abowt the 
same bessynes xvj. d, for takyng of the yron of the olde whele 

40 X. d, paid for poyntes and paper iij. d ; 1572, paid for canvys for '' 
Jwdas coote ij. s, paid for the makyng of hit x. d, paid to too 
damsselles xij d, paid for a poollye and an yron hoke and mend- 
ynge the padgand xvj. d, paid for cowntters and a lase and 
pwyntes for Jwdas iij. cZ; 1573 {new play), paid for pleyng 

^ Sh, In 1491, a certain writing is called in their accounts **the new 

^ Sh. adds in sums of Id. and 2d. each. 
» H.'P, I. 338-41. 


of Petur xvj d, paid for Jwdas parte ix d^ imid for ij. damsylles 
xij *ff paid to the deman vj. /^, paid to iiij. men that brjng yn 
Herod viij. tf^ paid to Fastoim for hangyng Jwdas iiij. d, paid 
to Fawstoii for coc-croyiig iiy. <Z, paid for Mr. Wygaona gowne 
viij. '^; 1574, Paid for pleynge of Petur xvj. d, paid for Jwdas 5 
ix. d^ paid for ij. damselles xij.^^, paid to the deman vj. d^ paid 
to iiij. men to bryng yn Herode viij. d, paid to Fawston for 
liangyng Jwdas and coc-croyng viij. (?, paid for Herodes gowne 
viij. ^/; 1576, a payment of 18d. "for the gybbyt of Jeaae"; 
1577 {netc j*^ai/)y **for a lase for Jwdas and a corde" 3d.; (old 10 
pageant) paid to the plears at the fyrst reherse ij. 8 vj. (f, paid 
for ale iiij. d, paid for Sent ^Earye Hall to reherae there ij. d, 
paid for mendyng the padgan<l howse doro xx. d, paid for too 
]K)ste3 fi3r the dore to stand upon iiij. d, paid to the carpyntur 
for his labur iiij. ^/, paid to James Beseley for ij. plattes on the 15 
post cndes vj. d, for great nay lies to nayle on the hynge ij. d, paid 
to vj. men to helpe up with the dore; 1578, {new play) 
paid for the cokcroing iiij. d^ paid to Thomas Massy for a trwse 
for Judas ij. a viij. dy paid for a new hoke to hange Judas yj. c?, 
paid for ij. new berars of yron for the new seyt in the padgand 20 
vij d.', 1502,^ item paid for gloves to the pleyares xix d, item paid 
for pyntyng off ther fasus ij d ; 1548, payd to the paynter for 
payntyng the players facys iiijd. 

SniMs* New Play,^ 1573, pd for pleyng of Petur xvj d, i>d . 
for Judas parte ix d, pd for ij damsylls xij d, pd to the deman 25 
vj d, pd to iiij men that bryng yn Herod viij d, pd to Fawston 
for hangyng Judas iiij d, pd to Fawston for coc croyng iiij d, 
pd for Mr. Wygson's gowne viijd^; 1576, for the gybbyt of 
Jezie xviij d ; (37) 1577, for a lase for Judas and a corde iij d; 
1578, pd for a trwse for Judas ij s viijd; pd for a new hoke 30 
to hange Judas vjd; 1579,** pd for a gowne to the tayllers and 
sheremen x d. 

Destruction of Jermdlem, a new pageant performed 158.4.^ 
Items from the charges attending the rehearsals'. It. payd to 
Cockram in earnest for to playe on his bagpypes iiij d, it. payd to 35 

1 H..P. II. 290. 

- SJi. lu 1573, after the usual entry of payments to performers and 
other expences of the pageant as heretofore, a short break occurs, and in 
the margm is written *' New pley," after which follow these items. Mast of 
these iteins are given in the preceding paragraph also. 

^ Sh. This was a gown belonging to Sir William Wigston, as appears 
by other entries, and was frequently borrowed by the smiths for their 
pageant. The charge of 8d. is for wine given in return for the use of the 
gown, which was worn by Herod. 

* Sh. This new performance was continued (except in 1575 when no 
play was exhibited) until 1580, and seems to have been acted after the old 
pageant. During the years 1580-3, the smiths did not exhibit their 

^ Sh. No less than six rehearsals took place previous to the public 
exhibition of this new pageant. 


a trumpeter in earnest at Seynt Nycholas hall iiij d, it. payde to 
John Deane ^ for takynge paynes abowte the pageant ij s ij d. 

Literal copy of the €nti*y of expenses : Expencys and pay- 
mentes for the pagente : Inprimis payd to the players for a 
5 reherse ij s vj d, it. payde to Jhon Grene for wrytynge of the 
playe-boke vs, it. payde to the trumpeter for soundynge in the 
pagent v s, it. payde to hym that playde on the flute ij s vj d, it. 
payde to Jhon Foxall for the hyer of Irysshe mantylls viij d, (38) 
it' gyvyn to the dryvers of the pagent to drynke iiij d, it. payde 

10 for sope for the pagent wheles iiij d, it. payde to Cookeson for 
makynge of a whele to the skaffolde viij d, it. payde for a iron 
pynne and a cotter for the skaffolde whele iiij d, it. spent on the 
companyo on the pley even ij s viij d, it. payde to WilFms for 
makynge of ij payre of galleys ij s (Under the head othe)* 

l^ paijnentes and exspences ... it. payde for lace for the ij payre 
of galleys xv d,^), it. pd for the masters breakfast on the playe 
daye xx d, it. pd for the players drynke to the pagent ij s, it. pd 
for starche to make the storme in the pagente vj d, it. pd for 
carryenge of our apparaill from pagent to pagente vj d, it. pd for 

20 drynke for the muji3ions ij d, it. pd to Hewette for fetchynge of 
the hogges-headds vj d, it. pd to the souldyers for waytynge on 
the captaynes ij s, it. pd for a pottell of wyne to the pagente x d, 
it pd to the mu3icions for playenge on theyre instruments in the 
pagente v d, it. pd for the Mos/er and the players sowper viij s vj d,® 

25 it. pd to Jhon Deane for hys dyner sowper and drynkynge xij d, 
it. pd for russhes packthryd and tenter hookes viij d, it. pd to ij 
drumme players x d, it. pd to the dryvers of the pagente iij d, it. 
pd to Hewet for his paynes ix d, it. pd to Reignolde Headley for 
playenge of Symon and Phynea v s, it. pd to Gabryel Foster for 

30 playenge of Justus Ananus Eliajar and the chorus vj s viij d, 
it. pd to Jhon Bonde for playenge of the capteyne Jhoannes and 
and the chorus vj s viij d, it. pd to Willm Longe for playenge of 
Msyers Jacobus Hippenus and the chorus vj s viij d, it. pd to 
Jhon Hoppers for playenge of Jesus and Zacharyas iij s, it. pd to 

35 Henry Chamberleyne for playenge of Pristus, a pece ^ of Ananus, 
and Zilla iij s iiij d, it. pd to Jhon Grene for playenge of Mathias 
and Esron ij s, it. pd to Jhon Copestake for playenge of Esron 
his parte xx d, (39) it. pd to Lewes Pryce for playenge of Niger 
his parte xvj d, it. pd to Frauncys Coccks for playenge of Solome 

^^ xij d, it. pd to liichard Fit^harbert and Edward Platte for 
playenge chyldren to Solome xij, it. pd to Xpofer Dygbye fox his 
ij drummers vj s viij d, it. pd to the awyntyente berer xij d, it. 
pd to Robert Lawton for kepynge of the booke ij s, it. pd to 

^ Sh, John Deane was the company's sumner. 

* Sh, suggests these were merely tressels to support the pageant fioor, 
» Sh. 8. 

* Sh. apeco. 


Edmund Durrant for payntynge ij s, it. pd to Thorn's Massye for 
the temple and for his beardes iij s ; Som is vli iij s vij d.^ 

Pageant and jHujeant-house sold. 1586, it. reed of Mr. Pyle 
for the pageante howse xx s, it. reed of Henry Bankes for the 
pageant zl s. 5 

In 1591 the smiths i}aid imtead of performing. 1591, it. 
payd to Mr. Mayor towards the playes of the pageantes xx s. 

Addii tonal Items ^ concoming the Pageant- House, 1571, paid 
for a lode of cley for the padgyn howse vj. d, paid for iij. sparis 
for the same howse vj. d, paid to the dawber and his man 10 
xiiij. d, paid to the carpyntur for his worke iiij. c?, paid for 
a bunche and halfe of lathe ix.fZ,paid for vj. pennye naiylles ij.<i; 
1576, spent at ^Ir. Sewelles of the company about the pavynge of 
the pajen house vi. d, payd for the pavynge of the pagen house 
xxij. d, payd for a lode of pybeles xij. d, for a lode sande vj. d; 15 
1586, item paide to James Bradshawe for mendynge the pageant- 
howse doores iiij. (/, item to Cliristofer Bume for a key and set- 
tynge on the locke on the doore v. d^ item paide to Baylyffe 
Emerson for halfe yeres rente of the pageant-howse ij. s, vj. d, 
item gyven to Bryan a shannan for his good wyll of the pageante- 20 
howse X. d. 

The putting doicn of the pageants.^ 1580, {MS, Annals) The 
pageants were again laid down.** 1584, {id,) This year the new 
play of the Destruction of Jerusalem was first played.^ 

(40) City Accounts : Paid to Mr Smythe of Oxtord the xvth 25 
daye of Aprill 1584 for his paynes for writing of the tragedye xiij 
li vjs viijd. 1591,« (12) At a Council House held 19th May: 
It is acjreed by the whole consent of this house that the Destruc- 
tion of Jerusalem, the Conquest of the Danes, or the historie of 
K[ing] E[dward] the X., at the request of the Comons of this cittie 30 
shalbe plaied on the pagens on ilidsomer daye and St. Peters 

1 Josephus, TIic Jewish War^ iv. 2 jj .p j^ 337-8. 

^ Sh, (37, 39) says that no company whose accounts have been preserved 
{smithSf cappers, drapers, and weavers) exhibited a pageant during the years 
1580-3, and attributes the disco7itinnance to the inflnence of the Protestant 
religion. He says, *' The good men of Coventry, who in 1574 amused Queen 
Elizabeth at Kenilworth castle with their Hox Tuesday performance, com- 
plained that although there was no papistry or superstition in it, yet owing 
to the zeal of certain of their preachers, it had been of late laid down." 

r * Sh. says that the pageants generally are here alluded to, and that ''again " 
is used in conseqtience of the Hox Ttiesday shows having been put down in 
1561. 1561, {MS. Annals) This year was Hox Tuesday put down ; cp. also 
1575, (Id,) This year the pageants or Hox Tuesday that had been laid 
down 8 years were played again. 

* Sh. All of the companies (exhibiting pageants) whose records of the 
period exist, performed this new one, whence it may be inferred that appli- 
cation was made for a revival of the pageants, and that they were willing to 
gratify the people in their favourite amusement ; also at considerable charge, 
provided tnem with a new subject, free from the objections raised against 
their former representations. 
^ Sh, This elaborate performance was not repeated until 1591. 


daye next in this cittie and non other playes. And that all the 
mey-poles that nowe are standing in this citie shalbe taken downe 
before Whit-sonday next and non hereafter to be sett up in this 
cittie. — Com, Council Book, 

The Cappers* Company. 

5 (42) History, Sh, speaks of a very curious book of accounts 
belonging to the cappers' company which commenced in 1485. The 
first charge for exhibiting their pageant occurred in 1534. (43-5) 
Until 1530 they had been contributory to the girdlers* pageant. 
In 1529 also by act of leet, the cappers had been authorised to 

10 possess the weavers* pageant; the weavers* accounts show how- 
ever that the order was not carried out. In 1531, an act of leet 
associates the cappers with the card makers and sadlers in chapel 
and pageant.^ The first time the cappers' company exhibited 
their newly acquired pageant was in 1534, when it appears that 

15 31s. 5jd. was expended in "reparacions made of the pageant and 
players ger," and 30s. 4d, for rehearsals and charges of playing. 
From this period until 1580 the pageant was regularly exhibited; 
a pause then ensues until 1584, when in conjunction with the 
sheremen and taylors, a new pageant, the Destruction of Jerusa- 

20 lem, was performed. In 1591 they played once more "at the 
mayors commandment.** 

Contributory pageantry, (43) 1532, pay d for dyvers besynesse 
aboute the cardemakers iij s xj d ; 2nd quarter, idem vij s. In 
1574 and for subsequent years the cardmakers and sadlers con- 

25 tributed 13s. 4d. annually to the cappers towards their pageant, 
likewise the company of yralkers 6s., skinners 4s., painters and 
joyners 3s. 4d. 

(47) Machinery, Dresses, etc.^ Wind rope and a locker to 
the wind, requiring a man sometimes three men to " tend " it ; 

30 hell-mouth ; boards about the sepulchre side of the pageant ; 
apple-tree ; two ledges for the pageant, two standers for the same, 
charges for " setting up " the fore part of the pageant and timber 
to bear the side of it. Cloak for Pilate, coat for Mary Magdalen, 
coat made of buckram for the spirit of God, coat for the demon, 

35 surplices or albs for the angels, gowns for the bishops, hoods and 
mitres for ditto, ** roles "for the Maries, gloves, stars, diadems, 
censers, our Ladies crown, the Marie's crowns, flowered, ma!l or 
club for Pilate, balls for Pilate, mall or club for the demon, the 
domon*8 head (or vizor), rattle, spade, two crosses, poleaxe, bow, 

40 four white harness^ two streamers and pensells, thread, cord, 
wire, " white incoll," nails, tenter hooks, rings, points, rushes. 
The pageant, (Inventory of ornaments, jewels, goods, etc, be- 

^ Sh. In JannaTy 1586, the cardmaken and sadlers eon^yed the afore- 
named chapel and pageant to the mayor, aldermen, etc., and in the same 
month they were re-conveyed to the cappers. 

2 Sh.'8 lid. 


lonpiii;,' U. tlie cappers' chapel) 28 Henry VIII. (1536, 1537): 
it. ij pujiont clothes of the passion ; Accounts (no (lat«), it. pd for 
lyuen clothe to paynt v 8, it. pd to Horseley the paynter xzxiij b 

1507. In rent or li nf ijtu^U Uihnvjiwj to the cappers* company^ 5 
includes ij. pawles, sixc cres&ittes, ij. streamars and the poles, ij. 
hisshopes myters, Pylat'S diiblit, ij. curtaynes, Pylatea head, fyre 
Maries heades, one c^ytf, Maiy Maudlyus gowne, iij. beardes, sixe 
pensils, iiij. rolles, iij. Marye b<jxes, one play-boke, the giandea 
head and clubljc, Pylate.- clubbc*, hell-mow th, Adams spade, Eves 10 

(\t<) yV//y-/x//y/.<*. Pd for making of the new^ plea book vs; 
1540, \y\ for the matter of the Castell of Emaus xiij d *; pd for 
writynii a parte fur Ilen-e Pei-son j d. 

Usual ffwpemfeii of iferformiwjJ* Dressing the pageant 6d. ; a 15 
|)ei'son going with it 10 d. ; the clerk for bearing the book or 
** the keei>er of the playe-lxK)k " 12 d.* ; spent at the first rehearsal, 
to the players 18 d., on tlie company 7 8. 4 d. ; spent at the second 
rehearsal to the players 18d,on the company 7 8.; players* sapper 
2 8. ; drink to the drivers of the pageant 12 d. ; twelve (sometimes 20 
eight or ten) men driving it 2 e. ; drink to the players between 
the play times 13d.; jxl Pilate, the bishops and knights to drink 
l>etween the ** stages *' 9 d. The annual charge for playing the 
pageant was about 35 8. until 1550, afterwards 45 s. to 508, 

(49) IIhn*ti'fjttre C/tarr/es. Payd for the players drynkynge at 25 
the Swanne dore ij s viij d ; p'd for our supper on the play day for 
ourselves, good man Mawpas, the minstrull, the dresser of the 
pagent, and the somner and his wyfe iiij s ; pM for havyng the 
pagent in and out xij d ; p'd for four whit harnesse xvj d ; p'd for 
v dossan poyntes iiij d ; p'd for rysslies j d ; p'd for sope and 30 
gres ij d. ; 1553, pd to the car])enter^ for teiidyng on the pageant 
xij d ; 1554, pd the carpenter for tendyng the pageant (and some 
repairs) xvj d. 

Entire eutr// /(/r 1565. C(»stes and charges of the pagyande : it. 
payd to Pylate iiij s, it. payd to the iiij knyghts iiij s viij d, it. 35 
payd to the ij. byssliopes ij s, it. payd to God xxd, it. paide to the 
sprytt of God xvj d, it. payd to the ij angelles viij d, it. payd to 
the iij Mary OS ij s, it. payd to the demon xvj d, it. payd to the 
mynstrell viij d, it. payd for vj dossyn of poyntes xij d, it. payd 

* Upon the basin of these entries and the relatively large s^ims paid^ Sh. 
C07\lecturcs that these cloths \ocre displayed on tlie vehicle, or used for covering 
the lower roum at the time of representation. He points out that apaiiUing of 
t fie passion would ayrce with the subject of the cappers^ pageaiit, 

^ ir.P. I. 342. ^ Sh. n^w of the. 

* Sh. co}iJcctuirs that the Appearance to tlie Travelers icas added to the 
capjk'rs^ pageant this year, the parts of CaiapJias and Luke being f-aken by 
jn^rformers fttaying other }mrt^ earlier in the jKigean*. 

* Sh.'alist. 

^ Sh. poiiits out that this was probably the prompter. 

' Sh. says that it was not unusual to have a carpenter in attendance. 


for rep[a]rasyoiis of the pagyand tymber nayles and iren vij s viij d, 
it. p'd for the hyer of iiij harnes and scorrynge of our haines iiij s, 
it. p'd for dresynge and colorynge the bysshoppes hodes ij s, it. 
p'd for makynge the hoodes and mendynge Maudlyn coate xij d, 
5 it. spent at tavern xij d, it. payd for a hoke of iren xvj d, it. payd 
for one whelle ij s ij d ; soni xij s x d. (50) More charges of the 
pagyand : it. spent at the first rehearse at the brekefast of the 
companye v s vij d, it. spent at the second reherse vj s ij d, it. payd 
to the players at the second reherse iij s, it. payd at the havynge 

10 out and settynge in of the pageand xij d, it. payd for dressynge 
the pagiand and kepynge the wynde xij d, it. payde to the dryvers 
iiij s, it. payde to the dryvers in drynke viij d, it. payde to the 
players betwene the stages viij d, it. payd for the players sopper 
ij s viij d, it. payd for rosshes and small corde iij d, it. payd for 

15 balles xd, it. payd for iij gawnes of ale in the pagiand xij d, it. 
payd to the syngers xvj d, it. payd for a pay re of gloves for Pylate 
iiij d, it. payd for grece iij d, it. payd for our sopper at nyght iij s, 
it. payd for furrynge of the hoodes viij s ; som xxix s x d. 

Other entnes, (37) 1543, pd for a lace of jorne to compas the 

20 beanie xjd; (48) 1548, rec*d. from the whittawers for the "hyer 
of our pageand" 3s. id. ; (22) 1562, rec' of the fellowship for 
pageant xxxij s iiij d^; (20) 1565, it. spent at the first rehearse at 
the brekefast of the companye v s viij d, it. spent at the second 
reherse at the brekefast of the company vjs ijd; 1584, pd the 

25 dresser of the pagent; (21) (no date) payd for dressynge the pagyn ; 
(no date) pd for drynkyng for the playars betwen the play tymes 
xiiij d (sometimes betwen the stages), pd for drynk in the pagent, 
drynkynge at the Swanne dore ij [s] viijd. (66) 1544, payde for 
drynk in the pageant for the plears for bo the days viij d.^ 

30 Additional items concerning the pageant,^ 1562, item spent 
on the craft when the overloked the pagyand ij. ^, item payd for 
iiij. harneses hyrynge iij. s, item payd to the players betwene the 
stages viij. d, item payd for dressynge the pagyand vj. d, item 
payd for kepynge the wynd vj. d, item payd for dryvyng the 

35 pagyand iiij. s, item payd to the dryvers in drynke viij. d, item 
payd for balls vj d^ item payd to the mynstrell viij.cZ ; 1568, item 
paid for a ledge to the scafolde vj. d, item paid for ij. ledges to 
the pagiand viij. d, item paid for grett naylles vj. d, item for 
makynge clene the pagiand house ij. d, item paid for washenge 

40 the pagiand clothes ij. d, item for dry vinge the pagiand vij. s \].d, 
item paid to the players at the second stage viij. d, 

1567,^ item payd for a cloutt to the pagiand whelle ij. d, 
item payd for a ponde of sope to the pagiand iij.c?, item payd 
to the players at the second stage viij. d, item payd for balles 

45 viij. d, item payd to the mynstrell viij. <i, item payd to Pilat for 

^ Sh. No other entry of a like nature has been observed. 
^ Sh. supposes from this item that the pageants were occasionally exhibited 
/or two days. ^ H.-P. I. 33-40. * I. 340. 


bis ;{lovc8 ij. (7, item payd for assyden for Pilat head ij. d, iten^ 
])ayd to Jorge Loe for spekyng the prologue ij. J; 1568, item 
I>aid for halles viij. d^ item paid for Pylatt gloves iiij. d, item paid 
for the spekynge of the prologe ij. d, item paid for prikynge tho 
Honges z\j. df item paid for makynge and coloiinge the ij. myteis 5 
ij. 8, iiij. d, item i>aid for makyiige of [heUmothe new xxj d; 
1571, item paid for mendynge the pagiand geyre iij. d, item paid 
for a yard of bokeram xij. d, item paid for payntynge of the 
demons mall and the Maris rolles vj. d^ item for makynge the 
rolcH ij. dy item paid to the players att the second stage viij. d. 10 

The rharaciers, Pilate, (50) Item for * * a skeane of grene silke" 
to mend Pilate's cloak, and the '^mendyng" 6d.^; makyng of 
Pylntts malle xxij d ^ ; A new malle xx d ; ditto ij s j d ; pd Richard. 
Hall for makyng Pylates clubbe xiijd; pd for ij pounde and 
halfe of woole for the same clubbe x d ; pd for mendyng of Pylatts 15 
malle iij d.^ ; pd for ballcs for Pylatt iij d, lether for halles ^ d, 
balls iiij il — xij d ; pd for makyng of xvj balls and for ij skyna of 
lether v d ; jxl for a skyn for balls for makyng and sowyng v d ; 
pd for balls and for mendyng of Pylatts cloobe iiij d; (51) p'd for 
a payre of gloves for Pylate iiij d ; pM for assyden for PUat head 20 
ij (I ; pM for canvas vj d and the makyng of Pylats doblet xvj d — 
xxij d. 

God.^ (53) There is a charge for painting inter alia the rattel, 
the spade, and ij crossys, and hell mowthe and also an item of 
exi)enses for boards used about the sepulchre side of the pageant. 25 

Mother (tf Death, (54) /S7/. gives no information. 

Fcmr Ktnfjhts, Sh, For these characters four suits of white 
(or bright) armour were procured for which a regular entry of 16d. 
occurs, being the sum paid for the use of them. 

Spirit of God. It. payd for the spret of Gods cote ij s, it. 30 
payd for the makyng of the same cote viij d, it. payd for ij yardes 
and halfe off bockram to make the spirits cote ij s j d, it. payd for 
makynge the same cote viij d.^ 

Our Lady. (55) It. paide for mendyng our ladys crowne. 

T(co bishops.^ It. paide for makyng the ij byschoppes gownse 35 
xxj d, it. p'd for furrying the sayd gownse ij s iiij d, it. payd to 
Mr Warynge for the rest of the bysshoppes gownse vij d, it. an 
ell of bockram for one of the bysshoppes xiij d, it. pd for makyng 

^ Sh. supposes from this that Pilate* s cloak was green, 
^ Sh. (51) stntes that abmU 1790 i7i an aiUique chest loUhin the cappers' 
chapel he found {together with an iron cresset and some fragments of armour) 
a club or mall stuffed with woolf the covering of which was leather; the 
handle^ then broken off^ had evidently been of wood, 
^ Sh. There is a charge for painting the mall. 

* Sh. No article of dress explicitly intended for this character appears in 
the account. 

^ Sh. Very many instances of painted buckram dresses occur in these 

* Sh. conjectures that the two bishops were Jewish priests, probably 
Oaiaphas and Annas as in the smiths' pageant. 


a wiiod for on of the byschopps iiij d, it. payd for dressynge and 
colorynge the bysshoppes hodes ij s, it. payd for furry hge of the 
hoodes viij[d], it. paide for makynge and colorynge the ij myters 
ij s iiij d, it. payd for payntyng the bisshoppes myters ; likewise a 
5 charge of 6 d. " for mendyng of ij senssars." 

Ttco angels. It. payd for waschyng the angells albs ij [d], (56) 
it. pd for mendynge the angells surplisses and wasshyng iij d.^ 

The three Maries, It. p'd for mendynge Maudlyns cote iiij d,. 

it. payd for skowryng of Maryes crowns j d, it. for payntynge the 

10 Maries roUes iiij d, it p*d for a yard of bokeram xij d, it. p'd for 

makynge the roles ij d, it. p*d for mendyng the Maries roUes ij d, 

paid for mendyng the Maries heare viij d. 

The demon and hell-mouth,^ It. payde for mendynge ih& 

devells cote and makyng the devells heade iiij s vj d, it. payd to 

15 Harry e Benett for mendynge the demons cote and makyng the 

head v s, it. pd for making the demons head xviij d, it. payd for 

a yard of canvas for the devells malle and* for makyng viijd, it. 

payd for payntyng the devells clubbe (several entries). (67) Sh, 

" selects " the following entries referring to hell-mouth : It. p'd 

20 for mendyng hellmowthe ij d, it. paycl for payntyng of hell* 

mought iij d, it. payd for makynge of hell-mothe new xxj d, it. 

paide to Horaley {inter alia) for pentyng hell-mowthe. 

Deadman. Entries in 1574 and 1576 only.^ 

Prologue,^ It. p*d for the spekynge of the prologe ij d, it. paid 

25 to Jorge Loe for spekynge the prologue ij d; in 1573 4 d. is paid for 

speaking the preface, and the same sum in 1574 for the prologue. 

Singers and minstrels,^ Sh. (48) A customary charge is " paid 

to the miustrell " usually 8d. There also occur these items : " for 

makinge the songe " and " for prikynge the songes xvj d." It. p'd 

30 to the singyngmen xvj d, it. p'd to the singers and makyng the 

songe ijs iiijd. 

Miscellaneous entries, (64) It. p'd for vj payr of gloves iij s iiij d, 
it. a staf for a polax ij d, it. payd for mendynge of the bowe iij d., it. 
p'd for halfe a yard of rede sea vj d ; (46) it. pd for a pece of tymber 
35 for an apeltrie ij s iij d, it. pd for ij cloutes, a clamp and other yron 
work about the apeltre xij d^ ; (16) mendyng the players reparell. 
1569, payd Thomas Nyclys for prikinge the songes xij d. 

^ Sh. suggests that **ij starrs" 12d. and **a dyadem," 4d. (sic) he appro- 
priated to these characters, 

^ Sh, This character (the .demon) was furnished with a vizor or mask, 
and a club made of buckram and painted. 

' Sh. suggests that it vkls a person delivered from, hell. 

* Sh. Preface or more frequently prologue. 

' Sh. Singers and singing men is an article of regular entry after the 
term ''minstrell" is discontinued. 6d. and 8d. was the accustomed fee to. 
the minstrelL 

* Sh, Adam and Eve, though not particularized in the list of performers 
in the cappers' pageant (in consequence probably of these parts being taken 
by persons who had played other characters in an earlier portion of the 
pageant) were nevertheless indispensable requisites, and the introduction of 
this appropriate and distinguishing symbol is thus readily accounted for. 



77ie lX'4tniction of Jerusalem. Sh. gives the following as sn 
exact copy of the entry for the pageant of the Destruction of 
Jerusalem in 1584, when the cappers were at joint expense with 
the shearmen and taylors : 

1584. Paymentes for oar partes for the pagyn and acte : Payd 5 
for fy ve reherses v s ; spente at the same reherses xx s ; spente at 
Thomas Kobynsons bytymes at the appointing off thinges xd; 
paide for our |>arted at the settinge and drivinge of the pagyn and 
skaffoldes ij s vj d ; i)ayd for dressynge the pagyn vj d ; paide 
towards the hyrc of a drum xij d ; payde for playinge of the same 10 
drum iij d ; payde for mendynge of the skaffolds vij d ; payde for 
iij beardes i j s v j d ; \mde sixe musicissions ; payd for the hyre of 
a trumpet vj d ; |xiyd for mendynge of the players reparrell vj d ; 
paide towardes the ]>layer8 breakfast and drynke in the pagyn and 
a-nyght^ when tho had played vs vjd; paide for more^ ale that 15 
Mas droncke at the settinge in of the pagyn and skaffolds iiij d ; 
payde for makinge in of oure pagyn dores and small cordes iiij d ; 
(65) payde for oure suppers and the iiij masters of the sharmen and 
tayllers and the clarkes and sumners iiij s ; the some is xxviij s ix d. 
Paymoutcs to the players : Payde to Owton vs, payde to Thomas 20 
Symcoxe v s, jmyde to the barber iij s vj d, payde to the butler 
iij s vj d, payde to Hollande iij s vj d, paide Xpoffere TayUer ij s x d, 
payde to Hawkes xvj d, payde to Mathewe ij s iiij d, payde to 
Hawmon xvj d, payde to Sir Myles sonne xvj, payde to Holbage 
xvj d, payde to Jhon Shewels man viij d, payde to the captaynes 25 
lackies xij d, payde to xij souldyars to were red cotes ij s, payde 
for iij garlande made of bayes vj d, payde for the temple xij d, 
payde to Jhon Grene for raakynge the booke vs^; payde for the 
kepyngo tlie boke xij d ; the some is xliiij s ij d ; the some of our 
parte is xxij s j d. 30 

Last records. 1591, payd to Thomas Massey towards the 
playes xxs,* In 1589, the company had sold the lead and tile 
off their pageant house; in 1596, **furrs of players gowns" were 
sold for 14 d., also rd of Ric. Dabson for byshopps hodds viij s.^ 

TJie pageant-house, Sh, mentions numerous items for repair- 35 
ing the pageant-house and for securing the doors, and states that 
it was situated in Mill-lane. 

Drapers* Company.^ 

TJie Pageant-house. In 1392-3 (16 Richard IL), a tenement in 
Little Park street {Cartvlary of St. Mary's, leaf 85 b) is described 

^ Sh. anyght. '^ Sh. more ffor. 

* Sh. He fiurnished copies of the play to the smiths* and mercers' com- 
panies on the same tenns. 

* Sh. says that the cappers lent their pa^eaTU, dresses , and other apparatus^ 
contracting with Massey for the exhibition. 

5 Sh, says (66) this is the last trace of the pageant history of the cappers* 
company. « ^^^ The oldest booK of accounts of this company 

now to be found commences in 1534. 

APPENDIX 11. 99 

as inter ^enementum ^riorum et canventtis ex paite una et domum 
pro le pagent pannarnm Goventre ex aliexa,^ 

In 1520, the Trinity Guild sold to this company timber ".to 
make their pageant*' value Ts. 7d. ; 1534, an entry occurs in their 
5 accounts of 4s. received for the rent of " the old pagent howse/* 
the new one being also mentioned in the same account. The 
orders and rules of the company "gathered owt off oulld and 
anssyent boukes" in 1534 contain an order that the masters shall 
" se the prossecyon kept on Corpus Cristy daye, the pageond and 
10 play well broughte forth with hamessyng of men and the watche 
kept at Mydsomer on Seynt Peters nyght with oder and good 
custumes usyd in old tyme to the lawde and prays of God and 
the worschypp of thys cytte" (160). 

Characters.'^ God, two demons, three white (sometimes saved) 
15 souls, three black (sometimes damned) souls, (67) two spirits, four 
angels, three patriarchs, two worms of conscience, prologue, two 
clarks for singing, one to sing the basse, Pharisee. 

Machinery y^ etc. Hell-mouth — a fire kept at it ; windlass and 

three fathom of cord ; earthquake, barreU for the same, a pillar 

20 for the words of the barrel painted ; three worlds painted and a 

piece that bears them ; a link to set the world on fire ^ ^ pulpits 

for the angels ; cross, rosin, a ladder. 

Dresses,^ God's coat of leather, red sendal for God ; demon's 
head (or vizor) ; coats, hose, and points for the demon i coats for 
25 the white and black souls, hose and points for them ; suit for 
angels — gold skins, wings for angels ; three cheverels and a 
beard ; four diadems ; black, red, and yellow buckram ; hair 3 lb, 
for the demon's coat and hose ; hat for the Pharisee. 

Mtisic, etc.^ Trumpets, organ, regalls. 1566, payd to Thomas 
30 I^ycles for settyng a songe xij d. 

Play-books. 1557, paid to Eobart Crowe for makyng of the 
boke for the paggen xx s. 

Pageant. 1540, it. for mendyng the bateling yn the toppe of 
the pagent viy d ; 1567, payd for carvyng bords and crest for the 
35 toppe of the padgen iij s; (68) 1561, pageant driven by ten men 
who received 2s. 6d. 

Miscellaneous items (77). 1538, p'd to hym that drove the 

pagent ijd, it. for pakke thrydde and sope ijd ob ; 1556, payd for 

nayllys, ressys and rosyn vj d ; 1557, payd to the plears when the 

40 fyrste paggen was pleyd to drynke ij s ; 1569, payd for alle at 

the Swanne dore ij s. 

The charges of performing vary from 21s. to £4 8s. 6d. 

Payments to Performers.^ 1538, it. payd to hym that 

^ Sh. It may be remnrked that this is the first instance of pageants in 
Coventry that has been discovered. ^ Sharp's list. 

^' Sh. The worlds were provided annually, and the number three seems to 
indicate that the performance was limited to as many representations on 
Corpus Christi day. 

* Sh. The character of God commences the list in payments to performers. 


playeth goddes parte iij s iiij d, it payd to iiij angeles xvj d, it. 
payd to iij patriarches xij d, it. payd to iij white soules xviijd,. 
it. payd to iij blakke souls ij s, it. payd to ij demons iij s, it. payd 
for kepyng the wynde vj d ; 1556, it. payd to God iij s iiij d, it. 
payd to ij demons iijs, it. payd to iij whyte sollys (1565, savyd 5 
sowles) vs, it. payd to iij blake sollys (1565, dampnyd sowles) vs, 
it. to ij spryttys xvj d, it. payd for the prolouge viij d, it. payd to 
iiij angellys ij s, it. payd to iij pattryarkys xviij d, it. payd to 
ij clarkys for syngyng ij s, it. payd to the trompyttar iij s iiij d 
(afterwards 5 s.), it. payd for playng on the reygalles vj d ; 1567, 10 
it. payde to Jhon to synge the basse iiij d ; 1566, it. payd 4k) the 
pageant players for their songs iiij d; 1560, it. payd to Robert 
Cro for pleayng God iijs iiijd; 1561, it. payd for playeing of 
the protestacyon viij d, it. payd to ij wormes of conscience xvj d ; 
1562, it. payd to ij wormes of conscyence xvj d ; 1569, pd for alle 15 
when thei (the players) drese them iiij d. 

(69) The characters. God. 1556, payde for vij skynnes^ 
for Godys cote {inter alia) ; 1557, paid for s^ peyre of gloves 
for God ij d ; 1562, payd for a cote for God and for a payre 
of gloves iijs; 1565, p'd for iij yards of redde sendall for 20 
God XX d. 

Demons, 1536, it. for mendyng the demones heed vj d ; 1540, 
it. for pe3mtyng and makyng new ij damons beds {inter cAia) ; 
1556, payd for a demons face ij s ; 1560, payd to Cro for mend- 
yng the de veils cottes xxd; 1568, payd for makyng the devells 25 
hose viij d, payd for poynts for the demon {inter alia), payd for 
canvas for one of the devells hose xj d, payd for malgrng the ij 
devells facys x s, payd for makyng a payre of hose with heare 
xxij d, paid for iij li. of heare ij s vj d ; 1572, it. pd for ij pound 
of heare for the demons cotts and hose and mendyng. 30 

White and black souls, (70) 1536, for mendyng the white 
and the blake soules cotes viij d ; 1537, it. for v elnes of canvas 
for shyrts and hose for the blakke soules at v d the elne ij s j d, it. 
for coloryng and makyng the same cots ix d, it. for makyng and 
mendynge of the blakke soules hose vj d, it. for a payre of newe 35 
hose and mendyng of olde for the whyte soules xviij d ; 1543, it. 
p'd for the mendyng of the whytt soils kotts with the ij skyns 
that went to them xvj d ; 1553, payde for a dossyne of skyns for 
the sollys cottys iiij s vj d, p'd for makyng the sollys cottys iij s ; 
1556, p'd for canvas for the sollys cottys xix ellys xiiij s iij d, 40 
p*d for ix elys of canvas made yellow xij d, pd for x elys of canvas 
made blacke xd, payd for ij pessys of yallow bokeram vij s vj d, 
payd for iiij yards of rede bokaram ij s viij d, payd for makyng 
the sollys cotts vj s viij d, p'd for blakyng the sollys fassys 
{inter alia) ; 1565, p'd for ix yards and a halfe of bukram for 45 
the sowles coates vijs; 1566, p'd for the poynts for the souls 
{inter alia); 1567, p*d for iij elnes of yelloo canvas ij s xd, 

^ Sh, refers to smiths' accounts^ pp. 85-6. 


it. for collering the soUes cotts yellow xvjd, -p*d for a solles 
cote xij d.i 

(71) Tioo spirits.^ 1556, payd for iij elys of lynyne cloth for 
the playars gownys iij s viij d, payd for makyng of iij gownys and 

5 a cotte vj s.^ 

Four angels. 1538, it. for makyng an angells scytte xij d ; 
1540, it. for peyntyng and makyng new iiij peire of angells 
wyngs {inter alia) ; 1556, payd for iiij pere of angyllys wyngys 
ij s viij d ; payd for iiij dyadymes ij s vij d, payd for vj goldyn 
10 skynnes ; 1565, payd for iiij yards of boorde to make pulpy tts for 
the angells viij d, payd for a pece of wode to make feete for them 
iiij d, payd to the carpenters for makyng ij pulpytts etc. iiij s.* 

(72) Three patriarchs. 1556, payd for iij cheflferellys and a 
berde of here iij s x d.^ 

15 Two worms of conscience. Introduced in 1561.® 

Frologite.'^ 1561 (only), it. payd for playeing of the protesta- 
cyon viij d.® 

Pharisee. 1562, it. payde Robert Croo for a hat for the 
Pharysye vij d.^ 

20 Machinery f etc. Windlace. 1538, it. for mendyng a rope to 
the pagent thre fedom longe vd ; 1543, payd for a new roppe for 
the wynd xviij d ; 1556, payd for dryvyng of the pagand kepyng 
the wynde iiij s; (73) 1568, payd for a cord for the wynde ij s 
vj d, payd for mendyng the wynde ij d. 

25 Sell-mouth (61). 1537, it. paide for payntyng and makyng 
newe hell-hede xijd; 1538, it. payd for mendyng of hell-hede 
vj d ; 1542, payde for makyng helle-hede viij s ij d ; 1554, it. payd 
for payntyng hell-hede newe xxd ; 1556, payde for kepynge hell- 
hede viijd; 1557, it. payd for kepyng of fyer at hell-mothe 

30 iiij d ; 1565, p'd to Jhon Huyt for payntyng of hell-mowthe xvj d ; 
1567, p'd for nlakyng hell-mowth and cloth for hyt iiij s. 

^ Sh. sttggests that the damned souls wore a parti-coloiired dress which 
represented flames. 

^ Sh. says that the two spirits were first introduced in 1666 in which year 
many new dresses and properties were cu^quired. 

* Sh. assigns these entries to the two spirits because of the linen nuUerial. 

* Sh. appropriates for general reasons the diadems and the six golden skins 
to the angels ; the latter item he says immediately follows the former in the 
original entry. Sh. (77). In 1566, Aug. 17, Queen Elizabeth visited 
Coventry; on which occasion the drapers' pageant stood at the cross ; it 
appears from their accounts that pulpits for the angels and other special 
preparations were made for that exnibition. 

* This also is Sh.'s assignment. . 

* Sh. There is no entry of dress or apparatus that can be applied to them. 
^ Sh, This was amongst the additions made in 1666. 

8 Sh. This might probably (as well as the prologue, for both were intro^ 
duced subsequently to the Reformation,) be spoken for the purpose of pro- 
testvng against any papistical notions, notwithstanding they played the 
pageant as it had been accustomed. , 

* Sh. In the payments to performers no such character appears, ana 
besides, the above there is only one other notice of it. 


Earthquake} 1556, payd for the baryll for the yerthequake 
{inter alia), payd for the pyllar for the wordys of the baryll iij s 
iiij d, payd for payntyng the pyllur {inter alia); 1557, payd for 
kepyng the baryll {inter alia), it. payd for tyntyng the yerthe- 
quake iiij ; 1556, payd for keveryng the erthequake to porter ij s. 6 

Three worlds, 1556, payd to Crowe for makyng of iij worldys 
ij s, payd him more for same iij s viij d ; 1560, paid to him for the 
worlds 3s. 8d.; (74) 1558, payd for iij worldys iij s viijd, payd 
for payntyng of the worldys {inter alia), payd for settyng the 
world of fyer vd, payd for kepyng fyre {intei* alia), 10 

Cross, 1537, it. for makyng of the crosse and coloryng yt ij d. 

Ladder, 1557, payd for a larthar iiijd; 1566, payde for 
fetchyng and kepyng the ladder ij d. 

Music. 1538, it. payd for mendyng the trumpetts vij d ; 1557, 
it. to the trumppeter iij s iiij d, payd for fechyng a pere of horgens 15 
and the carrege of them whoume ij s ; 1558, p'd for beryng of the 
orgens vjd; 1556, it. payd for playng on the reygalles vjd; 
1565, it. payd to James Huyt for the rygalls xij d. 

Extra entry 1572. Sh, After the usual entry of particulars of 
the pageant charges for 1572 occurs the following : The chargys 20 
of iiij new gownes and iiij surplesses ; payd to Wyllm Walden for 
stufe xliiij s j d, payd to John Grene for canvas Ij s iiij d, payd to 
John Gosnell for furryng the gowns xx s, payd for makyng the 
gownes X s, payd for makyng the surplesses xvj d, payd for wryt- 
tynge the booke x s ; sma vj li xvj s ix d.^ 25 

Destruction of Jerusalem. 1584, cost of £6 4s. 9d.^ 

Last entries, 1591, payd Thomas Massye* for the pagent 
xls, payd for corde and horssyng the pagen vj d,^ 1595, Reed, 
for the hyer of our players clokes with other such stufe iiij s. 

Mercers' Pageant.® 

(77) 1579, Charges of the pagante: Paide for olde ordinarye 30 
tjharges aboute the pagante for plaieres wages and all other thinges 
the some of iij li vij s viij d. 

^ Sh. The representation of an earthquake was first introduced in 1556 ; 
all the items are given. 

2 Sh. suggeststhat this may have been a supplenientary pageant, hut inclines 
io think it a play performed before the company at their dinner. 

^ Sh. Not particularized, only a general entry. 

^ Sh. Massye seems to have been a general contractor for managing the 
pageants that year ; the cappers and mercers as well as the drapers agreed 
with him. It will be seen by referring to the accounts of 1584 that he 
furnished the " temple & beards " to the smiths' company, and probably did 
the like as* to the " temple " for the cappers. He was certainly paid 16d. for 
services toward the mercers* pageant in 1584. 

^ Sh. One instance only occurs of horses in the drapers* pageant, viz. 
1591, the very last time of their performing (20). 

® The oldest account book of the mercers' company now remaining com- 
mances in 1579, the last year of a regular performance of the pageants. 


Trinity Guild accounts. 1473 (13 Edward IV.), R Joh'e 

Tmmpton et Thoma Colyns custodihus de mercers pro redditu de 

pagent house lijs vj d.^ MS, annals. 1525, The mercers' pageant 

gallantly trimmed stood in the Cross Cheaping this year, when 

5 the Lady Mary came to Coventry. 

(78) Destruction of Jerusalem.^ 1584, Charges of the pagante 
and the playe^ : Pd for hieringe apparell for the playeres and for 
carrig xxxiij s, p'd for makinge ij greene cloks x s ij d, p'd Green 
for the playe booke v s, p'd for mendynge the skaffolde iiij s 

10 iiij d, p*d Digbyn for dromminge vijs, p'd iij boyes that plaied 
xvj d, p'd for mussike v s iiij d — ^p'd the trumppeter iij s iiij d — 
viijs viijd, p'd the painter iijs, p'd 12 souldiours iiijs iiijd — 
p'd a standard bearer xij d — v s iiij d, p'd for drivinge the pagante 
and skaffolds v s iiij d, p'd for settinge up the pagant viij d* One 

15 performer received 6s. 8d.; others 5s., 4s., and 3s. each. 

1588, "pagante stufe" sold to the amount of 59s. 8d.; the 
only article specified " a copper chayne " produced 2s. 4d. 

1591, p'd Thomas Masseye towards plainge the pagants 
xxxuj s iiij d.* 

20 Pinners' and Needlers', Tilers', and Coopers' Pageant.^ 

Ha7'l. MSS. 6466, the Tilers* Book of Rules and Orders, 
copied by H. Wanley. 

(79) 1453 (Rich. Wood Mayor). Also yt ys ordeynyd bye a 
general counsel of all the crafte and craftes® that the wryghtes craft 
of Coventre schall paye to the pageant x s uppon Whytsonday or 
else by Corpus Christi daye uppon the payne of xx s halfe to the 

25 mayor and halfe to the crafte and by cause they to haue no more 
to do wythe the pageant but payeyng there x s. — ^f. 5. 

Be hyt knone to all men be thys writeng in the tyme of 
Ei chard Jacksson then beyng meire of Coventre be a wolle concell 

^ Sh. a like payment occurs so late as 1516. 

^ Sh. gives the sum of the expenditure as £S 9s. 6d. to which the 
girdlers contributed 528. 2d. 

* Sh. speaks of these charges as a selection from the entry. 

* Sh. suggests that this was contributed in aid of a pageant exhibited by 
some other company. 

* Sh. (78) The rules and orders of the company of pynners and nedelers, 
agreed upon 2 Henry V. (1414) before Laurence Cook then mayor of 
Coventry and others, ** evermore for to stonden and to lasten," recite iiUer 
alittf that the said craft are to bear the charges and reparations of ''her 
pagent callyd the takyng down of God fro the cros for evermore amongs 
hem ;" and to eschew faults and mischiefs of false men of the same craft, 
they agree that they shtJl be clothed in one liveiy against Corpus Chrisii 
day, from year to year, and ride on that day with the mayor and bailiffs, 
"all in asute in worshep of the citee on pain of 2s. each, and every member 
of the company who intends having a livery against Corpus Christi feast, to 
bring 40d. to the master on the 25th of March, and the remainder when 
he fetches his livery, and if he has an hood, then to bring 6d. more on the 
25th of March and the remainder when he takes his livery. 

* MS. and also that. 


made at a let that all the tylle-makers of Stoke schall pay to crafts 
of pinnars, tyllars, and cappars of Coventre every yere,^ 8d a man,' 
how many so euer ^ be, and hyt to be payd apone Corpus Christi 
day, apone the pene of 20 s halfE to the mere and halffe to the 
crafte and thys ordeynd* and grauntyd in the tyme of Rycherd 5 
Cokke then beyng merre of Coventre, tyn beyng kepper of the 
seyd crafts Thomas Thenell, John More ; Henry [ ], wittenes 
therof. — f. 6. 

1501 (R'd Jackson mayor). Also yt is ordeynd and agred by 
the wholl body of the craft of the bowyers^ and fletchers of the 10 
citie of Coventre in this behalfe and by ther on will that what 
stranger that is mad brother to them after ther ordonaunce afor- 
seid, that 6s 8d of his brotherhode to remayn to the cost and repara- 
cion of the pagent of the pynners, tyllers, and coupers of Coventre 
in payne of 20s halfe to the maire and halfe to the crafte. — f. 7. 15 

Also hit is ordeynd and agred by the woll body of the craft of 
bowyers & fletchers of Coventre in the tyme of John Duddesbury 
beynge meyre of the citie of Coventre and by the wholl councell ^ 
of the same at Estur lett ther holden, that the keperis of the craft " 
aforseid shall pay to the maisters of the pynners, tyllers, and cowperis 20 
of Coventre for the yere beyng, and to ther successours for ever 
yerely, the 12*^ day aftur the fest of Corpus Christi 3s 4d, apone 
the pene of 20 s half to the meyre and halfe to the craft of pynners, 
tyllers, and cowpers a-for-seid ; and mor-over the wholl body of the 
craft of pynners, and tyllers, and coupers of Coventre graunteth that 25 
the wholl body of the craft of bowyers and fletchers of Coventre 
be at ther liberte not to come amonge them, nother to weddyngs, 
nor byrryngs, nor to wache, nor to no other costom, but be at 
ther liberte for ever. — f. 7. 

1502. Also hit is ordeyned and a-grede by the wholl body of 30 
the craft of the tylmakers of Stoke in the tyme of Eichard Jack- 
son beynge meyre of the cittie of Coventre and be the wholl 
councell of the same at Estur lett then holden, that the maisters 
for the yere beyng of the tyl-makers shall pay to the craft of the 
pynners, tylers, and cowpers at Coventre and to ther successours for 35 
ever 5 s, ther to be delyverd to the maisters of the craft for the 
yere beynge apon Corpus Christi daye, appon the peyn of 20 s, 
halfe to the meyre and halfe to the craft, and this ordinance was 
confermyde afor master Richard Cooke in hys meyralte and afor 
other of his worshippfull brethurun. — f. 8. 40 

1504 (John Duddersbury mayor). Also hit is ordeynde and 
a-grede by the wol body of the craft of the tylmakers of Stoke by 
ther one will that what stranger that is made brother with them 
after ther ordinaunce, that 6s. 8d. of his brotherhode to remayn 
to the cost and reperacion of the payant of the pynners, and ^^ 

^ MS. herre. ^ jjf^^ j^ qu©^ s j^g^ mouey to every. 

^ MS. orffyn. * MS. err. Cottyers, Tiere and throughout ; so Sh. 


tyllers, and coupers of Coven tre in payne of 20 s, halfe to the 
major and halfe to the crafte. — f. 8, 

Carpenters contributory, 1448, it, solutum ad le pinneros pro- 
le pagent x s. 1461, payd to pynners and tylers for the pagent x s. 
5 Similar regular entries occur in their Book of Accounts now in the 
Muniment-room in St. Mary's Hall. 

Tanners' Pageant.^ 

1517. Sh. (80) Wm. Pisford of Coventry by a will dated this^ 
year gives to the tanners' company his scarlet gown and his 
crimson gown to make use of at the time of their plays. Also to- 
10 the craft of tanners and to every other craft finding priest or 
pageant, to the augmentation of the service of God and upholding 
of the laudable custom of the city 3s. 4d. each. 

Other Pageants. 

Other pageants considered by Sh, (80-2) are : 
Girdlers^ Pageant. No information except that derived from 
15 the Leet Book. 

Whittaioers* Pageant. 1548, the cappers "receved of the- 
crafte of the whittawers for the hyer of our pageand iij s iiij d.'^ 
The butchers were contributory and Sh. gives these entries from 
their account book : 1562, paid to the whittawers towards theyr 
20 pagand xiij s xiij d,^ 1591, it. pd at Mr Mayors commaundement 
towards the pageants xxij s iiij d. 

Painters' Pageant. The authority for supposing that the 
painters had a pageant is the order of leet 1526 requiring the 
carvers to contribute 12d. each to the painters' pageant. But in 
25 1532 another order commands the painters to contribute 4s. yearly 
to the girdlers. The 1526 order refers to the cardmakers' pageant 
in which the painters were associated. 

Cardmakers* Pageant. Various orders of leet are the only 
records preserved. In 1537 their pageant passed into the hands 
30 of the cappers. 

Shearmen and Taylors' Pageant, Sh. (66) A deed 19 Hen.- 
VII. (1503) describes the pageant house belonging to the shear- 
men and taylors as situated there (in Mill-lane) betwixt the pageant 
houses of the pinners' and weavers' companies.^ In 1579 the 
35 smiths hired a gown of the shearmen and taylors for the use of 
their pageant. 

^ Sh. states that the account books and other documents belonging to th& 
company have been destroyed. 

^ Sh. This payment was regularly made, with the exceptions of the yeara 
1666, 1580-3, until 1684 when they paid 20s. 

^ See also account o^ weavers^ pageant-house below. 

106 appendix ii. 

The Weavers' Pageant.^ 

1453. Also it is ordenyd that the jorneymen of the seyd crafte 
«chall haue yerely vj.s viij.dJ and for that they schall have owte 
the paggent and on Corpus Christi day to dryve it from place to 
place ther as it schal be pleyd and then for to bryngo it ageyn into 5 
the paggent howse without ony hurte nyther defawte and they for 
to put the master to no more coste. — Oi^dinancea of the Company 
of Weavers,^ 

1523, spend on Corpus Christi^ day xxijs viijd ob*; 1525, 
45ame item xxx s viij d ob. 10 

Entry for 1525. Expencys on Corpus Christi day : It.^ payd 
for met and drynk for the players i j s x d, it. payd to Symyon 
for hys wagys ij s iiij d, it. payd to Joseph xiiij d, it. payd 
to Mare xd, it. payd to Sodden for Ane xd, it. payd to 
Symyons dark xd, it. payd to Jhu xxd, it. payd to the angles 15 
XX d, it. payd for glovys viij d, (A. 20) it, payd to the synggers 
xvj d, it. payd Homon for dryving of the pagent v s iiij d,^ 
Under the head of receipts occurs for this year only : It. res.'^ 
of the masters for the pagynt money xvj s iiij d. 

Subseqtient History, Sh, No other than general entries occur 20 
\mtil 1541. The charges for Corpus Christi day regularly occur in 
the accounts from their commencement in 1523 to 1533 inclusive ; 
after which no payment is found until 1537, From 1537 the 
weavers' pageant was regularly performed until 1579. 1566, 
(Queen Elizabeth's visit), weavers' pageant at Much Park street 25 
end.® (A 21) 1587, r.^ of John Showell for the padgant xls, 
payd at James Ellidges when we sold our padgent xiij s, payd at 
Pyringes when we sold the payntynge of the . . . xvj d; 1591, it. 
payd to Mr. Mayor for the padgantes xxs; 1593, it. payd when 
we reseved the money e for the players aparell xij d ; 1606, it. pc?. 30 
at Pyringes when we hired our aparel to Thomas Masie xvj d ; 
1607, it. pcZ. when we lente our players aparell ij d. 

(A. 22) Players, 1544, it. pd to Symyon iij s iiij d, it. payd to 
Joseph ij s iiij d, it. pd to Mare xx d, it. payd to Jhu xx d, it. payd 
to Symyons dark xx d, it. payd to Ane xx d, payd to the ij angells 35 
viijd, payd to the synggers xviij (1550, synggers for the pagent); 
1551, it. payd to the woman for her chyld iiij d ; 1553, it. payd to 
the letell cliylde iiijd. Sh, remarks that in 1523 five performers 
became love-members of the weavers' company and paid on admis- 

^ Sh. The most ancient account-book of the weavers' now called the 
clothiers' company commences in 1523. In a footnote in which Sh, explains 
thai the weavers must have had a pageant long before that, he refers to an 
agreement between the masters and journeymen wherein it is stipulated that 
every journeyman shall annually contribute id, ad opus de le pagent. All 
referents to Sh. in the account of this pageant refer to Abbotsford Cliib 
edition 183tJ (A.). ^ H.-P. 1. 339. * Sh. corpus xpi arid below. 

* Sh. s, d, ob, and below, ' Sh. Itm and below, 

® Sh. Four leaves are here wanting in the account-book ; so that the entry 
is notyjompleted. ^ Sh. res and below. ^ A. 27. * Sh. R /^ and below. 


sion lOd. each: 1523, res. of Symons clarke xd, res. of Jochop 
X d, res. of Our Lady x d, res. of Jfiu x d, res. of Anne x d. 

Fines, 1450, r. of Hary Bowater of hys fynys beyng Symeons 
clerke x d, r. of Crystover Dale playing Jfeu of hys fyne x d, r. of 
5 Hew Heyns pleynge Anne for hys fyne vj d. 

Pageant Dresses, 1523, it. pd for makyng of a whyt ford 
prelatt for Jhe viijd; 1541, payd for a amys for Symyon ijd; 
1542, payd for makyng of Symonys my tor viij d; 1543, it. payd 
for hyre of the grey ames iiij d ; 1570, it. paid for the hyer of ij 

10 beards to Hary Benet ijd; (A. 23) 1576, it. payd for ij beards 
and a cappe vj d ; 1578, it. payd for mendyng of the two angelis 
crownes ij d. 

Music. 1536, payd to the mynstrell for Corpus Crysty day 
and myssomer ny^ght ijs; 1554, payd to James He wet for hys 

15 reyggals viijd; 1556, payd to James Hewett for playing of hys 
rygols in the paygent viij d ; 1561, it. payd James Hewett for his 
rygols and synggyn iij s iiij d ; 1586, payd to Mr. Goleston for 
mendyng our instruments xvij d. 

Play-book, 1535, it. payd for makyng of the playe-boke vs. 

20 Pageant Vehicle. 1535, paid to the wryght for mendyng the 
pagent iiij s ij d, payd to Ry chard Walker for a theyll vd, payd for 
smale pesys of tymber v d, payd to the whylwryght for mendyng 
the whyle vij d, payd for iron worke to the pagent x d (1542, xij d), 
payd for gret naylys to the whells iiij d, payd for v pene nayle 

25 and vj pene nayle viij d, payd for bordys to the pagent xij d ; 
1542, payd to the wryght for makynge the ij lytyll whellys iijd; 
1563, payd for payntyng of the vane iiijd; 1569, it. payd for 
smy thy worke belongyng to our pagent xx d, it. payd for hangyng 
up our pagyent doore vijd; 1570, it. paid for mendyng of a 

30 prewtyse broken with the pagyent xd. 

(A. 24) Sundries, 1535, payd for russys pynnys and frankyn- 
sence ij d {Sh. sometimes 4d. — and soap is occasionally added) ; 
1546, it. pd for rosshes and pake thread ijd (tenterhooks some- 
times); 1556, it. pd for the wast of ij tapars iijd; 1558, it. pd 

35 for the wast of ij tapars and insence ij d; 1570, it. paid to John 
Hoppers for ij rehersys in the halle iiij d. Sh. says that charges for 
rehearsals were of regular occurrence, and that ** there is good reason 
to believe " that the hall here referred to was St. Nicholas' hall 
which the company usually attended. 

40 Specimen Entry. 1563, in primis for ij rehersys ij s, it. payd 
for the dryving of the pagente vd, it. paid to Symeon iij s iiij d, 
it. paid to Josephe ij s iiij d, it. paid to Jesus xx d, it paid to 
Mary xx d, it. paid to Anne xx d, it. paid to Symeons clarke xx d, 
it. paid to the ij angelis viij d, it. paid to the chylde iiij d, it, paid 

45 for russhes packthryd and nay Is iiij d, it. paid to James Hewete 
for his rygoles xx d, it. paid for syngyng xvj d, it. paid for gloves 
ij s ij d, it. paide for meate in the bocherye x s ix d, it. paid for 
bread and ale vij s viij d ; summe xliiij s iij d. 


(A. 25) Pageant house. Sh, From deeds belonging to the now 
Clothiers' company it appears that, so early as 13th Hen. VI., 
1435, a parcel of land in Mill Lane, adjoining the ^ taUour paiont/' 
being 30^ feet wide and 70^ long, was granted and let for 80 years 
to John Hampton and 7 others, paying 3s. 8d. rent, and covenant- 5 
ing to erect thereupon during that term *' unam domum vocaiur a 
paiont hows " and to keep the same in good repair during the said 
term. By another deed dated 12th May, 17th Hen. VL, 1439, 
Kicliard Molle, weaver, and otliers, demise to Wm. Gale and Wm. 
Flowter masters of the Cardmakers' company, Eichard Twig master 10 
of the company of Saddlers, John Ward master of the Painters' 
company, and Henry Stevons and Henry Clerk masters of the 
Freemasons' company, and their successors, a void piece of ground 
in Mill Lane, adjoining certain land held by the master of the 
weavers, for 101 years, paying 4s. rent during the life of Thomas 15 
Wutton and 2s. afterwards during the lives of the grantors, 
covenanting also to keep in repair any building erected thereon. 
On the 6th October 1455 the same parties convey to Eichard 
Cokkes and 5 others, weavers, in fee, "a place of land, built 
upon, called wevers' pagent-howse in Mill Lane," reserving Id. 26 
yearly rent to the master and brethren of St. John's Hospital. 
On the 10th of the same month the above-named Cokkes and 
others grant a rent charge of 4s., during his life, to Thomas 
Wutton, payable out of the weavers* pageant house ; and on the 
6th June 1458 Cokkes and Pace release their interest in the 25 
same to John Tebbes and 3 other cofeofEees. On the 18th Dec. 
1466 the surviving feofees grant the pageant house to Wm. Jones 
and Laur. Hyron, weavers, in fee. 

(A. 26) Reixiirs^ etc., to ^xigeant house, 1531, payd for 
mendyng of the pagent-howse wyndo ijs; 1537, pd for makyng 30 
of a hynge to the pagent-howse dore viij d. 

Neto building on the site of pageant house, 1587, r. for the 
journe of the padgent house x s vj d ; paymentes for bulding of 
the paygente house in the Myl Lane : Item in prymis payd at 
takinge doune of the house and the tilles, for hieryng of a rope 35 
and caryinge the leade to the store house, and for drynk to the 
worke-men that same day ij s x d, it. payd to carpenters for ther 
wages iij li iiijs iiij d, it. payd to the masones for ther wages viij s 
iiij d, it. payd to the tilers for tiling and daubing xvij s viij d, it. 
payd for stone and for carying of stone xij s, it. payd for sand 40 
and claye v s ij d, it. payd for lyme and for heare to make mortar 
ixs viijd, tiles 9s. 6d., timber 30[25]s. 8d., spars and stoods 
lis. 8d,, it. payd for a hundred and halfe of bryckes ij s ij d, it. 
payd at the rearyng of the house and on the nyght befor x s vj d ; 
Summe is xj li xvij s x d. 45 

Pageant. 1535, payd to the journeymen for dryvyng the 
pagent iiij s ij d, spend between the plays vj d ; (A. 27) 1564, it. 
for mendyng of the pagyon viij d, it. for payntyng of the van© 


iiijd, it. pd for nay Is for the pagente vd, it., paid for iij cai-te 
nayls for the whells iiijd; 1566, it. payd for a whele for the 
pagente iiij s, it. payd for byndyng the whele and for earte nayles 
and other workemanshype that belongyth unto hym iij s iiij d, it. 
5 payd for a spoke ^ for the whele xij d, it. payd for naylls and sope 
and a clowte for the axetre xijd ; 1568, it. paid for greate nayles 
for the pagent wheles ij s, it. payd for makyng of iij trestles and 
mendyng the pagent xiiijd; 1570, it paid for makyng an exaltre 
for the pagyante xij d, it, paid for a trendell for the scaffold and 

10 the makyng iij d ; 1572, it. pd for a trendy 11 for the scafEoll iiij dj 
1573, it. paide for mendinge the pageand x d. 

(A. 27) Miscellatieotis. 1564, it. paid for settynge one of 
Jhesus sleues ij d, it. paid for payntyng of Jesus heade viij d, 
it. paid for solyng of Jegus hose j d, it. paid to John Dowley to 

15 make oute the money for his gowne viij d ; 1566, it. payd for 
mendyng of ij poleaxes viij d. : 

(A. 21) Destruction of Jerusalem, 1584, item paide for 
rehearses ij s, item paide at the settinge out of the pagi6n vj d, 
item paide on the pagion daye for bread and drincke iij s viij d, 

20 item paide for nayles and rushes vj d, item paide to John Smythe 
xvj s, item paide for drivinge of the pagion v s, item paide to 
Robert Baggesley for mending of the pagion vj d ; rentgatherer's 
account : payd for that whych belongeth to the pagyauute xij s, 
payd for nayles and mendyng of the pagyent iij d. 

%peutjb III. 

Pageants on Special Occasions, Extracts from the Coventry 

Leet Book. 

25 Reception of Queen Margaret in 1456.* Md.^ That the 
Thursday next aftur the fest of seynt Bartholomewe the postyll, 
the yere reynyng of Kyng Herry the sixt aftur the Conquest 
xxxiiij, Richard Braytoft th&n. beyng meyre, was made assemble 
yn seynt Mary Halle, of worshipfull persons, whos names 

30 folowen : — {lAst of ^0 persons.) 

The wheche persones aboven rehersyd then ordyned and 
provyded, that thet shold a C marke be levyed by the wardes yn 
Coventre, wherof L marke to be i/even to oure souerayne lady the 

^ Sh. stroke. ^ ^^^i Sook, ff. 168-170 b. Sh. Diss. pp. 145^151. 

3 f. 168. 


quene mtfl other L inarke to the piynce, at her next comyng to 

Afturward, that ys for to sey at the fest of the Holy CroaBe 
the XXXV yere of Kyng Kerry the sixt, at Coventre, L maike 
was yeven to oure soverayn lady the queue ; and the xx day of 5 
January then next folowyng, he the seyde meyre and his counsell, 
the other L marke of the seyd C marke, was relivered to the 
collectours of every warde after the rate, as hit be endentures 
severally niade be-twix the seyde meyre and the collectours 
apereth, savely to ke\ye to the use of the prynce, when he comes 10 
to Coventre. 

Md. That the demene atid rule tliat was made and shewed 
un-to oure sov^rayn lady the quene, at Coventre, was thus as it 
foloweth yn wrytyng ; that is for to sey, furst at Bablake there 
was made a Jcsso over the yate right well [arayed], and there were 15 
shewed too spechos, as foloweth : 

YsAY. Prtuces most excellent, born of blode riall,^ 
Chosen quene of this region, conforte to all bus, 

I, Ysay, replete wtt/t tJie spirite propheticall, 

Wordes to your maguificens woU I say thus : ^ 20 

Like as mankynde was gladdid by the birght of Jh«us, 

So shall ^^is empyre joy the birthe of your bodye ; 

The knyglitly curage of prtnce Edward all men shall joy to se. 

Jeremy. Emprcce, quene, pn'nces excellent, in on person all iij, 

I, Jeremy the prr^pliete trew, theia wordes of you wyll say : 25 
This reme shall joye the blessyd tyme of yowr nativy te ; 

The mellyfluo mekenes of yow>* person shall put all wo 

Unto the rote of Jesse ^ likken you well I may ; 
The flagrante floure sprongon of you shall so encrece and spredde, 30 
That all the world yn ich party shall cherisslie hym, love and 

Afturward with-inne the yate at the est yende of the chirche, 
was a pagent right well arayed and theiin was shewed a speche 
cf seynt Edward and an-other of seynt John the EvawngeZis^, 35 
as foloweth : 

*S. Edward. Moder of mekenes, dame Margarete, p'inces 
most excellent, 
I, kyng Edward, welcu?n you w/t/i affeccion righ[t] cordiall, 
Certefying to yowr highnes mekely myn entent. 40 

For the wele of the kyng and you hertely pray I shall. 
And for prince Edward, my gostly chylde, whom I love 

^ f. 168 b. ^ This and the preceding line inverted i» MS. 
3 MS. rote of Jesse rote. * f. 169. 


Praying the, John evangelist, my helpe tTieiin to be ; 
On that condicion right humbly I gif this ryng to the. 

John EvANG^L/sr. Holy Edward, crownyd kyng, brother in 
5 My power playnly I wyll prefer thi wyll to amplifye. 

Most excellent pn'nces of weymen mortall, yoMr bedeman wyll 
I be. 
I knowo yowr lyf so vertuus tha.t God is plesyd therby ; 
The birth of you un-to this reme shall cause grete melody^ 
10 The vertu?^ voyce of prmce Edward shall dayly well encrese ; 
Seynt Edward, his godfader, and I shall pray theriove dowtelesse. 

Afturward the cundit yn Smythforde strete was right well 
arayed and there was shewed iiij speches of iiij cardyuall vertues^ 
as foloweth : 

15 Righ[t]wbsnbs. I, Righ[t]wesenes, that causeth treuth to be 
Mekely as a maydyn my langage wyll I make. 
And welcuw you, princes right cherefull and glad ; 

With you wyll I bo dwellyng and never you forsake. 

20 Tempe/?auncb. I, Temperaunce, to plese you warly wyll wake. 
And welcome you as most worthy to my power, 
Besechyng youre highnes this langage to take ; 

I wyll feythfully defende you from all manner daunger. 

Strengh. I, Strengh the iij® vertewe, wyll playnly appere, 
25 Clerely to conseyve yo yn joiir estate most riall. 

And welcuw yowe, prmces, gladly wM chere ; 

For to do tJiat mo we piece you, aray ws we shall. 

PiJt7DBNCB. I, Prwdence, of the iiij vertewes highest in degre, 
Welcum you, dame Margarete, queue crowned of this 
30 lande. 

The blessyd babe that ye have born, pry nee Edward is he, 

Thurrowe whom pece and tranquilite shall take ^^is reme 

on hand ; 
We shall endowe both you and hym clerely to understonde; 
35 We shall preserve you personally and never fro you disseve?% 
Doute not, prmces most excellent, we iiij shall do our dever. 

^ Afturward at the crosse yn the Croschepyng, there were 
ordeyned diverse angels sensyng a-high on the crosse, and there 
ranne out wyne at mony places a long while. 
40 Afturward betwix the seyde crosse and the cundit bene^^e 
that, were sette ix pagentes right well arayed and yn every 
pagent was shewed a speche of the ix conqueroures j yn the furst 
was shewed of Hector, as foloweth : 

1 f. 169 b. 



I [EcrroK. Most pleA»iunt princes recotdid thai may be, 
I, Hector of Troy, thai am chefe conquerour, 

liowly wyll ol)oy yowe and knele on my kne. 

And welcum yowe tendurly to yowr honoure 

To tliis connbull cite, the princes chambur ; 5 

Whome ye l«ire yn youre bosom, joy to th\a lande, 

Tliro whome in pro8i>erite this empyre shall stand. 

In th«' secunde ]>agent was shewed a speche of Alexander, as 
foloweth : 

Alei^asder, I, Alexander, that for chyvalry berith the ballc, 10 

Most cura'/bwit'^ in conquest, thro the world am y-named, 
Welcu7/i yowe, princes, as quene pr/ncipalL 

But I hay Is you ryght hendly, I wer worthy to be blamyd ; 
The noblest prince that is bom, whome fortune hath 
f amy d, 1 5 

Is yoMr sovereyn lorde Kerry, empej-owr and kyng ; 
Unto wlioni mekely I wyll be obeying. 

In the tliridde pagent was shewed of Josue as foloweth : 

JosuE. I, Josue, that in Hebrewe reyn prtncipall, 

To whome that all Egipte was fayn to inclyne, 20 

Wyll al>ey to yoMr plesur, princes most riall, 
As to the heghest lady that 1 can ymagyne. 
To the plesure of your p^'rsone, I wyll put me to pyne, f 

As a kuyght for his lady ]x)ldly to fight, 

Yf any man of curage wold bid you unright. 25 

In the fourthe pagent was shewed of David, as folio weth : 

David. I, David, that in deynte^ have led all my dayes, 
Tiiat slowe the lyon and Goly thorowe Goddys myght, 

AVill obey to you, laily, youve p6»/*sone prayse 

And wt'lcu??i you curtesly as a kynd knyght, 30 

For the love of your lege lorde, Herry that hight, 

And yo?^r hiudabuU lyfe that vertuus ever hath be ; 

Lady most lutiy, ye be wclcum to this cite ! 

5 In the fyth pagent was shewed a speche of Judas, as 
foloweth : 35 

Judas. T, Judas, that yn Jure am callid the belle, 

In knyghthode and conquest have I no pere, 
Wyll obey to you, princes, elles did I not well 

And tendurly welcuw you yn my manere. 

Yo?^r own sovcrayn lorde and kynge is present here, 40 

Whome God for his godenes p?-esorve in good helthe, 
And ende you vrOfi worship to this landys welthe ! 

^ MS, curitia. ^ S, deyntes, MS. doyntes. ' f. 170. 


In the sixt pagent was shewed a speche of Arthur,^ as 
foloweth : 

Arthur. I, Arthur, kynge crownyd an^ conquerbur, 

That yn this lande reyned right rially ; 
5 With dedes of armes I slowe the emperowr ; 

The tribute of this ryche reme I made downe to ly — 

Ihit unto [you], lady, obey I mekely, 
As youre sure servande ; plesur to yot^r highnesse, 
For the most (desaunt pn'Tzces mortal that es ! 

10 In the vij pagent was shewed a speche of Charles, as foloweth : 

Charles. I, Charles, chefe chef tan of the reme of Frounce 
And emperour of grete Home, made by eleccion. 

Which put mony paynyms to pyne and penaunce ; 
The holy relikes of Criste I had in possession — 
15 But, lady, to yot^r highnes to cause dieu refeccion, 

Worshipfully I welcum you after your magnificens ; 

Yf my service mowe plese you, I wyll put to my diligence. 

In the viij pagent was shewed a speche of Julius, as foloweth : 

Julius. I, Julius Cesar, soverajm of knyghthode 
20 And emperowr of mortall men, most hegh and myghty, 

Welcuwi you, pnnces most benynge and gode ; 

Of queues that byn crowned so high non knowe I. 
The same blessyd blossom, that spronge of yowr body, 
Shall succede me in worship, I wyll it be so ; 
25 All the landis olyve shall obey hym un-to. 

In the ix pagent was shewed a speche of Godf ride, as foloweth : 

Godfridb. I, Godf ride of Bollayn, kynge of Jerusalem, 
Weryng the thorny crowne yn worshyp of Jhe^u, 

Which in battayle have no pere under the sone heme ; 
30 Yhit, lady, right lowely I loute unto yowe. 

So excellent a princes, stedefast and trewe, 

EjQowe I none crtstened as you in your estate ; 

Jheavi for hys m^rci incresse and not abate ! 

^ Af turward and last the cundit yn the Crossechepyng was 

35 arayed right well with as mony virgyns as myght be ^A&ruppon^ 

and there was made a grete dragon and seynt Margaret sleyng 

hym be myracull, and there was shewed full well this speche 

that foloweth : 

S. Margaret. Most notabull pnnces of we3rmen erthle, 
40 Dame Margarete th^ chefe myrth of this empyre. 

Ye be hertely welcum to this cyte. 

^ SmUha* Accounts, 1455(6), Item. To have owght the pagent at the 
comyng of the q uene, that ys the parell to the pagent and harneste men and 
the names to [narnes] hem wyth and a cote armyr for Artare and a create 
with iij grevyes, xyys xid ob. — Sh, loc. cit. p. 149. ' f. 170 b. 
0. 0. PLAYS. I 


To the plesure of your highnes, I Mryll sette my desyie ; 

Bothe nature and gentilnes dotli me lequiiOy 
Seth we be both of one name, to shewe you kyndnes ; 
Wherefore by my power ye shall have no distresse. 

1 shall pray to the Pn'nce that is endeles 5 

To socour you wtt/t solas of his high grace. 
He wyll here my peticion this is doutles, 

For I wrought all my lyff that his wyll wase ; 

Therfore, lady, when ye be yn any dredef ull cace 
Calle on me boldly, tker-oi I pray you, 10 

And trist to me feythefully, I woll do that may pay yow, 

Md. Payde to John Wedurby of Leyces^er for the provicion 
and makyng of these premisses of the welcomyng of our soverayn 
lady the queue, and for his laboure inne and out xxv a 

Itm. payde for a tonne of wyne that was yeven to our 15 
soverayn lorde the kynge viij li iiij d ; itm. for ij gilt cuppes, of 
the which on was yeven to our soverayn lady the queue and the 
other is kepte for our lorde the prince unto his comyng, the whiche 
cuppes weyen xliiij oz. qrt. arid dr., pn'ce le oz. iiij s viij d, sma. 
X li vij s j d, and over that, for giltyng of the fete of the seid 20 
cuppes with-inne iij s, sma. tot. x li x s j d ; itm. the meyre yafe 
by the avyse of his counsell to diverse persones of the kynges 
house XX s ; itm. he payde for a glase of rose-water that my lord 
Ry vers had ij s. 

Reception of Edward IV, in 1460.^ One hundred pounds 25 
and a cup was given by the city to Edward IV. " to his welcome 
to his cite of Coventre from the felde yn the north." ^ 

Receavynge Prynce Edwarde \in \m\^ Memorandwwi. That 
the XX viij. day of the moneth of April! cam oure lorde prince 
Edward out of Walys so by Warrewik to Coventre and the meire 30 
and his brethem y^ith the divers of cominalte of the seide citie, 
clothed in grene and blewe, metyng oure seid lorde prince, upon 
horsbake by-yonde the Newe Crosse, in a chare, beyng of age of 
iij yere, ther welcomyng hym to his chaumber and yeyving hym 
ther a C mark in a gilt coppe of xv ounces yri\h a kerchyff of 35 
plesaunce upon the seid coppe ; and then comyng in-to [the] citie. 
And at Babulake yate ther ordeyned a stacion, therin beyng Kyng 
Richard vfith xiij other arrayed lyke as dukes, mark^ses, erles, 
vicouns, and barons, and lordis -vfiih mynstrallcy of the wayts of 
the cite, and Kyng Richard ther havyng this speche her folowyng : 40 

^ Leet Book, f. 184 h, Sh. loc. cit. p. 151. 

2 SmUM Accounts, 1460, Item for the havyng owght of the pagent, when 
the pryns came, yn brede and ale, and to Samson wythe his iij knyghtys, 
and to an harper iij s vj d ; it. for golde for Samsons garments and poyntys 
iij d. — Sh. loc. cit. p. 162. 

3 Leet Book, ff. 222, 222 b. Sh. loc. cit. pp. 152-154. 


Ebx Ric^^jjdus. Welcom, full high and nobull prince, to ua 
right 8peciall, 
To this jQur chaumber, so called of antiquite ! 
The presens of jour noble person reioyseth our^ hari» all; 
5 We all mowe blesse the tyme of yowr nativite. 

The right lyne of the roysil blode ys now as itt schulde be ; 
Wherfore God of his goodnes preserve you in bodily helth, 
To us and jour tenauntes here, perpetuall ioy ; and to all londis, 
welth ! 

10 Also at the Condite afore Eichard Bray toft the elder, a-nother 
stacion YriiJi iij paftriarkes ther stondyng upon the seid Condite, 
vriih Jacobus xij sonnes yrith mynstralcy of harpe and dowse* 
meris, and ther rennyng wyne in on place ; and there on of the 
seid patriarkes havyng this speche writtyn : 

15 [Patriarch.] God most glorious ! Grounder and Gyver of 
all grace ! 
To us iij pa^iarkes thou promysed, as scriptur maketh 
That of our stok lynially schuld procede and passe 
20 A prynce of most nobull blode and kyngs sonne imperiall ; 

The wich was fuU-fylled in God. And nowe referre itt we 
Unto this nobull prynce that is here present, 
Wich entreth to this his chaumber, as prynce full reverent. 

25 Also at the Brode^ate a pagiont; and seint Edward beyng 
therin wM x a-states with hym, wzt^ mynstralcy of harpe and 
lute, and Kyng Edward havyng this speche next foloyng : 

[Ejlng Edward.] Nobull prynce Edward, my cossyn and my 
30 And very prynce of our lyne com yn ^ dissent ! 

3 I, seint Edward, have pursued for yowr faders imperiall right, 
Wherof he was excludid by full i\mou8 intent. 
Unto this yowr chaumber, as prynce full excellent. 
Ye be right welcom ; thanked be Crist of his sonde ! 
35 For thai that was oures is nowe in jour faders hande. 

Also at the Crosse in the Croschepyng, were iij prophets stand- 
yng at the crosse seynsyng, and upon the crosse a-boven, were 
Childer of Issarell syngyng and castyng out whete obles and 
floures, and iiij pypis rennyng wyne. 
40 Also in the Croschepyng a-fore the Panyer, a pagent* and iij 
Kyngs of Colen therein Yriih other divers arraied and ij knyghts 

^ MS. ycmr. ^ ^g. comyn. « f. 222 b. 

* This was perhaps the shearmen and taylors* pageant. Smiths* Accounts, 
1474, Expen^^ for bryn^yng furth the pagent a-^/enst the comyng of the 
quene avd the prince vj d. — Sh. loc. cit. 164. The sJiearmen and taylors 
tfwvM have the necessary costumes for the kings. 

116 APPBNDIZ ni, 

armed wiVi mynstralsy of small P7pifl» and one of the Kyiigs 
havyng this speche under writtyn : 

[A Kino of Colognb.] O splendent Creator! In all our 
More bryghter then Phebus, excedent all Ijght ! 5 

We thre kyngs beseche the, wtt^ meke mediacion, 

Specially to pres^ve this nobuU prynce, thi knyght, 
Wich by influens of thy grace procedeth a-nght. 

Of on of us thre lynnyally, we fynde, 

His nobull moder, queue Elizabeth, ys comyn of thai kynde. 10 

Also upon the Condite in the Croschepyng, was seint 
George armed ; and a kynges doughter knelyng a-fore hym with 
a lambe ; and the fader and the moder, beyng in a toure a-boyen, 
beholdyng seint George savyng their doughter from the dragon ; 
and the Condite rennyng wyne in iiij places, and mynstralcy of 15 
orgonpleyinge, and seint George havyng this speche under 
wryttyn : 

[Saint Gbobgb.] O myghty God ! Our all Socour celestiall ! 

Wich thia reyme hast geven to dower 
To thi moder, and to me, George, ]>roteccion perpetually 20 

Hit to defende from enimies fere and nere ; 

And as this mayden defended was here, 
Bi thy grace, from this dragon devour. 
So, Lorde, preserve this noble prynce, and ever be his socour ! 

^ Reception of Prince Arthur in 1498.^ Md. That this yer the 25 
Wensday the xvij day of October Anno xiiij** R. H. vij, pn'nce 
Arthur, the first begoton son of kyng Henre the vij*^, then beyng 
pf th^ age of xij ^ers and mor, cam first to Coventre and ther 
lay in th^ pWory fro Wensday unto thQ Munday next suying, at 
which tyme he removed towards London. Ayenst whos comyng 30 
was th^ Sponstrete 2/ayte garnysshed with the ix worthy[s], and 
kyng Arthur then havyng this spech, as f oloweth : 

[King Arthur.] Hayle, prynce roiall, most amyable in sight ! 
Whom the Court eternall, thurgh prwdent govemaunce, 

Hath chosen to be egall ons to me in myght, 35 

To sprede our name, Arthur, and acts to avawhce, 
And of meanys victorious to have such habundaunce. 

That no fals treitowr, ne cruell tirrant. 

Shall in eny wyse make profer to your lande 

And rebelles all falce quarels schall eschewe, 40 

Thurgh thQ fere of Pallas, that favoreth your lynage 

And all outward enmyes laboreth to subdue. 

To make them to do to yewe as to me dyd homage. 
Welcome therfor, the solace and comfort of my olde age, 

1 £_ 281 b. 
2 LeetBook, flf. 281-282. ^A.'loc. cit. pp. 164-167. 


Prince pereless, Arthur, icbme of noMe progeny, 

To me and to your chamber, with alliMs hole companye ! 

And at the tumyng into ^^e Crosschepyng befor Mr. Thrump- 
ton's durr, stode t?ie barkers paiant well appareld, in which was 
5 the Queue of Fortune with dyvers other virgyns, which quene 
has ^^is spech folowyng : 

[QuBBN OP Fortune.] I am dame Fortune, quene called, full 
To emprours ana? princes, prelats, with other moo ; 
10 As Cesar, Hectot^r, and Fabius, most excellent, 

Scipio, exalted Kausica, and Emilianus also, 
Valerius, also Marchus, with sapient Cicero. 
£ and noble men, brevely the truth to conclude all, 
My favoMr verily had, as storys maketh rehersall ; 

15 With-oute whom, sithen non playnly can prosper. 
That in ^^is muitable lyfe ar nowe procedyng, 
I am come thurgh love. Trust me intiere 

To be with yewe and yours evirmor enduryng, 
Prynce, most unto my pleasure of all that ar nowe reynyng; 
20 Wherfor, my nowne hert and best beloved treasur. 

Welcome to thia your chaumber of whom ye be inhabitur. 

And the Crosse in the Croschepyng was garnysshed, and 

wyne ther rennyng, and angels sensyng and syngyng, with 

orgayns and other melody etc,^ . And at tJtQ Cundyt, ther was 

25 seynt George kyllyng the dragon, and seynt George had this 

" speche folowyng : 

[Saint George.] most soveraign lorde, be divyne provision 
to be 
The ruler of cruell Mars and kyng insuperable ! 
30 Ye reioyce my corage, trustyng hit to se, 

That named am George, your patron favorable ; 
To whom ye are and ever shalbe so acceptable. 
That in felde, or cite, wher-so-ever ye rayne 
Shall I never fayle yewe, thus is my purpose playne. 

35 To protect yowr magnyficence myself I shall endever. 
In all thyngs that your highnes shall conceme, 
Mor tenderly then I yit did ever ; 

Kyng, duke, yerle, lorde, also heme, 
As ye be myn assistence in processe shall leme, 
40 Which thurgh yowr vertue, most amorous knyght, 
I owe to yowr presence be due and very right. 

^ C?iamberlain8* AccountSy made up anno 1499, It. pd. for settyng of the 

SostR in th& Crofichiipyng, when th^ kyng was here, in gret ij s ; it. for takyng 
own of th^ same posts a-geyn xd ; it. for pavyng in thA Cros-chepyng ther 
as the posts stode, of viij yards yi^' d. — Sh, loc cit. p. 156. 

118 APPBXDIX ni. 

like-wyse as I //lU lady be grace I defended. 

That thurgb myschaance cboaen was to dye. 
Fro tbys foule ser^tent whom I sor wonded ; 

So ye in distresse preserve ever woU I 

Fro all parell and wyked veleny, 5 

That sbuld your noble persone in eny wyse distrayn, 
Which welcome ia to th'w your chamber and to me light fayn 

And this balet was song at the Crosse : 

Kyall prt'nce Arthur, \ 

Welcome newe tresur, V to thia jour cite ! 10 

WiUi all our hole curj 

Sitheii in vertue iler, 1 

Lonle, ye have no per, > as all we may see. 

Of yowr age tender ; j 

Cunyng requyred, \ 15 

All hath contnved, V yowr intelligence. 
And so receyved — J 

That Yngland, all playn, \ 

Maye nowe be right fayn V to their extollence. 

Yewe long to remayn, J 20 

Syng we therfot all ; 

Aho let us call }- that he yewe defend I 

To God immortall 

In this breve beyng 

Your astate supportyng, ]■ to jour lyfes yend ! 25 

And vertue ay spredyng, 


appenbk |0; 

Fragments of another version of the Weavers^ Pageant. 

[. PiiOFBTA. Ye gret astronemarris now awake, 
With youre tamtts f adurs of plielossefee 

Into the orrent aspecte you take, 

Wherre in nevis and strangis aperid latele, 
Ase towching the fracis off the wholle professe, 

Afirmyng that a star schuld appere 

Evin in Yseraell amongist vs here ! 7 

II. PiJOPBTA. Bredur all, then be off good chere, 

Those tythingis makis my hart ful light I 
For we haue desirid many a yere 

Of ^^at star to haue a sight, 

And speschalle off that king off myght 
Off whose cumyng we haue had wamyng 
Be ^^e seyd star of profettis desemyng. 14 

Yet furthurmore for owre lamyng, 

Let us naue sum com77ienecasion 
Of this seyd star be old pro^nostefying 

How hyt apperud and vndur what fassion. 18 

I. PisoFBTA. Aftur a wondurfull strange demonstracion 

Ase be the experence prove yt I con ; 
For this star be interpretacion 

Singnefith the natevete of a mou ; 22 

Ase the prof et [Balam] ^ 
Be the spret off God affirmithe well 
Orreetur stella ex Jacob, et exurge homo de Tseraell. 25 

He seyd of Jacob a star schuld spryng, 

Wyche singnefis only this same king 
Wyche amonst vs now ys cum 

And ase towching the lettur folloing, 

£t ipse dominahitur omni gen&racione. 30 

* See Introduction, pp. xxxv, ff. * Obliterated in MS. 


XL PjzoFETA. Here be your favour wold I move a questeon 

Of this princis high geneloge, 
Wyche oner the gentilis schuld haue domeneon, 

Wliere and off what sort born be schuld be. 

I. PizoFETA. Ase ye schall here right worthele 
Be devin powar off a vtVgin pure, 
Affirmyng the |)rofettis agenst all nature. 3T 

II. Pjjopbta, Where fynd you thai in wholle scripture 
Of any right awter wyche that woll mencioni 

I. Pi20PBTA. Isae the profet wrytith full sure, 

Ecce Virgo concepith apdretfilUum I 
Balam seying of the hey vinle wysedom 

A man schuld be reysid here in Yseraell, 
In confirmyng the seyd questeon 

Et vocatur nomen eitts JEmanevell, 45: 

II. Pjjopbta. Yet to me yt ys moche marvell, 

Vndur whatt sort tMt men schuld tell 
Soche high mysteres before the fell, 

He being but a mortall creature. 4^ 

I. PuoPBTA. Be Godis provedence ye ma be 6ure 

The espret of God to them was sent, 
And lafft to vs in wholle scripture 

And them-selvis not knoyng what hit ment 5$ 

II. Pjjopbta. Presid be to hym wyche that espret sent 

Vnto vs pore wrechis of loo symplessete. 
He beying the lord owre Grod omnipotent 
In this his worlds to make vs preve ! 
I. Pjjopbta. Did not that profett man callid Malache 58 


With fysche, fowle, and best and euere odur thing, 
Vndur man to haue there naturall curse and being. 18S 

Yet owre anceant parence at the beginnyng 

Through th\a dissabeydence had a grevas faU 
From the abowndant blis euerlasting 

^ See WCo, line 182. 


Down into the vale off this mezerabull muTidall ; 

Owre nature creatid be hym to be inmortall, 
And now thresh syn fallin into ^ mortallete 
And vtturle distroid wi^owt the gret marce 190 

This ded most dolorus ofte doth me constreyne 
Inwardle to sigh and bytturle to weepe, 

Tyll thaX I remembur the gret comford agein 

Off anceant profetis wi^^ th^ sentencis swete, 
Whose fructuos sencis off profonde lamyng depe 

Wyche apon anceant awteiss grondid constantle, 

Off I^ae, the Sebbelis, Balam and Maleche. 197 

Lord off lordis ! yff thy swet wylbe 

Off thh thi infynit worke send me the tru light, 

Justle to expend thia thy whole mystere, 

And that I wonse ma se that only king of myght, 
And thatt we ma walke in his weyis uppright 

At whose cumyng ase the profettis do expres 

The right ungcion off Juda schall seyse. 204 

Oh Lord, f ullfyll tJi&t hy tyme off pes I 

For my crokid age dravys fast apon. 
Fane wold I see thatt wholle off whollenes. 

Or this mortall lyff from me were gon, 

Lord, remembur thy doghtur Syon, 
Eeleve hir, Lord, in this hir mezere 
Eeyleysche hyr groceose God off hir callamete 211 

Oh Lord, at thi wyll all thing mvst be, 

Yet, Lord, thy g^-oce to vs do exstend 
The to serve wi^^ all vmyllete, 

And wi^^ thy grace hnse rule and defende ; 

Owre solis and bodeis to the we commend 
Ernystle loking for thy wholle prc/mes 
Owt off danger Yseraell and Jvda to reles. 218 

Oh Lord, reylev owre inbesyllete 

And thy only sun off lyff to us do send 
Hym to reseyve with all vmyllete 

Ajid off this mortall lyff thou to make amend. 

^ MS. to inxnortallete. 


Lord, thy powar no man ma compTebend, 
Yet grant me my peytiseion to obteyne 
Not to dy till //<at I tbatt solam sigbt bare seyne. 225 

Ane. Ob Buffrent Semeon, with all vmylete, 
Wycbe art owre gide in gostle gonemance, 

With all due reyerence besecbe I tbe 

Tby bumble obedient off longe contenevans 
Tet bane me, Semeon, in tby remembnrrans, 

Wben it scball plese tbat by Messe 

Ynto Tseraell and Juda reyeylid to be. 232 

Amongst tbe othur remembur me 

Wycbe tbis iiij skore yeris and mote 

In tbis tempull contenevalle 

Tbatt lord owre Gk)d ener loking fore 
Wycbe Yseraell and Juda scball restore 

From dredfull bonde vnto lyberte 

As well apperis be anceant profece 239 

Semkon. Systur An, welct^m to me ! 

Youre boope rygbt hyle I do commend 
Wycb wyll appere ondowtedle 

When tbatt Lord the tyme doth send 243 

cetera desunt. 


™»ccompted, 74/14, rendered an 

■ Muount. 

MtoriB, 36/76, autliors. 

■ »dioyn, 76/9, join to, unite ; pp. 
, 76/22. 

' afecU, 63/973, effect. 
r O&rde, 28/812, afraid. 
lUeonde, 19/523, alien. 
■ll-m^Kht, 3/51, almiglity. 
amaoid, 3/S4, amazed. 
•mes, 107/g ; amye, 107/7, amice, 
anesyent, 99/8, ancient, old. 
sntem, 68/805 f., antbem. 
apere, 64/996, for apair, impair. 
Rsaye, 55/701, esBay, attempt, 
aspecte, 119/3, c on eid oration, view. 
aaposBchal!, 69/1163, eapccial. 
Msadyn, 86/12 ; aasaden, 86/15, 

etc. : aresdyke, 86/23, iirsedine, 

g-gla coloured alloy, 
asBOciat, 78/38, 79/3S, associated, 
augent. 2I/594, prob. for and gent 

(noble), or for argent (white) ; 

Bmrd king wot a black-amoor. 
awe, 60/887, away, 
awter, 120/39, 121/196, author, 
awyntyeiite, 9I/42, ancient, flag. 

bayles, 72/io, bailifTs. 

bayne, 22/636, ready, inclined. 

befome, 2I/613, before. 

bedull, 83/33, »J/i. beadle, crier (?). 

berars, 84/ 10, bare. 

berne, II7/38, baron, 

besse, 6I/902, busy. 

betake, 6S/1 137, commend, commit. 

be-teyche, 4/97, commit. 

be-traye, 26/738, betrayal. 

bewey, 53/652, boy. 

ble, 22^643, complexion. 

bloo, 0O/550, blow, to take breath 

bokeiam, 83/42, etc., bnokrum. 

bordyng, 61/8g2, jesting, trifling. 
bote,64/ioi4, 67/1103, boot, remedy, 

braband, 88/2, brow-band, 
brere, 46/399, brier, 
brethur, 22/637, etc., brethren, 
breyde, on breyde, 68/962, (open) 

bronde, I7/491 ; broad, I8/497, 

brand, sword, 
burlettis, 86/19, padded rolls of cloth 

for bead or mff, 
bwey, 56/753; bweye, 61/902, boy. 
byddyng, 63/965, commaDdment. 
bydull, 87/13, beadle, 
byrrynga, IO4/28, buryings. 

Can, 25/71Q, can do, 

charge, 62/940, import, value. 

chasByng, 85/ 19, chasing, hunting, 

cbefferellys, IOI/13, chevelnres, 

cbeverels, 84/7, for cbeTolurBB, 

cbiMur, 2/zi, etc., children; man- 
cliyldur, 29/841. 

clarge, 6O/870, 6I/905, etc., know- 
ledge, learning. 

clowte, 109/6, clout, iron plate. 

cofyiiB, 74/42, boxea, caaea. 

colters, 84/iS, /or cotters, bolts, 

comenalte, 70/i 184 ; cominalte, 
114/31, commonalty. 

comou, 19/542; eomen, I9/547 ; 
comyn, 21/6o;, pp. come. 

compromytted, 73/25, bound them- 
selves mutually. 

conabull, 112/5, convenient, sui[- 

connfetys, 74/42, comfits, aweet- 

consuett, 73/43 ! consuette, 73/32, 

coat, 20/572, 30/873, *tc., eoaat, 

cost, 4/^, way. 

coterellis, 89/34, cotters, bolts. 


cownttan, 89/43^ counter*, tiling* 

ated in reckoiun^. 
coyff. 94/8, coif, heiM-dreu. 
can, 29/818, sort, kind, 
cundeture, 37/119, condactor, guide, 
cundit, lll/ii, 40, condait. 
cur, 118/11, hewt. 
cuttomyd, 85/] 3, accuitonud, wont 

DecTjria, 6O/864, decrees. 

detsode, 77/38, appear in court (?). 

deformacion, 34/19, ^'''^'""'''y ^**™ 

to mtan form, 
dame, 2O/5J8, deem, judge; pp. 


dissent, 116/30^ deacent. 
dowaemeria, 116/iz, dulcimers, 
dreaee, 6/178, direct one's at^pe. 
dreaser, 95/14, peraon who prepared 

or tended the pageant 
dressyng, 86/31, etc., making ready, 

dyght, 21/615, 43/311, etc., dight, 

dyaeepyGsions, 60/869 i dyaspeci- 
otiis, 69/1157, for disputiaouns, 
diapu tat ions. 

dyase, 88/1 1, dice, ornamental 
beada (?). 

E I 6O/864, 6 1/900, etc., ay I alaa ! 

eder, 72/14, either. 

eftaones, TT/37, again, a eecond 

ellne, 88/14 ; eines, IOO/32, elle. 
enderes, enderes nigiit, 31/i, night 
recently paet, 

entermettyug, 74/6, intermeddling, 
espret, I2O/51, 54, apirit 
eyvin, 4/io8, qua»i ab. equal or 

Panea, 82/8, 84/13, «'=-i vanes, 
fawchon, 84/2 ; faucbon, 86/12 ; 

faychon, 86/32; fawcun, 18/ 

511 ('i"), etc., falcliion, eword. 
fayne, 2/29, 5/145, ^''^-1 ''"'"i S^^ '> 

28/816, A. gludneaa. 
fedoui, lOl/ij, fathoms, 
fere, in fere, 22/642, 24/700, in 


fet, 11/295, '"*''*'■ 

fetemanacipe, 65/702, footmAnahid, 

action of walking, 
fayraar, 55/715, fairer, 
feyrayne, I4/404, feminine, 
for-alaomoche, T3/i2, foraamach. 
ford, 107/6, furroi 
fbr-do, 27/785, undo, rain. 
fOT-wBchid, 26/720, weary with 

for-wera, 49/518, tired out 
foteinan, 57/780, tmvellor on foot 
fowndatur, 3^/178, fonnder. 
fraeia, 319/5. phiaaeif?). 
fnite, 27/799, ^"'i'' ofcpring. 
frjKlit, 30/882, freighted. 
fryth. 10/290, fritb, wooded ConntiT; 

a<aoc. tc. field. 
fyndis, 3/79, fiend'a. 

Qawdia, 48/479, gauds, jesta. 

gawnes, 95/i5, gallona. 

gere, 68/1129, **^- ! g*i'*S 79/4.1; 
geir, 87 /q; geyre, 96/7, etc., 
gear, goods, apparel, properties. 

giandes. 94/9, gianf a. 

glede, 27/780, fire. 

gostely, 25/716, spiritaaUy. 

gradudie, 69/[ [66, graduate*. 

grece, haut grece, 74/40, fat, well- 

groue, 7/183, S^ns Of shudder (?). 

gysae, I4/40Z, gruiae, costom. 

Haft, 60/888, businesa. 

bar, 28/802, harrow, dennncistioD. 

bnr, 63/958, higher. 

hareode, 19/521 ; barrode, 2I/614, 

harie, 22/646, S. Mnneets. to. bairy, 

bayls, 112/13, g''^^^' aalute. 
heddur, II/293, etc., hither. 
Iiell-hede, IOI/26-8, hell-mouth. 
hem, 72/20 ; ham, 28/817 ; hyme, 

73/36, etc., them. 
hendly, U2/13, gently. 
bent, 29/S43, seize, 
heyrynge, 88/27, ^tc-i hiring. 
horgena, 102^15, organs. 
by, 21/614, hie go. 
byle, 122/241, highly. 
higbt, 112/30, hight, is called. 
byght, on bygbt, 3/74, on high. 
Iiyiist, I8/514, most mighty {?). 

0L08SABT. 125 ^H 

hjnd, 11/297. etc., gentle, kind. 

"no", 2/33, man, one. 

hyndly, 7/188, kindly. 

monyssion, 70/u86, monition, sum- 

Ihit, 113/7, '5. yet. 

moo, 57/762, etc., more. 

incoU, 93/41, inkle, tape. 

mote, 3/50, etc., may, must. 

in-fere, 22/642, lee fere. 

mowe, UI/27, etc., may. 

insampull, 6/133, example. 

mvndall, 39/187; mundali, I2I/187, 

the worid (?). 
mvao, Bl/907, eonaider, or wonder 

Jeseyne, 26/765; jesen, 21/698 f., 

geaine, childbed. 

myddia, 8/208; meddis, l8/soS, 

JesBe, 110/15, Jesse, genealogical 
tree of Chriet. 

jubbnrb, 47/433, jeopard, risk 

myght, I8/516, mighty. 

, danger. 

myttfins, I2/323, mittens, gloves. 

joome, IO8/33, Journey, day's work. 

myre, 25/710, myrrh. 

East, 3/70, cast, fonn a purpoae, 

Nar, 50/553, nearer. 

katytfia, 19/535, captives. 

ne, 74/21, 76/25, nor. 

kerne, 27/784, vagabond, term of 

Neowell, I6/474, Noel, Christmas. 


nothur, 4/io8i nodur, 67/1094, 

keveryng, 102/5, covering. 


knytt, 4/94, tied. 

novellia, 1 2/3 3 2, 336, newa, tid- 


Lacge, 36/103, language. 

large, 62/938, freely. 

Oblea, 116/38, obleya, little cakea of 

lartliar, IO2/12, ladder. 


lede, 27/789, a fame, popularity. 

obskevre, I3/352, obscure. 

lew, 60/873, leam. 

oocupie, 75/35, fo'lo" « businesB. 

leycbe, 4/99, leech, saviour. 

Oder, 72/141 odur, 120/i83, other. 

leygenee, 6O/879, ligeance, sUe- 

uddiir, 44/362, odor, perfume. 
olj-ve, 113/25, olive- 


leyKiB,7/i3o, leagues. 
lend, 7/192, remain. 

onposaibull, 4/87, I3/381, impos- 

link, 9a/2i, link, torch. 

on-aunder, I7/491, asunder. 

loggyn, U/31S, lodging. 

or, 21/616, etc., ere, before. 

londe, 49/520, plough furrow in 

originall, 83/12; orygynall, 89/5, 7- 

pasture land, Warw. pnyn. 

pl ay-book. 

looe, 8/214,218, hill. 

loHyngere, 30/859, aarterer, de- 

Page, 56/734, boy. 


pardy, 59/832, parde, verily. 

lett, 63/03, desist, forbear; pp. 

parfettle, I3/380, perfectly. 


parrage, 14/395, family, descent. 

pnrtiea, 25/730, parts, re^ona. 

Moke, 21/607, do. 

■ nules. 18/497, malice. 

paynemaynea, 74/39, paiiidemaines, 

^■^ markisBB, II4/38, marquises. 

white bread. 

^H mede, 47/440, meed, merit. 

paynyms, 113/13, pagans. 

pensils, 82/9 ; pensells, 93/40, pen- 

^B mell, 66/1039, mil, meddle. 

^H mellyflue, IIO/17, melliHuous. 

eels, streamers. 

H merle, 47/433, n.arl. 

pipyns, 74/41, appiea. 

^M mete, 74/48, meeting or a6Mmbly{7). 

platt, 62/947, P'oin, clear. 

^f meyne, 26/748, be diapoaed. 

pooUye, 89/42, pulley. 

^" meve, 2/37, move. 

pottell, 9]/a2, pottle, measure. 

mogbt, 7/189. might. 

molde, 22/626, the earth, the ground. 

postyll, 109/26, apostle. 

prelalt, 107/7, a garment (?). 

premises, II4/13, what has beea 

stated above. 
prentyse, l(n/yi,for prentice, pent- 

prevB, 2/39, prove. 

prikynge, 96/4, ^^1^9, setting to 

probate, 37/io9, proof. 

produstacion, 36/93, proteetatian, 

prognoBtefying, 34/i7, U9/l7, pro- 
phesying; pp. 34/39. 

protOBtacyon, IOO/14, protestation, 
deolaration of dissent (?), 

pyle, 16/453, edifice; pal I ays, proi. 
bitter reading. 

pyne, 112/23, 113/'3. pain, torment. 

pyrie, 8/226, guaC of wind. 

pwynt, 66/1068, point; phi. 63/ 

pwynlje, 89/44, points, laces, 

pyglit, 43/320, arranged. Bet in 

pytt, 12/323, put. 

Quere, 9/265, choir. 

quoat, 6T/1086, quest, search. 

quyke, 64/1019, quick, alive. 

Raygete, 86y7, rochet, garment^ 

worn by bishop, 
recownfort, 71/ii, reoomfort. 
rede sea, 97/34, cloth (?). 
rede, 63/965, 966, interpret, or re- 
red, 27/786; rede, 28/822; redde, 

64/1013, ''ede, plan, couneel. 
rehercee, T9/41; TcherBe, 85/8, etc., 

reycomforde, 42/282, etc., recomfort, 

give new strength to. 
reygallea, lOO/io, e(e.; rygols, 107/ 

16, rigolle, musical instrumentB. 
raygend, I2/344, region. 
reygur, 63/985, rigor, violence, fury. 
reyjuTiiid, 69/ii8i, adjourned, 
reyleyslie, I2I/211, release, 
reymeve, 44/349, remove, 
reparellyd, §3/38, etc., repaired ; 

pres. part. 83/29- 
reryd, 73/46, raised, contributed. 
reypriff, 14/385, /or reprief, reproof. 
roche, 88/20, rock (?). 
rysshea, 88/15; ruysahes, 89/21; 

roBBhea, 95/i4; reesya, 99/3, ***-> 


Sabett, 63/979, Sabbath, 
ealuer, 62/956, bealer. 
aapence, 67/1109, sapience, 
scliapp, plu. (?) 26/741, shape, 

Bcytte, ioi/6, S. fluit(?). 
Bede, 12/345, aeed (?). 
aeldall, 82/20, 86/3, settle or aeat (?). 
sendal, 99/23, IOO/20, aendal, gilken 

sertea, 59/835, certes, in truth. 

serviture, 37/i28, aervitor. 

Beynayng, 115/37 ; sensyDg, 111/38^ 
etc., burning incense m censerB, 

shevys, 87/7, aboes. 

sliope, 89/31, soap. 

singler, 75/i8, etc., single. 

Hitb, 4/106, etc., since. 

eitben, 117/f 5, etc., since, beoauae. 

slop, 86/1 5, an outer garment, 

eoferent, .^9/i77, sovereign; phu 
Butfernlin, 2/28. 

sond, 4/109; Bonde, I9/540, etc, 
meaaenger; niesange. 

eparis, 92/9, spere, pieces of timber. 

apede, 43/31 1, make haste. 

epere, I2/348, spear; cp. holy lance. 

lapret, 119/24, spirit 

apretia, 3/53 ; apryttys, IOO/7, 

stabliBehed, 78/8, established. 

atooda, lOS/42, atuda, posts, joists. 

strangis, 35/49, jib. news. 

Btyde, 29/850, Btead place. 

atyot, 51/576, stop. 

eudere, 8'2/2o, 86/1, Budary, hand- 

auyng, 77/29, ^^^l^9t following, 

eyn, 23/651, since. 

eyth, 6/178, e<c, since. 

syngnefocacion, Sjzfx), signification, 

Tabarde, 86/5 ; Uberd,86/9;; tabard, 

tunic or mantel, 
tabulia, 60/866, tables. 
tane, 6O/862, taken, 
taet, 31/899, explore, examine. 
tent, 6I/891, heed, attend to. 
theal, 84/17; theyil, 107/21, etc, 

thill, shaft, 
thee, 50/557, thrive, prosper, 
this, 36/90, thus. 
thrall, 2/32, bondage. 



thj'ddur, 8/231, etc., thither, 
thynke, me thynke, 2O/562, etc, 

thyre-tyll, 67/1090, thereto, 
till, 37/121, etc., to, unto, 
toocuns, 20/559, landmarks, 
toward-lovyng, 76/32, docile, 
translate, 70, revised, presented 

in a new form, 
trayne, 6/147, treachery, deceit, 
trendell, 109y9; trendyll, 109/io; 

tryndyll, 84/17 1 trindle, small 

trone, in trone, 2/35, 8/63, on throne, 
troo, 4/105, ^^^* ') tro, 30/883, trow, 

truage, 19/5 24, tribute, 
truse, 6/129; ^VS77f truss, bind 

up; trwse, sb. 90/ 120. 
turtill, 3/75, turtle, term of endear- 
turtuls, 45/376; turtillis, 46/421, 

etc,, turtledoves, 
twynke, 1 8/506, wink, 
tyll, 66/1064, to, unto, 
tyntyng, IO2/4, attending to. 

Umellete, 2O/556, humility, 
untill, 63/966, unto, 
unye, 76/33, unite ; pp. unyed, 75/ 
16, etc. 

Velen, 28/8o2, villainous, servile. 
verabuU, 14/394,/or venerable'(?) ; 
S. valuable ; M. suggests renable. 
viallis, 19/538, viols, 
vpsoght, 28/809, sought out (?). 
vthe, 56/751, etc., youth. 

Warly, III/20, cautiously, warily, 
waxun, 49/511, waxed, grown, 
waynis, 30/882, wains, wagons, 
wede, in wede, 26/768, costume, 
wedurs, 8/209, skies (?), clouds (?). 
well-awey, 69/829, welaway, alas I 
wene, 68/819, ween, think, 
were, I2/341, etc.; werie, 49/513; 

werre, 68/793, very, 
wheddur, 6O/560, whether, which 

of two. 
whyddur, 8/230; whedder, 21/595, 

efc., whither, 
where, 76/19, whereas, 
whomly, 47/445, homely, rudely, 
wode, 30/866, mad. 
wodkoce, 47/432, woodcock, 
wone, 68/1120, dwell, abide, 
worthe, 6/137, betide, 
wott, 66/1044, know, 
wyddurde, 29/839, widowed (?), or 

withered (?) ; women tfx>vid he 

bending over as if old to conceal 

the children they were ca/nrying. 
wyle, 69/840; wyll, 67/ 1 100, wile, 

wynde, 6/168; wynd, 7/200, etc., 

wynd, 101/22 ; wynde, IOO/4, etc.^ 


Yche, 47/437, 1, 
ycheone, 6/137, each one. 
yhit, 113/30, yet. 
yeyre, 37/ 126, air. 
yonglyng, 6I/899, youth, 
yorth, 20/560; yarthe, 36/79, «*«•> 



KoTS: — ^The ehartcten in the pageants are referred to only at their first 
appearances. Insignificant names of craftsmen and places, also names used 
for dating, are not included at alL Names are in ordinarj spelling except 
where there would be difficulty in recognising the wor(L Cap. signifies 
Cappers' Accounts; Dr., Drapers'; Mer., Mercers'; Sm., Smiths'; W., 

Aaron, I4/412. 

Abel 2/21. 

Adam, 2/30, 36/89, ^^ho. 

Aginare, 26/727 ; Leg. Three Kings 

gives insula Egriseula in. corm, w. 

Ale and Wine, $u Meat and Drink. 
Alexander, char, in Spec. Pag., 112/ 

Angel, I., char, in 8TC0, 6/143 J *" 

WCo, 42/293. 
Angel, XL, char, in STCo, II/303; 

in WCo, 43/307. 
Angels: Cap., 97/7-8: Dr., 99/ 

15-6, 26; lOO/i, 8; 101/6-12: 

STCo, 9-10. 
Anna, char, in WCo, 40/2 19; Frags., 

122/226: W., IO6/14, 35, 107/2, 

Annals, see Dugdale, etc. 

Annas ; Sm., 82 ; 88/35, 86/5-10. 

Annunciation, The, 3-4. 

Arraby, Arabia, 26/726. 

Arthur, Reception of Prince, 116/ 

25 ff. 
Arthur, char, in Spec. Pageants, 

113/3, 116/3off. 
As out I rodej song of shepherds, 

10/277 f- 3 1 

Bablake, IIO/14, II4/37. 

Bakers, contrib. to Smiths, 78/14-8. 

Balaam, 34/23, 42, 89/197, II9/23, 

Balthasar, king of Arabia (%isu. 

Chaldea), 26/726, 26/752. 
Barbers, released from Cardraakers 

and contrib. to Girdlers, 80/ 


Barkers, see Tanners. 

Beadle; Sm., 82; 88/33, 84/ 1, 87/ 

Bedlem, Bethlehem, 6/168, 178, 7/ 

180, 27/784, 29/833, 37/132. 
Behold^ haw it is come to pass, song 

in WCo, 70-1. 
Bishops: Cap., 95/3, ^6/35, 97/4: 

Sm., 84/3; see Caiaphas, and 

Black Souls, see Souls. 
Bowyers and Fletchers, 8I/1 3 ; con- 
trib. to Pinners, IO4/9-29. 
Braytoft, Richard, Mayor, 73/ 17, 

109/28; II6/10. 
Broadgate, II5/25. 
Butchers, 76/6; contrib. to Whit- 

tawers, 77/4-24, 78/25-9, 105/ 


Caesar, char, in Spec. Pag., II3/19 ; 

Caiaphas; Sm., 82, 88/32, 86/5-10. 

Calchas, I9/521. 

Caldy, Chalciea, 37/iii. 

Calvary, 71/ 10. 

Cappers ; accounts, 93-8 ; assoc. w. 
Cardraakers, 79/7-8O/40; possess 
Cardmakers' pageant, eic, 8I/16- 
26 ; contrib. to Girdlers, 78/3-13 ; 
history of pageant, 93/5-21; to 
possess Weavers' pageant, 78/47- 
79/6; contrib. crafts, 93/22-7. 

Cardinal Virtues, III/12 ff. 

Cardmakers; arbitration w. assoc. 
crafts, 73/12 - 74/26 ; assoc. w. 
Cappers, 79/7-8O/40; pageant 
made over to Cappers, 8I/16-26; 
pageant, IO5/28-9. 



Carpenters, assoc. w. Tilers and 
Pinners, 73/3-6, IO5/3-6. 

Carvers, dismissed from Carpenters 
and assoc. w. Painters, 78/37-46. 

Chandlers, united with Smiths, 75/ 

Characters; Cap., 96/ii ff. ; Dr., 

99/14-7, 100/17 ff.; Sm., 82/1-4, 

86/33 ff. 
Charles, Charlemagne, char, in Spec. 

Pag., 113/11. 
Christ, see Jesus. 
Cicero, 11 7/ 12. 
Clarecus, char, in WCo, 44/331 ; W., 

IO6/15, 35, 107/1, 4, 43. 
CI arks and Sumners, 98/19. 
Clothing, see Dresses. 
Colclow, Thomas, 83/i-i6. 
Cologne, see Kings of Cologne. 
Commandments, Ten, 63/959-64/ 

Conquerors, The Nine, III/40 ff. 
Coopers, assoc. w. Tilers and Pin- 
ners, 8I/27, 103/20; see Pinners. 
Corvisers, 76/6 ; contrib. to Tanners, 

78/19-24, 30-6. 
Costumes, see Dresses. 
Crafts, see Cycle. 
Croo, Robert, writer of MS. of STCo, 

31; of WCo, 70; 89/8, 99/31, 

100/12-3, (?) 100/24, 101/18, (?) 

Cross, Dr., 102/ii; Pinners, 103, 

note 5. 
Cross Cheaping, 103/4, III/37, 115/ 

40, II6/11, 117/3, 22. 
Cutlers, 72/12. 
Cycle, The, xi ff. 

Danes, Conquest of, 92/29. 

David, 11/306, 14/396, 35/70, 36/ 

82, 62/930 ; char, in Spec. Pag., 

Deadman, Cap., 97/23. 
Demons, see Devils. 
Destruction of Jerusalem ; Cap., 93/ 

19, 98; Dr., IO2/26-8; Mer., 103/ 

6-15; Sm., 90/33-92/2, 92/28; 

W., 109/17-24; 92/23-4. 

Devils; Cap., 93/39, 97/i3-8; Dr., 
99/14, 24, 28; 100/3, 5» 20-30; 
Sm., 82, 83/34, 84/8, 87/17-23; 
90/2, 6. 

Doctor, I., char, in WCo, 6O/857. 

Doctor, II., char, in WCo, 6O/864. 

0. 0. PLAYS. 

Doctor, III., char, in WCo, 60/ 

Doctors' Play, 55-70. 
Doves, Episode of the, 46-50. 
Down from heaven^ second song of 

shepherds, 32. 
Drapers, Accounts, 98 ff. 
Dresser; Cap., 94/27, 95/24-5, 33; 

Sm., 85/12-3. 
Dresses; Cap., 93/28-41, 94/6-9, 

96/3-18, 97/32, 36; Dr., 99/23-8, 

103/7, 8; Sm., 82, 83/38-84/9, 

89/40-4, 91/8; W., 107/6-12, 109/ 

Drink, see Meat and Drink. 
Dugdale and the Manuscript Annals, 

xix ff. 
Dj'^ers, xiii, 76/5. 

Earthquake, Dr., IO2/1-5. 

Ebruys, see Hebrews. 

Edward, Confessor, 92/30 ; char, in 
Spec. Pageants, IIO/37, II5/25 ff. 

Edward IV., Reception of, I14/25-7. 

Edward, Prince, see Margaret, Re- 
ception of Queen. 

Edward, Receiving of Prince, 114/ 
28 ff. 

Egypt, 28/820, 29/828, 31/890, 892^ 
898, 112/20. 

Elizabeth, mother of Prince Edward, 

Elizabeth, Queen, xxi; 92, note 3; 
101, note 4; IO6/25. 

Elizabeth, wife of Zacharias, 4/82. 

Emanuel, 35/45, I2O/45. 

Emilianus, 117/ii. 

Erode, see Herod. 

Eve, see Adam. 

Eygyp, see Egypt. 

Eyrodde, see Herod. 

Fabius, 117/10. 
Fines; W., IO7/3-5. 
Fishmongers, 76/5, 8I/13. 
Flight into Egypt, 28-9. 
Fortune, Queen of, char, in Spec. 

Pag., 117/3 ff. 
Fragments of another Version of 

Weavers' Pageant, 119-22. 
French, Proclamation in, I6-17. 
Fullers, see Walkers. 

Gabriel, char, in STCo, 3/47 ; 
WCo, 45/367. 





Geon^e, 8., char, lo Spec. Ptgeants, 

116/11 ff., 1 17/24 ff. 
Girdlere' Pageant, 103« note 2, 105/ 

(Haria in BxeeUU, 9/264 f* 
Gloves, Sm., B8/26-9; Me Dresfles. 
God, $ee Jeaus ; Cap., 94/56, 37, 96/ 

23-5 ; I>r-, ^/I4» 23, lOO/i, 4, 

13, 17-20; Pinners, 103, note 5; 
8m., 82, 83/32, 86/33-86/4. 

Godfrey of Bouillon, char, in Spec. 
Pag., 113/27. 

Goly, Goliath, II2/28. 

Goef ord Street, pageants to play in, 
76/45-77/3, 86/1, 89/13, i?. 

Greene, Kobertus, Ordinance con- 
cerning, 73/7, 1 1. 

Hebrews, 60/88a 

Hector, char, in Spec. Pag., 112/i, 

Hell-mouth, Cap., 97/ 18-22 ; Dr., 

Herod, char, in STCo, 1 7/486 ; Sm., 

82, 88/32, 84/2, 86/1 1-87/5, 9O/3, 

7, 8, 26. 
Hewyt, James, name written after 

second song in WCo, 71, 102/i8, 

107/14-6, 45- 
Hiring of Pageants and Properties, 

Cap., 90/31, 96/20, 32; Dr., 102/ 

28, 29 ; Mer. 103/7, 8 ; IO5/18-9 ; 

Sm., 83/25, 26; W., IO6/31-2, 


Illustrative Charges, see Specimen 

Inventories of Goods, Cap., 94/5-1 1 ; 

Isaiah, char, in STCo, l/i, 34/40, 

39/197 ; char, in Spec. Pag., 110/ 

17; 121/197. 
Israel, I/9, 2/34, I6/451, I7/486, 35/ 

43, 73, 119/7, 25, 120/43, I22/232, 

237 ; Children of, 11 6/38. 
I^ae, see Isaiah. 

Jesufl, 6/149, I6/462, 26/742 ; char, 
in WCo, 56/742; 70/3,110/21,113/ 

14, 28, 33, 115/34; Sm., 84/7, 88/ 
27; W., IO6/15, 34, 107/4, 42, 

John Evangelist, char, in Spec. 

Pag., 111/3. 
Joiners, 93/27. 

JoMph, char, in STCo, 4/ioo; in 

WCo, 46/406; W.,106/13; 107/1, 

Joseph's Trouble about Mary, 4-6. 
Joeiie, Joshua, char, in &>ec. Pag., 

Journey to Bethlehem and Nativity, 

Journeymen; Sm., 86/26 £; W., 

72/1-6, 106/1-8, IO8/46-7. 
Jubytor, Jupiter, I8/517. 
Juda, 1/7, 15/424, 17/486, 36/72, 36/ 

84, 40/204, 121/204, 218, 122/232, 

Judas, 70/4; Sm., 82; 83/54, 87/ 

25-6, 89/41, 44, 90/1, 3, 5, 19, 27, 

Judas (Maccahaeus), char, in Spec. 

Pag., 112/36. 
Jure, Jewry, II2/36. 

Kings of Cologne, Tlie Three, zziii 
fL ; Adoration of, 24-6 ; Coming 
of, 19-23; chars, in Spec. Pag., 
1 15/40 ff. 

Knights; Cap., 96/27-9; &n^82; 
83/34, 36, 84/4, 87/i6, 88/17. 

Ladder, Dr., IO2/12-3. 

Last Performance; Cap., 98/31-2; 

Dr., 102/27-8; Men, IO3/18-9; 

Sm., 92/6-7 ; W., IO6/28-9. 
Lending of Properties; Sm., 90/4, 

28; W., IO6/32. 
Leyve, Levi, 36/84. 
Little Park Street, xxii, 98/40. 
Love members, W., IO6/38-IO7/2. 
LiiUyf Udlay, song of women, 32. 

Machinerv, see Miscellaneous Pro- 
perties*; Cap., 93/28-41 ; Dr., 99/ 
18-22; 101/20 ff.; Sm., 82; 89/ 

Madroke, coupled w. Magog, 1 7/490. 

Magog, giant, 17/ 490. 

Mahownd, Mahomet, I8/516, 28/805. 

Malachi, 86/58, 39/197, I2O/58, 121/ 

Malchus; Sm., 82; 88/35,87/28. 

Managers of Pageants ; Cap., 98/ 
31-2; Dr., 102/27; Mer., 103/ 
18-9; Sm., 83/j-i6; Spec. Pag., 

Manuscript and Editions, ix ff. 

Marcus (Antonius), 117/ 12. 


MaiKsret, Qneen, 74/28 ff.; Recep- 
tion of, 109/25 ff. 
Margaret, S., clisr. in 8pec. Pag., 

Mara, 117/29. 

Maries ; C.ip., 83/36-7, 94/8, 9, 38. 

Mary, char, in STCo, 3/51 ; in WCo, 
45/383 ; W., IO6/14, 34, 107/2. 

Mary, Lady, sii, 103/5- 

Mary Magdalen ; Cap., 93/33, 94/8, 
95/4; 97/8. 

Mason a, iee Pinners. 

Masaey, Thomas, see Pageant Man- 
agers, and Last Performance. 

Mawdycke, Thomas, name before 
songs in STCo, 31 ; in WCo, 70. 

Meat and Urink; Cap., 94. 95/7-17, 
22-9, 35-98/14-9; Dr., 99/39-41, 
100/15-6; Sm., 86/14-7, 91/9- 
25: W., 106/ii-9,_ 109/19. 

Melchor, Melchoir king of Aginare 
(nm. Nubia), 25/727. 

Mercers, Account^ 102 ff. 

Miles, L, char, in STCo, 27/793. 

Miles, IL, ehar. in STCo, 27/797, 

Mikelpurke, tee Mucli Park. 

Mill Lane, 98/37, IO8/3, 20, 34. 

Minstrels, aee Music. 

Miscellaneous Properties ; Cap. 93/ 
28-41, 94/5-11,97/32-6, 98/26-7; 
Dr„ 99(38-9, 101/9-iz; Mer.,- 
103/17; S"i-, 88/18-22, 89/9ff.; 
91/8-26,- W., 107/31-5,109/12-6. 

Moses, 6O/865, 881,61/894, 63/960, 

Mother of Deatb; Cap., 96/26. 

Moving of Pageants; Cap., 86/9-) 3, 
26, 34-5, 44, 98/8, 9, 15, 16; Dr., 
99/35-3, 103/13-4; Sin., 84/22- 
85/6,88/12-37, lli/g, 19,27; W., 
IO6/17, 107/41, 109/21. 

Much Park Street, 85)i, IO6/25. 

Music ; Cap., 94/2?, 3S-9, 97/27-31, 
36, 98/13; Dr., 99/16-7, 29-30; 
IOO/9-12, 102/14-8, 103/10-30: 
Sm., 82/24-5, fi«/32-3, 89/2-3, 90/ 
34-5. 91/23-4, 41-2 ; W., IU6/16, 
36, 107/13-8. 

Nativity, Piny of the, sxiii ff., 6-11. 

Nausicaa, I17/ii. 

New Gate, 86/3. 

NewPkys; Cap.,9-J/iz-4; DrTl02/ 
19-25 ; Sm., 89-90 ; tee Destruc- 
tion of Jerusalem. 

Nonceose, Nuntius, cliar. in STCo, 


Oath of masters of Smiths' company, 

Original, tee Play-books. 
Our Lady, see Mary. 

Pageant ; Sm., Men about the, 85/ 

Pageant Houses; Cap., 98/32-7: 

Dr.i 98/40-99/6; Pinnera, 106/ 

36 ; Shearmen and Taylors, 105/ 

31-6; Sm., 92/3-4, 8-12; W., 

105/36, IO8/1-45. 
Piigeant Pence ; Cap., 95/21 : Sm., 

85/24-5; W., IO6/18-9. 
Pageant Vehicles; Cap., 93/42-94/ 

4,95,98/17; Dr., 99/33-6: Sm., 

84/io-S. 91/10, 92/3-5; W., 107/ 

20-30, 108/46-109/11. 
Pageants, tee various compat^ies ; 

Ordinance relating to, 75/10-14; 

Ordinances requiring all crafts V' 

down of, CbPt 93/31-4: Dr.. 102/ 
26-9; Sm., 92/22-4; w., 106/20- 

Painters, eontrib. to Girdlers, and 
to Cardmakei-s, 72/29-73/2, 8I/7- 
jo; 93/26; 105/24-9; see Card- 

Painting of Faces ; Sm., 88/30-I. 

Palmar, M.iyor, 70. 

Pastor, L, char, in STCo, 7/204. 

Pastor, IL, char, in STCo., 8/218. 

Pastor, IIT., cliar. in STCo., 8/234. 

Patriarchs; Dr., 99/i6, IOO/2, 8, 
101/13-4; clifra. in Spec. Pag., 
115/11 ffi 

Payments to Performers ; Cap., 94/ 
34-9, 98/2o^ ; Dr., 99/43-100/ 
16; Mer., 103/12-5; 8m., 83/31- 
7, 91/28-42; W., IO6/12-16, 

Pence, see Pageant Pence. 

Porfomiers, see Payments to Per- 

Peter ; Sm., 82, 88/35, 8*/7, 87/26- 
7, 90/1, 5. 

Pharisee; Dr., 99/i7, 28, IOI/19. 

Phoebus, 116/s. 

Klate; Cap^ 98/33, 38, 94/?, 10, 
22, 35. 98/1. 3. 11-22; Sm., 82, 



83/35, 43, 84/3, 86/14, 15, 88/ 

Pilate's Son ; Sm., 82, 88/36, 43, 

84/3, 5, 6, 88/3-5. 
Pilate's Wife, see Procula. 
Pinners and Needlers, Pageant, 103/ 

20 ff. 
Pisford, Wm., 105/8. 
Play-books; Cap., 94/12-4,98/28-9; 

Dr., 99/31-2, 103/9; Sm., 89/4-8, 

91/5-6,43,92/25-7; w., 107/19. 

Presentation in the Temple, xxiii 

ff., 39-55. 
Princes, Two, see Knights. 
Proclamation in French, «ee French. 
Procula; Sm., 82, 88/28, 33, 87/ 

Prologue, Isaiah in STCo, 1-2 ; 

Simeon in WCo, 39-40; Cap., 

96/2, 4, 97/24-6; Dr., 99/16, 

100/7, 14, 101/16-7. 
Prophet, I., char, in STCo, I2/332 ; 

in WCo, 83/1 ; Frags., 119/i. 
Prophet, II., char, in STCo, I2/338 ; 

in WCo, 33;i8 ; Frags., 119/8. 
Prophet Play in STCo, 12-16: in 

WCo, 33-9. 
Prudence, char, in Spec. Pag., 

Purification, The, see Presentation 

in the Temple. 

Rehearsals ; Cap., 94-5, 98/5-6 ; 

Sm., 88/17-30, 91/4-5 ; W., 107/ 

35-9, 109/17-8. 
Rejoice, rejoice, song in the Temple, 

Rex, I., char, in STCo, I9/540. 
Rex, II., char, in STCo, 20/5 58. 
Rex, III., char, in STCo, 2O/582. 
Rice, Richard, Mayor, 79/30. 
Richard, King, char, in Spec. Pag., 

Richardson, D. Mathaeus, Mayor, 

Righteousness, char, in Spec. Pag., 


Rychard, name written after first 

song in WCo, 70. 
Rules; Dr., 99/6-13; Sm., 85/26- 

32,92/25-93/4; Tilers, IO8/21 ff.; 

W., xi, IO6/1-8. 

Sadlers, see Cardmakers ; contrib. 
to Cardmakers, 72/29-73/2. 

Satan, I/14. 

Scaffolds; Cap., 98/8-1 1, 16; Dr., 

IO8/9 ; Sm., 84/16-21, 91/ia-2 ; 

W., 109/9-10. 
Scipio, 117/11. 
Sebellam, Sebbelis, see Sibyl. 
Selling of Pageants and Properties ; 

Cap., 98/32-4; Dr., 103/16-7; 

Sm., 92/3-5 ; W., IO6/29-30. 
Scythe, Seth, 2/21. 
Sharp, Ric, 74/36. 
Shearmen and Taylors, Pageant, 

Shepherds' Play, 7-12. 
Shoemakers, see Corvisers. 
Sibyl, 39/197, 121/197. 
Simeon, char, in WCo, 39/i 77 ; 

Frags., 120/182; W., IO6/12, 15, 

33»35, 107/1,7,8,41,43. 
Singers, see Music. 
Sion, see Zion. 

Skinners, 76/5 5 contrib. to Card- 
makers, 77/25-38 ; contrib. to 

Weavers, 8I/4-7, 98/26. 
Slaughter of the Innocents, 26-81. 
Smiths, Accounts, 82-98 ; New 

Play, 90; Peticion to be released, 

72/7-23, 105/36-8. 
Solomon, 1 4/396. 
Songs, in STCo, 31-2; in WCo, 

Souls, White and Black, Dr., 99/ 

14-5, 24-5, 100/2, 3, 5, 6, 100/ 

Special Occasions, Pageants on, 

109 ff. 
Specimen Entries; Cap., 94/ 15- 

95/29; Sm., 83/17 ff.; W., 106/ 

9-19, 107/40-8. 
Spirit of God, Cap., 96/30-3. 
Spirits, Two; Dr., 99/15, IOO/7, 

Spon Street, 11 6/31. 

St. Mary's Hall, 85/8, 90/i2. 

St. Nicholas Hall, 85/1 1. 

Stations, see Moving of Pageants. 

Strength, char, in Spec. Pag., 111/ 

Sundries, see Miscellaneous Pro- 

Swan door, 95/28. 

Sym, name of first Shepherd, 8/218, 

Syon, see Zion. 



Tanners, contrib. to Gardraakers, 
77/25-38 ; Pageant of, IO5/7-13, 

Tawrus, Tarshish, 26/725, 26/751. 
Temperance, char, in Spec. Pag., 

Tilers, see Pinners ; assoc. w. 

Pinners, 103/2O, 103/29-104/8, 

Tormentors, Four, Sm., 82, 84/4, 

5, 88/6-16. 
Trinity Guild, xvi, 99/3, 103/i. 
Troy, 112/2. 

Usual Expenses, see Specimen 

Valerius, 11 7/ 12. 

Vehicles, see Pageant Vehicles. 

Walkers, contrib. to Girdlers, 78/ 

3-13 ; to Weavers, 81/ 1-4, 93/ 

Wawse, Vaus, Hill of Victory, in 

Legend of Three Kings, 33/7, 

Weavers, Accounts, 106 fF. ; 

Arbitration w. Journeymen, 72/ 

1-6 ; Journeymen to have out 
Pageant, IO6/1-8, IO8/46 ; Page- 
ant of, 33-71, 106/2off.; Frag- 
ments of another Version, 119-22. 

Wedurby, John, of Leicester, 114/ 

White Souls, see Souls. 

Whittawers, Pageant, 105/ 18-23. 

Windlace; Cap., 95/34; Dr., 100/ 
3-4, 101/20-4. 

Wodes, Bichard, grocer, 74/35, 

Woman, L, char, in STCo, 29/830. 

Woman, IL, char, in STCo, 29/ 

Woman, III., char, in STCo, 29/ 

Worlds, Three ; Dr., 102/6-IO. 

Worms of Conscience ; Dr., 99/ 16, 

100/14-5, 101/15. 
Wrights, see Pinners, 77/39-78/2, 


Yngland, England, II8/18. 
Ysay, see Isaiah. 
Yscraell, see Israel. 

Zion, 35/67, 121/209. 

B>c«*»B Cut * Son, Liiors, 

English &t--^oni;tii. 

Extra SerieB. LXXXVll. 


lm\\i\[\i Covjjiis Chi[isti ^laiiH: 




Litui'.N Hiow THE UATiiisoairT or Bmmirr tiuou. laaa: 





rvrnirci'oii in vvoLiati ik r'UiKi^af'JK usmiRKi 

®arJ8 (giiglisli Si«t ,^ocii|t!|, 

Omumittwa of HMBK^tvuiont ; 
Director; I>11. FKKDKIlH-K J. KUHXIVALL, ll.A. 

loo. Ue.i W 
1 Hon, 8«ca. 




HESllY IJlTI-KilALi:^, K.-M. 
B»v. Pm.1-. J. K, B. UAVOU, M.A. 
Dm J, A. It MUURAy, 11.A. 

{U'itk fomr tt mU It^trkm h ififtr imrnitr.) 

BDWAiUi n. WMXtcv:. k»o. 

KU?R\iU \\\ ruLLAIlD, M.A. 
Uav. Pu'jc. WALTEH W. &KBAT, | 

^^^ recb 



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mid custom) 4f 

ll$ir prepaid SubHcnptioiia If. for ll" 
■early. The Society's Taxts ore nho 
' I^staj Uut AlemiierB can gatlwak-' 


MSS. awl Bftoli* Ihat K-UlQr* <trii mtntal/fi. 

niltj!^, mill Tilil l>i>ulu wittdi nvmi fjtppit^ or n-atlitiiiKi ■ 


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Sir EkIo'""'^" Oouoiui. 

1^ M^miiv Fliyt. YwaUi uid QnnrnlB. 

I..)»»iu DrUDDUi. 
Auiiiuii of ArlHer 

I igawaU nii<ii> nilil BirboorV, 
l.llintry aiiaUuurrt USH. 
'. SaktnrOTlsuu. 

W. A, Uil*U>L IE*!, C VinoiiB J1.1I14, tTiwl.iiry Purit, I 

OfniiL) u-ufilisli fficxt ^orietii. 

QRtGIJ.'AL SEaiEfi. 


LONX>0;;: lUa'.AN PAUL, TItnxril. TKUlINKlt &"« 





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